Q&A's with HxH Crew!

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This might be different then how I set up this chapter, mostly because it's a Q&A chapter, but please stay with me here! xD I didn't get too many questions, so you'll be seeing questions from Anime characters from other animes as well. Think if it as a Q&A Crossover kinda thing- don't worry, I am also answering questions you all sent me! ;D By the way, for this I willbe using my Twitter username instead of my Wattpad username. Idk I just like it better :P


Welcome to 'Hunter x Hunter gets aTwitter'! For this chapter, I, Saphire, will be your host! :D Let's get this started!!


@SaphireSenpai: First question is from @Iamtheweird_ABY for @Hisoka and @IllumiZoldyck! The question is- "If you two fought, who would emerge as the victor?"

@Hisoka: Obviously I would. Those who face me in a fight never live; except for Gon and Kurapika of course, but that's because I allowed them to live

@IllumiZoldyck: Pffftttt I beg to differ! I'd definitely kick your ass

@Hisoka: YOU WANNA GO, HOE?!



@SaphireSenpai: Next question! This one is from @Kenji_T and it's for @KilluaZoldyck

@KilluaZoldyck: Oooo yay~ Shoot it

@SaphireSenpai: "Do you like me? If not, do you like Gon?"

@KilluaZoldyck: Of course! :D And for Gon, he's my brochacho, yo

@SaphireSenpai: Killua we all know you love Gon lol just say it

@KilluaZoldyck WHAT 0////0 Saphire shush!! ;////;

@GonFreecs: Aww I love you too Killua :3

@KilluaZoldyck @/////@


@SaphireSenpai: Next question! This is from @FanstasiesOnFire for @KurapikaKurta: "How you feel about people calling you a girl?"
@KurapikaKurta: ..... ᕕ(╯°□°)ᕗ

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THAT TABLE.

┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THIS TABLE.

┻━┻ ︵ \('0')// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES

@SaphireSenpai: ....Guess he doesn't like it... 😅


@SaphireSenpai: The next question! This is from @NatsuDragneel of Fairy Tail! (Told you! crossover :P) The question is for....*drum roll* @GonFreecs!! "Dude, your Jajaken is almost like my Fir Dragon's Iron Fist!! FIIIIIGHTTT MEEEHHH"

@GonFreecs: A challenge? 0.0

@SaphireSenpai seems like it xD Will you accept?

@GonFreecs: ITS ON


@GonFreecss: Don't worry Killua :3 It's not like I'm fighting Hisoka


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