Happy Halloween!

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A/N Okay so sorry this was so late xD I've been watching Fate/Zero all  day yesterday and got carried away~ Anyway, here's the Halloween special. :D


Anyone else ready for the trick-or-treaters? My family is tightening up security at the gates lol...something about not wanting our gate to get egged again.
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Canary- @KilluaZoldyck And so you decide that putting me in front the gate will help...

SpooKillua- @AyyItsCanary Ye c:

Illumi- @AyyItsCanary @KilluaZoldyck It's not you have a say in it anyway. Plus, you're being paid to beat the shit outa anyone who tries to egg our gate like last year. I don't see where you can complain.

Canary- @IllumiZoldyck @KilluaZoldyck Lmao true that, Master.


Killua, why is your name like that? @KilluaZoldyck
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SpooKillua- @GonFreecs I mean why not? I'm getting into the spirit :D

Gon- @KilluaZoldyck oh...okay :o Well, are you dressing up?

SpooKillua- @GonFreecs Sure am~ :D I'm going to be a vampire :v

Gon- @KilluaZoldyck I don't know what to be yet...

SpooKillua- @GonFreecs Maybe a werewolf? I feel like that's the best costume for you....:3

Gon- @KilluaZoldyck Oooo that sounds like a good one! Thankchu Ki- *ahem* Count SpooKillua :D

SpooKillua- @GonFreecs ....:l You dork xD


@ChrolloLucilfer I refuse.
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Feitan- @Machi @ChrolloLucilfer I agree. I'm not doing this...it's stupid.

Chrollo- @Machi @Feitan aww come on! It'll be fun!

Hisoka- @ChrolloLucilfer @Machi @Feitan It sounds interesting...if I don't have to do it

Pakunoda- @Hisoka @ChrolloLucilfer @Machi @Feitan Oh no. It we do it, you're going down with us.

Shalnark- @Pakunoda @Hisoka @ChrolloLucilfer @Machi @Feitan Um no. I'm matching vampires with bae @KilluaZoldyck so count me out

SpooKillua- @Shalnark what exactly are they tryna do?

Shalnark- @KilluaZoldyck So danchou wants all of us to be part of a giant spider costume :/

SpooKillua- @Shalnark lololol, y'all tryna make Kurapika go crazy on Halloween?

Chrollo- @KilluaZoldyck @Shalnark Possibly...

Kurapika- @ChrolloLucilfer @KilluaZoldyck @Shalnark You bastard

Do it, and I'll destroy you and take your candy

Chrollo- @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck @Shalnark You're cruel

SpooKillua-@KurapikaKurta @ChrolloLucilfer @Shalnark Savage XD

Shalnark- @KilluaZoldyck @KurapikaKurta @ChrolloLucilfer Damn right


Notice how I'm the only one with something Halloween-y in my name
Come on guys
Get festive!
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A/N Alright, bare with me here; I'm gonna try to get them good Halloween-y names xD


Soooo what name should I change mine to?
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SpooKillua- @GonFreecs You still haven't decided? D:  well what about WereGon?

Mumipika- @KilluaZoldyck @GonFreecs Gonpire?

GhostLeorio- @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck @GonFreecs Or Freecs-enstein? 030

ScaryShal- @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck @GonFreecs Gonbie?

Hisoka- @Shalnark @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta @KilluaZoldyck @GonFreecs HisoGon? ;^D

SpooKillua- @Hisoka @Shalnark @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs Fuck, that does sound scary (BTW full offense to those who ship it, gtfo.-edited 2021)

GhostlyGing- @KilluaZoldyck @Hisoka @Shalnark @LeorioParadinight @KurpikaKurta @GonFreecs GonBat?

EerieAlluka- @GingFreecs @KilluaZoldyck @Hisoka @Shalnark @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs GhostlyGon? You know, to match with your dad?

Gon- @AllukaZoldyck @GingFreecs @KilluaZoldyck @Hisoka @Shalnark @LeorioParadinight @KurapikaKurta But now I have a lot and I don't know what to pick! ;n;


Is this name good?
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SpooKillua- @GonFreecs I guess xD


So I had to beat the shit out of 15 different groups of people who tried to egg @KilluaZoldyck's house...
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SpooKillua- @AyyItsCanary Lmao seriously? DAMN XDD

Illuminati- @KilluaZoldyck @AyyItsCanary Such fools.


I got a bunch of candy today :D Can't wait to share it with Killua, Alluka, Leorio, Kurapika and Mito-san! ❤️
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SpooKillua- @GonFreecs BLESS YO SOUL CHILD! *Can I have all the chocorobos? :D*

EerieAlluka- @GonFreecs Awww thankchu, Gon-nii :'3

Mumipika- @GonFreecs You're so sweet, Gon. :)

GhostLeorio- @GonFreecs YOU ARE THE BEST! :D

Mito- @GonFreecs Aww thank you, Gon! ❤️


So I didn't go trick-or-treating because I couldn't find the perfect costume...;n;
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Illuminati- @Hisoka You don't need one. You're already ugly enough.

Hisoka- @IllumiZoldyck Wow, gee thanks, Illuminati e_e'


A/N Okay, so there will be Q&A's xD Ask the Q's in the comments or message me the Q's and I'll do my best to answer as each character :D

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