The Three Stooges

393 21 15

Please don't kill me ;-;
I know I haven't updated in a while, and it's because
— I don't know what to write about.
— I'm lazy.
— I've been dealing with life and her bitchy attitude.
— I feel like writing for another anime sorta. (Haikyuu or Seraph of the End? My favorites keep changing...)

And I think that's it...
But I sorta came up with something to write about today, I guess. Someone spammed with comments on one of the chapters, and one of them were the Christmas special— where Killua, Itona and Ja'Far fight over Disney princesses. So I thought, maybe I could make a return of their group chat?

So what I'm thinking, is writing tiny snipits of their chatroom. ;) I'll try to make this a long update, because y'all deserve it.~

I'd also like to say, thank you, @pandamaster8, for spamming me with comments and giving me this idea, in a way. xD

So here they are!
I present to you, the Three Stooges™ group chat!


Itona: guys
Itona: guys
Itona: guys
Itona: guys

JaFar: what

Itona: hi


Killua: Itona

Itona: yes

Killua: it's 2am

Killua: why


Itona: hey killua

Itona: want to go exploding with me?

killua: what

Itona: *exploring lmao

Killua: wtf

JaFar: bro

JaFar has changed the group name to Exploding™.

Itona: funny


Killua: guys

Killua: I watched free! recently and

Killua: I love Gary Nanase

Killua: !!!


JaFar: I love Gary too

Itona: yeah gary's FUCKING hot

Killua: FCK you guys


Killua: can I add someone

Itona: wtf no

Killua: bro hear me out

Killua: I want to mess with them bc

Killua: for shits and giggles

Itona: oh

Itona: lmao sure then

Killua: thanx fam

Killua added Yuu to the group chat.

Killua: whalecum u fucker

Itona: yeah whalecum

Yuu: what the fuck

Yuu: where am I

JaFar: you are here

Yuu: no shit sherlock

Yuu: but I mean ?? why?

Killua: we are the united virgin's society

Itona: virgins?? but

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