The Closing

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So yeah, I'm sure you can tell what this is going to be about from the title.

Honestly, I feel the need to apologise — but I'm not going to continue with this book and I'm sorry for all the empty promises of crossovers and other updates I said I would make. The reality is, I'm not into this fandom and I've long since moved on. I've fallen into a state where I feel no motivation to write about anything; even if it's about a fandom I'm really into. I'm all over the place with what I like these days.

Despite this negative tone, I really have to say — I appreciate and love the comments that people leave on this story. I do go back and read them from time to time and they do make me smile. It makes me happy knowing that I wrote something and someone liked it. I also like reading funny comments anyone leaves!

So yeah, this is where the book ends and I'm thankful for anyone who stuck by despite me not updating for maybe 3 years, or more (I don't know how long I'm sorry!!)? You rock! I'm sorry if I've disappointed you with this update if you were waiting for more content, but I really just can't continue writing, especially not for this book. I loved Hunter x Hunter and I still do, but I've moved onto other fandoms!

These are my top 3 at the moment:

– Bandori
– South Park
– Revue Starlight

Maybe I'll make something for any of these, maybe not. For now, I'm not going to write as I just don't have the motivation.

Thank you again, and sorry again.

– Monica. 💞

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