Important (Maybe) A/N

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Not an update! Sorry ;-;

As you may have noticed, I've taken a long time to update and for that I'm really sorry! x3

And you might have noticed the picture for this book has been changed. I hope you like it! I decided to change my username (finally) to SaphireSenpai, the one I have for Twitter.

I also updated my bio so feel free wasting your time to read it whenever. :P

I will try to update again soon but it'll take me some time since I still need to come up with ideas for what the next update should be about. If you have any ideas you'd like to share with me, I'm all ears- er or I mean eyes? xD

Now another Q&A is coming up and I still need more questions! If you want to "Ask" the HxH crew stuff, send me your questions and give you your answers when the update comes. c: Also, I don't know if you'd even want to, but you can ask the author questions too...nothing too personal though. Idk that's if you want to. c:

Another Crossover is coming up and this time it's Fairy Tail :P (best animu in my opinon. if you don't like FT...then fight me idk)

So yeah that's it I guess. C:

Questions, comments, concerns- message me. Really, I promise I won't bite you. c:

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