Happy Birthday Killua + A/N

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Alright, I'm going to start by saying—

Happy Birthday Killua, my little cinnamon roll!

Happy Birthday Killua, my little cinnamon roll!

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+ Plus also to Gon, whose I missed. ^^'

I know this is gonna sound excuse-y, so I'm gonna get to the point.
Between no motivation and getting into completely new fandoms (BNHA, Danganronpa + D&P) I have a severe writers block to write. I'm not saying just for this book, but for other ones too. Everytime I think I have an idea, that doesn't get far, if that makes sense?

Like, I'll have a theme and think of a few things to start out a chapter, but then halfway, I'll either for get or completely run out of things to say or put down, even if I don't have close to 200 words.

I have three unplublished drafts that have been collecting dust since who knows when. One's a request that has been put off for almost 2 years now for an OC at the beach with the crew, the other two are something else I had ideas for but like I said, they didn't get far.

I am grateful for those who've waited patiently and for those who have started reading this book and commenting. I read comments and they make me smile because despite me letting this book die, people still read it and some even think stuff I wrote was funny. That really makes me happy. Not even going to lie, sometimes when I've felt down, I've come back to just to read comments and that helps cheer me up.

So thank you, from the bottom of my heart. :)

For now, until one of those drafts or a new idea pops up, I'll be putting the book on hiatus. If it goes on too long, I'll end it. Maybe I'll start something similar? For a different anime/fandom.
Maybe I could make this multifandom and continue with it? Maybe other characters we know and love want to give Twitter a shot (and criticize its new terrible layout with the circles).

Tell what you think?
I'm open to suggestions and requests. (+ Memes)


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