Hacked Accounts

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So now I'm making a hacked accounts chapter. I mean, don't tell me you weren't expecting this at some point in this book! xD Anyway enjoy!


I am a pretty princess and you will all love me! YOU WILL LOVE ME!
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Gon- @KilluaZoldyck uh Killua...?

Kurapika- @KilluaZoldyck I never took you for the princess type...

Killua- @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs Omg I didn't tweet that!

Kurapika- @KilluaZoldyck @GonFreecs uh lol you obviously did dude

Killua- @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs no! I mean that wasn't me! Like I did not physically type that!

Killua- @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs u sure bout that bro lololololol

Killua- @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs WHO IS DOING THAT?!

Killua- @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs duh u, u lil dumbass

Gon- @KilluaZoldyck @KurapikaKurta Kurapika, I'm scared...
I think that Killua is going bananas...

Killua- @GonFreecs @KurapikaKurta I AM NOT! I swear it's not me!

Kurapika- @KilluaZoldyck @KurapikaKurta maybe someone has hacked your account?

Killua- @KurapikaKurta @GonFreecs Well then- I'll find out who's behind this and kicked their asses!!

Kurapika- @KilluaZoldyck ehehe yeah you do that...lol


I don't know any one has noticed this but
I am an idiot
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Killua- @LeorioParadinight yeah I think we've all noticed...

Leorio- @KilluaZoldyck what the hell! I didn't post that! And shut up pretty princess!

Killua- @LeorioParadinight YOU KNOW WHAT

Leorio- @KilluaZoldyck no you brat I just want to know who hacked into my account and tweeted that

Killua- @LeorioParadinight the same's happened to me...;-;

Leorio- @KilluaZoldyck lol I can tell bruh


guys what if I told you all that I can stab with my hair?
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Killua- @GonFreecs I wouldn't be too surprised at all Gon

Gon- @KilluaZoldyck oh no

Killua- @GonFreecs what?

Gon- @KilluaZoldyck i didn't post that...

Killua- @GonFreecs lololololol happened to you too?

Gon- @KilluaZoldyck aye sir ;-;


Killua has changed his name to Lukia.


Gon has changed his name to Porcupine.

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