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By the time we finally left, darkness engulfed Luke's jet black car as it sped down the highway. It seemed to fly past the trees, soaring along with the dark clouds and the stars that scattered across the sky.

The tense atmosphere was apparent between the both of us, but I didn't make an effort to get rid of it. Thankfully, Luke spoke up.

"Uh, so how have things been?"

Nice one.

"Good," I answer tersely.

"What about school? Anything in particular?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

I could tell that he wanted something from me, I just couldn't pinpoint what it was. His evasion from the point was starting to frustrate me.

"Grades? Friends? Boyfriends?"

I let out a laugh, and looked over at him. He was gnawing at his lip ring.

"Luke, you know everything. There's not a lot to know. But my grades and friends are fine, as always. And you of all people should know I don't have a boyfriend."

His eyebrows raised. "Really? I'm surprised."

I made a weird face and tried to hold back a scoff. "It's really not that hard to believe. Why would anyone wanna date all this?" I asked, motioning to myself.

He glanced over at me so quickly that I wasn't exactly sure if I imagined it or not.

"What about Ashton?"

Uh what?

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I mean, I just thought..."

I cracked up. "Ashton's gay!" I exclaimed. "Plus, even if he wasn't, that would be gross. He's basically my brother."

I saw him crack a breathtaking smile. "Oh." A few short but noticeable seconds passed, he added," Please, Cami, I bet a bunch of people would love to be with you."

I rolled my eyes. "Why does it matter?"

He shrugged, and I fought the urge to press the matter any farther. The memory of finding my mother looking like she slept with three guys in the same night came to mind, and I debated whether I should tell him or not. He had a right to know.


He turned to face me. "Hm?"

But once I saw his face, I knew I couldn't tell him news like that. I couldn't be the one to make him unhappy when I want to do the complete opposite.

"Nothing, I just...are you happy?" I blurted out.

"Yes," he said right away, as if that was expected of him.

"I mean like, not just now, I mean in general. With your life and marriage and stuff," I rambled awkwardly.

There was a long pause following my question. I was both anxious and relieved, because at least he was thinking it over. "Cami, I love you. And your mom," he said shortly, keeping his gaze on the road.

I sighed and whispered, "I love you too, Luke."

A couple hours passed in a comfortable silence, allowing me to occasionally gaze at Luke.

I don't think the man is aware of how gorgeous he was. I could just stare at him for hours. He ran a hand through his quiff and I had to physically restrain myself from doing it myself as well.

As I battled my ridiculous urges, I felt my body start giving into its fatigue. My eyes started to get heavy, and I gave in, welcoming sleep.

I would have too, if it wasn't for the feeling of a large hand, resting on my upper thigh, slowly crawling higher and higher.

Can I get 3K views with this chapter only?? Very early morning update because my butt is being hauled to the eye doctors -_-

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