Sixty One

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I was a mess. A blubbering, dazed mess. The doctors threaten to use sterilization shots if I didn't stop screaming and demanding to see Luke. Ashton appeared later that night, after I texted him what happened. He came over to me and hugged me tightly, as I sobbed into his chest. He rocked me back and forth as I clung to him, guiltily wishing that he was Luke instead.

They were inspecting Luke's body at the moment, and are going into surgery. Apparently, he was injured in his lower abdomen. A centimeter over and the shot would have been fatal.

They honestly don't know if he'll make it. Tears seemed to be a part of my face as they streamed down my cheeks in steady flows. I trembled in Ashton's arms, trying to picture what life would be like without Luke.

No more hearing his beautiful laugh, or laying in his arms as he hums a tune with his melodic voice. No more reveling in the feeling of his hands traveling across my skin, or being able to stare into those gorgeous blue eyes. No more watching his stupid attempts at dancing and baking.

No more hearing him calling me Angel.

I shook my head frantically at my thoughts, and I could see Ashton look at me with concern, probably thinking I was completely insane. I was starting to think I was, too.

"No, no, no, no," I whispered under my breath, rocking back and forth.

This was all my damn fault. If I didn't go, Luke wouldn't have been hurt. We would be at home, playing X-box, or watching a stupid movie. He would get mad over the fact that I won, and I'd tell him to smile, because that's my favorite thing to see in the world.

"Oh God, I can't breath," I cried, "it's so fucking cold and it feels like my heart is about to fall out of my chest." I felt his arms wrap around me and squeeze me tighter. "Ash make it go away!"

"I'm so sorry, Cami," he said, and I looked up to see him crying as well.

"I'll kill her. I'll fucking kill her!" I screamed, and Ashton held me back as I thrashed in his arms.

"Cami, calm down please," he hushed, and I could tell he was having a hard time holding me together himself.

"Why wasn't this me instead? Luke doesn't deserve this," I whimpered.

"If he were in your position, he'd be feeling the same things you are. Maybe even worse. So don't say that. We have two hours until his surgery is done. Do you want me to take you home? We can come back first thing tomorrow," he suggested wearily, knowing that I'd decline anyway.

"No. I'm staying here right next to him. I'm going to be here when he wakes up."

Ashton nodded. "Then I will too."

"Thanks Ash," I whispered, as I heard him him a soothing melody in my ear, slowly lulling me to a restless sleep.

Whoaaa lol I didn't mean for everyone to get so riled up over Luke's rumored girlfriend, I'm sorry. Either way, I just hope he's happy.

Anyway, this story is coming to a close end. But right now you're just gonna have to stick around to see what happens ;) lol I'm evil I know. Until later. Xoxo

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