Sixty Five

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"So where are we going?" I wondered, fixing my attention to the nature outside my window. My dead voice must have made it sounded like I was done with the world. Which, in my case, wasn't entirely wrong.

Calum hummed in thought. "Wherever you want to."

Back to Luke.

I sat in silence for a while, the only movement being the car gliding down the empty road and my knee, which wouldn't keep still. I saw Calum glance down at my knee a couple times, and after the third time, I stopped moving it, afraid he would have tried to touch me.

"Whatever is the shortest distance away from here," I voiced after what seemed everlasting.

I saw him nod once out of the corner of my eye and in a short few minutes, we were at a small house. Despite being so small, it was surprisingly cozy. I liked the simplicity of it.

"Make yourself at home. Would you like anything to eat or drink?" He offered as he took off my small jacket that I didn't even remember putting on earlier.

"Um, no thank you," I murmured, and went to go sit down on the couch.

He took a seat on the opposite of the room, which wasn't very far at all.

"Okay," he began, stretching his arms out in front of him, "what do you want to know?"

I tried racking my brain for questions, but there were just too many. I decided to go with the simplest.

"How did you meet my mom?"

"College," he replied, and I grimaced.

"My mother wasn't in college at that time."

"I wasn't exactly in college at the moment, either," he laughed, "it was at a party. I was actually with Luke."

I could feel my stomach dropping through the ground.

"He told me you guys used to know each other."

Calum's thoughtful yet offended look confirmed what I said. "Is that what he told you? We were best friends, practically. I'm older than Luke, so I invited him to go. It wasn't one of your typical college parties though; it was held at a hotel, where a reunion was happening at the same time. When we were there, we met Jocelyn. Your mother was beautiful. She was young and so pure looking; we just had to know her."

I closed my eyes in disgust.

"All three of us became good friends, even though it was a surprise that she wasn't in college anymore, and that she just got a divorce. I started falling for her, but Jocelyn always seemed more interested in Luke," Calum said sadly, shaking his head.

"When they got closer, I lost the woman I loved and my best friend. I hadn't heard from her in years, and then all of a sudden, she wanted to come meet me again. When I did get around to see her, she was different. She no longer had that radiating look of innocence, but I guess I was too blind to see it then. So when she said she finally wanted me, I couldn't resist her."

I sat there, trying not to feel guilty for Calum, but something inside me hurt for him.

"I didn't know she was married, and I didn't know she was your mother. I was looking for a job when I saw Luke post an ad for a driver, so I took the opportunity. Since we were old friends, it gave me an advantage. I didn't know he was married to the woman I loved. And when I saw you..."

His voice cracked, and he stopped talking to breath. There were tears in his eyes and I ripped mine away from his before I started crying again, too.

"It reminded me of who Jocelyn was before, and made me realize that she wasn't the same person I loved so long ago. I didn't mean to be a cheater."

By this point, I hastily wiped the tears that fell onto my cheeks, not wanting to let Calum see me cry. He rose from his side of the room and slowly walked over to mine, standing in front of me.

"Cami, please look at me," Calum begged, but I refused to look at his face.

"Please?" He pleaded again, putting a hand softly under my chin to tilt my head upward.

He cupped my cheek and stroked the side of my face with his thumb, and I closed my eyes, turning my head slightly away from his hand.

I kept my eyes closed, and before long, I felt a pair of warm lips press onto mine.

Lol I promise I'll get back to Cami and Luke soon. Remember to vote; you won't be disappointed xx

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