Twenty Six

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When I arrived back into our suite, Luke was still locked up in his room. He didn't even notice me sneaking back up into mine and changing into a stripped red and black long sleeved dress, which clung nicely onto my cleavage. I didn't know exactly where I wanted to go, but I knew I just had to get out of here. I was sick of feeling not wanted by the person I wanted the most.

I had brought this in case Luke wanted to take me out somewhere, but I guess it'll have to work for this too. After applying some makeup darker than usual, I ran a hand through my natural waves, letting them fall naturally over the side of my face.

Grabbing my bag and slipping on some heels, I took the elevator down to the lobby. I met Calum downstairs, a bewildered expression on his face. It made me feel secure after Luke's rejection. He eyed my body, and pulled on his collar uncomfortably.

I smirked. "Hey, Calum."

"Hey!" He exclaimed, his voice cracking. Damn, do I make him this nervous? "You wanted to see me, Ms. Novak?" He asked as we walked to the car, holding the door open for me.

I waved my hand around in the air, dismissing what he just said. "Please, call me Cami. And yeah, I didn't exactly have a place I wanted to go. Just...out."

When he got back to his seat, he looked at me through the rear view mirror. "Well there are some bars in the area..."

I shook my head in annoyance. "I'm underage."

He frowned. "Wait, how old are you?"

"I'm only 17," I replied, blushing.

"Holy shit, you're not even legal yet," he muttered and I cringed at the truth.

"That's alright. Um..." Calum pondered, drumming his long fingers on to steering wheel. "Oh! There's this party on the beach hosted by one of the nearby hotels, but everyone in the area is going."

I shrugged. "Sounds alright to me."

Calum grinned, shifting the car into gear.

I sat up abruptly when a thought came to me. "Wait, are you busy? I mean, after dropping me off."

He let out a little chuckle, shaking his head. "Cami, I'm your own personal driver this whole week. If you don't use me, I'm getting paid either way."

I hated how he said used. But I guess I'm in no position to say anything.

"Well...would you mind coming with me to the beach?" I asked, batting my eyelashes.

His eyebrows raised. "Really?"

"Why not? But only if you want to. I don't want to force you into going," I giggled.

"I'd love to. But I have nothing to wear," he admitted sheepishly.

I inspected his outfit. "Don't worry about it. I can fix it up when we get there."

"If you say so," he said skeptically. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke up again. "I'm surprised you aren't here with Mr. Hemmings."

I bit down on my lip and looked out the window. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, I just thought that you guys were...together?"

I looked down, shifting uncomfortably in my seat. "No. He's my, uh, step-father."

Calum's eyes popped out of his head. "The man looks only a few years older than you!"

"Yeah, well," I replied bitterly.

The rest of the drive was quiet, until he pulled up onto the scene. I was bouncing in my seat with anticipation. I could see the ocean from here.

Calum parked and rose out of the car, opening my door for me. After mumbling a quiet thanks, I started walking ahead, wanting to get a better look. He walked over to me and shoving his hands into his pockets shyly, getting my attention with the clearing of his throat. He's freaking adorable.

"Oh, right," I said out loud stupidly, taking off his ridiculous looking hat the company made him wear and ran my hands through his feathery hair, until I was satisfied with how messy it was.

I stripped him from the jacket as well, and tugged his pants down a little, letting them hang nicely on his hips. I giggled when he jumped a little from the tug.

Taking a step back I admired his subtle transformation. The stormy colored muscle shirt did a great job of exposing what he already has, accompanied with the black skinny jeans.

Man, I'm good.

"Okay. Here." I gave him my small mirror I carried around, usually to check my hair.

Calum just nodded in approval. "Damn, you made me look hot."

"You already were before," I winked, flirting shamelessly. A part of me was happy, because it made me forget about Luke. But the other side was weeping, knowing that using him as a distraction wasn't going to do any good.

He wrapped an arm around my small waist. "Shall we?"

Thank you for 7k! Seriously though, after a long day of school, you guys's support for this book and hilarious comments make it worth it. I just go through them and die from laughter.
**Next double update when I get either 10k or 150 followers...whatever comes first. Aha. Seriously tho I'm scared to post a pic of myself but I want to so people know who the writer is. Then again I don't wanna scar your eyeballs for life. For those who did see me for the 10 mins I'm sorry. Lmao. Alright maybe when I hit 10k. Sorry for rambling. SEE U TOMORROW

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