Thirty Eight

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"What about that other day at the meeting?" I questioned softly, and he pulled back, guilt plastered on his face.

Luke ran his fingers through his hair in aggravation. "I was weak and stupid. I couldn't wait it out; I had to do something or I would have gone crazy," he confessed, looking ashamed.

"God, do I know how that feels," I muttered to myself.

"Anyway," he said, getting rid of the heavy tension that was threatening to dampen the mood, "I'm not going to work today; it's all about you. Now go change," Luke demanded with a wink and another slight tap on my bum, causing me to squeal slightly.

He really loves any reason to touch my ass.

I gave him a small flirtatious smile over my shoulder, heading back to my room to slip into a red and black t-shirt dress, that stopped right before it hit my knees. I tied a light blue flannel around the waist, and put on a pair of combat boots. I feel like I could conquer the entire world with them. I yanked a brush through my hair a couple times and put on a little make up before inspecting my entire outfit, watching the mirror grin back at me.

I walked back into the room I left Luke in, and my mouth watered at all the food that was now on the table. I eagerly sat down across from him, letting out a noise of approval when I finally got to taste it.

His stare drifts from the food, to me, and remains there. "You look beautiful, Cami."

I blushed deeply, looking down, mumbling a quiet thanks.

The rest of the day consisted of Luke taking me out to shop, urging me to spend his money, and watching me refuse every time. I wasn't my mother, and I wasn't ever going to take advantage of Luke or his money she she did.

Because of his never ending begging, I did end up buying a small bracelet that said Angel on it, and a set of black lingerie. I smirked at no one in particular when I had hidden it successfully from Luke, wearing it under my clothes so he wouldn't know I bought it.

Later that night, we sat on the couch watching a movie, our limbs completely tangled up. I was sitting on his lap, his hands roaming everywhere.

"Did you have a nice birthday?" He asked, hands slowly moving from my arms to my legs.

I fought the longing to moan. Instead, I let out a shaky sigh. "It was one of the best days I've had in a while. Thank you," I told him sincerely, turning my head to speak in his direction.

I could feel him getting antsy under me, and I starting slowly moving my hips, teasing.

"Angel," his low voice warned, but it sounded more like a growl.

I took his commanding tone as a challenge and grinded harder, the feeling of his erection pressing against me.

"Hemmings," I replied back, looking over my shoulder.

He turned me around briskly, connecting our lips in a haze of lust and pinned my small body against the couch.

"You really shouldn't have teased me like that."

I raised my eyebrow, my mouth curving into a smirk.

"And what are you gonna do about it Daddy?"

Lol I'm evil. Vote and comment!

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