Thirty Two

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Ok. This chapter contains a LARGE amount of mature content and I highly recommend skipping this if you don't like this kind of stuff. I already warned you, so no hate.
Alright, enjoy, for the rest of you dirty mother-effers ;) LMAO. K and Luke Hemmings can f.uck me any day please and thank you. I don't regret a thing I just said.

I stared into Luke's eyes, faces inches apart. I was sure he could hear my ragged breathing.

He pressed his body flush against mine. "Don't tell me you don't want this too," Luke breathed against me, dragging his lips up my neck.

"Because every part of you, every part of your body, is betraying you." Luke bit down softly on my neck and I tilted my head to the side and let out a sound that I didn't even know I could make. "I see the way you look at me. I see the want in your eyes."

He left a path of kisses on my jaw until his lips were dangling in front of mine, begging to be kissed.

"I'm done resisting you."

And before I could even react to his words, I felt his lips slam on mine. I moaned at the contact that I have been craving for weeks. Our mouths moved together passionately as my fingers reached up to tangle in his hair. Grunts left his mouth as I tugged at his roots. He took his bottom lip into my mouth and pulled on it, making me whimper at how hot he looked.

"Damn it, jump," he commanded against my lips, and I eagerly obeyed, wrapping my legs around his waist. He pressed my body against the wall, our mouths never breaking contact. Lifting both hands above my head, I was completely helpless as he attacked my neck once again, nibbling down to my collar bone.

I panted, struggling to escape the refinements of his hands. He just pressed his body even harder onto mine.

"You feel that, huh? You feel how hard I've been for you, Angel?"

I could feel his cock in his pants pressing against my underwear, and I threw my head back in pleasure.

"Luke," I pleaded pathetically, "please do something."

He started to move, creating bittersweet friction. "That's not my name. Think harder."

Oh my god.

"Daddy?" I moaned uncertainly, face slightly heating up. Why did I find that f.ucking hot?

With those words, he laid my body onto the table behind him, kissing me as his finger hooked around my panties and pulled them off in one swift movement. I was completely bare to him by this point, but I was too lost in the moment to be embarrassed.

He dragged his finger across my slit, and I gripped so tightly onto the table that my knuckles were white.

"You're so wet, my God," Luke moaned, biting down on his lip hard in concentration.

"Shit!" I nearly screamed as one of his fingers roughly entered me.

"You like that, Angel? You like it when Daddy does you like this?"

"Yes, yes, yes," I screamed, feeling him adding another finger.

"I can't wait to be inside you," he growled, using another hand to rub my clit in small circles and I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head. The pleasure was unbearable. Before long, my climax took over my body and I felt it convulse around his fingers, which were still pumping in and out of me as I rode out the rest of my orgasm.

Luke took out his fingers out and stuck them in his mouth, sucking on them with glazed-over eyes. I should have been disgusted, but I groaned at the sight, breathing like I couldn't get enough air.

Looking at him, in front of me, I knew that I couldn't and wouldn't ever go back to what we used to be.

Uh. Haha. So like, first time smut writer. Sorry it sucked. If you know me in real life plz don't die or something in swear I'm normal. Kinda. Bye :)

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