Thirty Seven

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The next morning, I woke up to the noise of Luke's angelic voice ringing in my ears. The clock on the nightstand blinked 10:43.

I stepped out of my room and followed the sound of his voice, leading me to the kitchen, only to see Luke tying some balloons to a chair. There was a gigantic cake surrounded by streamers along with a couple wrapped presents arranged neatly behind it.

"Good morning, Angel. Have a good night sleep?" He chirps, smirking in that cocky way of his at me. His evasive mood from yesterday seemed to be gone.

I had to effectively swallow my sand papery throat a few times before answering.

"Morning." I smiled at him sweetly, flushing bright red at his tone. "What's all this?"

"Happy Birthday!" He says and the words hit me like a rock.

I wasn't ever one to have a big birthday party, even when I turned 16. Most of the time, it consisted of Jocelyn giving me 100 bucks, and then she'd leave for the whole day. That is, until my step-father came along.

Luke would take me out to eat, and buy me all these new things, and treat me like a princess, really. He'd make sure I'd have a nice day, despite my protests.

"Holy shit, I forgot," I told him honestly.

Luke smiled, walking over to me. "Good thing I didn't."

"You look like you're in a good mood. Why? What happened last night?" I asked him coyly, leaning on one of the giant pillars that were attached to the sides of the walls for decoration.

He eyed me up and down. "I'm never going to get used to seeing you in those shirts," he breathed, ignoring what I recently said. His bluntness surprised me, reminding me how much has changed since he took me to work with him.

Wrapping his arm around my waist, he brought me closer so that my chest was touching his. "You're 18 now, Cami," Luke whispered, the color of his deep blue irises cutting into mine.

"Which means I can do this," he placed a kiss on my neck, causing my breathing to become irregular, "or this," he traveled his hands down my back and gave my ass a light squeeze. I bit down on my lip, rubbing my thighs together and hoping that he didn't notice.

"And no one can stop me," he finished darkly in my ear.

It all makes sense now. His avoidance. His restraint.

He wanted to wait until I was legal.

Wtf was with those updates? Guys I'm sorry lol. Besides that, 3k+ favorites and 16 k, tysm! Please continue to vote and stuff, you guys are my everything :)
I'll be updating later tonight since wattpad was effing up with me yesterday.

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