Third and four peace of the plan, leading a group and leaving Berk.

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Astrid was rushed to the elder's hut so she could get checked on. Gothi, the elderly healer, told them that she was lucky to have survived and not ended up as dead meat, like the woman that was taken one night a month before her son's birthday. The village never mentioned her name.

Hiccup was disappointed. Why do you ask? Well, first of all, he had to go soon so he could take down Queen Fearius once and for all. And second, Astrid didn't end up being the 'big' distraction after all.

He needed to act fast now. One wrong move and it will all backfire. Hiccup was eavesdropping on Stoick arguing with Gobber and Gobber was trying to defend himself. Hiccup stepped up and broke the argument.

"Guys! Quite down already!" Yelled Hiccup at the top of his lungs and both of them quite down and knew that Hiccup's brain might as well have done its job and given Hiccup an idea.

"Thank you. Now, why don't we do it like this, all the teen's can fight against the five strongest vikings on Berk, since Astrid is down for the count, and if they succeed, they are ready" Hiccup suggested and for once, both Stoick and Gobber actually disagreed with Hiccup saying "Our strongest Vikings are too strong. We can't risk it".

"Okay, then why not start with the less experienced once and slowly work your way to the more experienced once?" Hiccup asked again. The chef and his friend looked at each other, before agreeing.

"In tha' case, wh'y don't you go fir'st and show us wha't you mean? The other lad's will follow yer lead. Everyone migh't as well see how experienced ye are in leadership a'well. If not, then we wo'nt agree on tha' offer of ya'r as well" Gobber said, making Hiccup both sign and agree.

Later that day:

Hiccup and the four other kids were ready to start a battle where it was five of the less-experienced fighters of Berk versus Hiccup and his 'borrowed' gang.

"Okay, guys! Ruffnut, Tuffnut, you two will be teasing the older Vikings, make them mad. Fishleg, you will observe them and tell us what we should avoid besides there weapons, creating our strategy. I and Snotlout will guard your back's 

That's part one of the plan because when I say part two is in action, dodge there attacks and wait till they get tired and counter attack them. It would be easier to take them down that way.

Make sure to keep an eye on both your teammates and the enemy team. This fight will only work if you guys put all our differences aside and work together" Hiccup announced before noticing that the gang (without Astrid because she was standing beside Gobber) was in awe at Hiccup's skills of leadership.

"Ready?" Hiccup asked and the gang yelled, "Let's do this for Berk's future!" And they went out in the kill ring with Hiccup in the lead.

Just like they had planned,  the gang both distracted and attached the older vikings along with gaining information from Fishlegs on what to avoid and where to attack the most.

"Guys! Peace two of the plan!" Hiccup yelled and the gang split up. Once the older Vikings were tired enough, the gang counter attached and the older Vikings were down.

"Good thinking Hiccup! That actually worked out better than I expected it to!" Snotlout yelled in pure happiness.

Looking up, Hiccup noticed that all the Vikings were in awe that the teens didn't get hit once and the twins didn't fight during the whole battle. The gang was acting like one! It's like five people with one mind!

Most of the Vikings had open mouths and wide eyes. The defeated Vikings had fallen unconscious while the gang(plus Hiccup, minus Astrid) were smiling widely.

Astrid was amazed as well, and she wondered how it happened so smoothly from the teen's side.

The gang high fives with each other's and decided that Hiccup was really a good leader unlike any of them. They couldn't wait until he became the chief because then, no Vikings would end up dead or wounded... Hopefully.

Unknown for them, Toothless had seen everything and was proud that his partner had found a way to calm the Vikings down a bit and given them something to celebrate so he can escape and defeat queen Fearius and stop the raids from happening.

Later that day:

Hiccup was walking in the forest, making sure that no one was following him, making his way to the cove where he could meet up with toothless. Unknown to him, the gang was actually following him, but not while on the ground.

Once near the cove, he whistled and toothless came bouncing, much to the gang's surprise, towards his partner. After mounting on 'the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself', they left the island toward the dragon century and borrowed the dragons that would be needed.

After that, they went to find Ghost the Flight mare and Sparks the Skrill at there home at the northern side of the dragon century while the unknown rider and his/her Stormcutter went to the nest.

The gang had followed Hiccup the whole way and once he had got to the flight mare and Skrill, they were both in shock and in awe.

Once hiccup had convinced the two dragons, they flew to the nest, where all the dragons were ready to shoot all there shots at the queen while some were ready to open the way inside the nest.

"Okay! Ghost and Sparks! You two go and take your place inside the clouds. Cloud jumper and your rider will make sure the dragons inside the nest gets to the dragon century while me and toothless make sure that no dragon dies besides the queen, but I have to talk to her first. Everyone, take your place and fire at my command!" Hiccup announced and all the dragons took their place while the mysterious rider got ready to lead the dragons.

"Ready!Set!! Fire!!!" Hiccup yelled and the dragons open the exit and all the dragons inside were lead away.

"Fearius! This is your last chance! Stop raiding and the start eating fish instead! Or else, there will be a life-death battle between you and the other dragons! I as the leader alright" hiccup said out loud. "Never!!!" The queen yelled while the gang covered their ears and their dragons tried to fly away.

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