Training hiccup's test flight crash landing and building a food chamber.

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Hiccup was training his plasma blast, and Toothless was guiding him. The more gas you use, the stronger the attack. Hiccup could choose when the plasma will blast(or explode) and that was the best part.

Hiccup shot several plasmablasts in the air until he got used to it. Hiccup than had to learn how to fly... And he was already pissed! Toothless sure had a good laugh because Hiccup fell every time he either opens his wings or leaped.

At evening, Hiccup had learned the basics and was happily flying with toothless beside him. They were soon out test flying and hiccup did a pretty good job until midnight. This is what happened:

Hiccup was enjoying the feeling when a sudden explosion was herd underneath him and Toothless. Wildfire and Darkfire flew down to check when they found a building on fire thanks to the two twins. They flew away to not get noticed.

When the moon came out, the two decided to land, but Darkfire left to first bring the boat. Wildfire had a hard time to figure out how to land, so he ended up crash landing... In gobbler's workshop!

Luckily, no one but Gobber was there to witness it. Hiccup totally landed in 1 inch away from the blonde Viking. Firstly, Gobber was processing what just happened. Secondly, he was confused, when the realization hit him hard.

Gobber, a Viking who lost his left hand and right foot by a Bonecknapper, was standing face to face with the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Gobber visibly paled, when another screech entered his ears and he paled even more.

But what our little Smith didn't expect was that the dragon, aka Wildfire, would screech back before 'running' out the shop and leaping into the air. Well not actually running. He was more like jumping away from the smith stall and leaping into that air once he had space.

Wildlife and Darkfire were laughing their tails off at the cove. Hiccup had just told him what had happened to him during his little visit, and now, they were laughing their tails off. Now though, Wildfire/Hiccup now in his human form was getting ready to swim out to the sea again and then ride the boat home.

By the time Hiccup got to the shore, Toothless had fled to the cove, the sun had started to rise. But it wasn't quite. No, far from it actually.

"I am telling ya, Stoick! That thing was a black as the night, eyes green, and somewhat greenish color to top it off. There were two Night Fury's. The one tha crashed left through the door, while tha other one called for it through the night sky!" Someone was yelling. And that someone ended up being Gobber, the tribes' smiths and Hiccup's second father.

When in bad timings, it was always Gobber who listened to what Hiccup always had to say, even if they were crazy. Hiccup had to stifle a laugh to not let the others know yet, he wanted to watch this.

"If there was a night fury that broke through your roof, then why didn't it kill you? And run through the door? Are you crazy?" The chief, Stoick the vast and Hiccup's real father, was yelling at his best friend.

"That's a possibility. After all, that stranger a few days ago did say that the Vikings and dragons are now at peace, so it could be an accident." I spoke up, wanting to calm my father down, after all, I was the dragon that fell through the roof after all.

"Hiccup, when did you come back?" Dad asked as I look at Gobber to see if he's okay. "I just got back, when I heard that a Night fury crash-landed at the smiths, and another one called for the one that ran through the door before leaping and disappearing" I explain as I take a hold of Gobbers hand and drag him with me to the forest, giving a look to the teens who soon helped me doing so. Astrid just tagged along though.

"Okay, here's the ting. I want you to help me build something that can feed the wild dragons out in the wilderness so they don't come to Berk, but get their food there instead. That way, maybe there will be fewer crash landings at our Smith" I smirked as we gather wood and start building.

I didn't let Astrid complain or talk to her, because I am still annoyed by her. And by the end of the day, we had a big enough chamber, filled with 50 fishes, and saw some small wild dragons appear and disappear. Gobber and the other teens were amazed at their grateful looks they kept getting, while I was enjoying everything from a tree.
A/N: Here's a Valentine gift for ya. I am sorry for not updating, but I am busy with other things as well. So yeah.

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