A new age, a new trip

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It was a day after the cleanup and Hiccup was preparing for a trip with the gang and Gobber. Astrid had yet to figure out both Hiccups little 'secret' and who the dragon prince is.

The other four members of the gang were helping each other's to get ready. Ever since Hiccup had started ordering them, they wanted to prove to him that they were ready to really put their differences aside and work together as one.

Astrid was also confused about this. Ever since they had amazed her at the academy, also known as the killing ring, they had never fought over anything. Instead, they started working together and help each other instead of just goofing around and do nothing.

Hiccup had kept an eye on them and was proud by there actions. He was actually amazed that the four wanted to impress him by actually putting their differences aside for good.

"Well, this is actually a good change for once, isn't it?" Hiccup asked the gang once they had all gathered up. The new team nods there head in union while Astrid nods her head after looking at them with confusion for a second.

"Tha' is pretty true, you'ng lad. Fo' once  we don't have to worry about any dragon attacking our ships." Gobber answered.

"Right. If we step into the territory of a dragon, they will defend it" Hiccup corrected and Gobber understood that dragons defend their territory just like a wolf does. The dragons also have there own habit's.

"Anyway, let's move it!" Gobber yelled as everyone mounted the boat, with the dragons keeping an eye on them from the air. They wanted to make sure their riders didn't end up in any kind of trouble.

The team (Author note: I've decided to call Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut as a team. The gang means plus Astrid for now.) were helping each other's to fix their stuff while Hiccup fixed the map so they knew where they were going.

The whole way, Astrid was confused about how Hiccup knew this. It's like he was a teacher or a scientist or something. Hiccup noticed this and looked at the team and they started taking Astrid's stuff and placing it with there along with Hiccup's. They didn't get it.

Hiccup signed and walked up to Astrid. "You look distracted by something. Anything wrong?" Hiccup asked to try and figure out a way to make her understand that it was not her business on what he could or not.

"You are. Because you can things no one can and you've changed my friends! They don't even look at me now like they used to! What have you done to them?

This is not what My Berk was like. They used to be strong, and fearless. They were serious, not this. They're not serious anymore.

They don't act like they are strong and fearless anymore! And worst of all, they don't even look at me like they used to!" Astrid said. Everyone was silent. The team looked down feeling guilty.

"Wow. Someone's jealous." Ruff whispers to tuff. Tuff and the rest of the team nodded their heads. They waited to see what Hiccup would say, but he was silent and it looked like he was thinking.

"Astrid. You're taking it all wrong. Everyone's the same. It's you who has changed. Ever since you got defeated, you haven't been yourself lately.

You think everyone is different just because the war against the dragons have stopped, but if you look inside there eyes, they are the same.

I think that the Monsterus nightmare might have given your blood something along with the bite. That might have made you as this" Hiccup said suddenly, confusing both himself and everyone on the boat. Gobber was amazed by Hiccup's wise words. The team looked up again feeling much better.

The gang went to sleep with Gobber, but Hiccup was too busy thinking about his partner and his bond. Hiccup wanted to give Toothless Darkfire a little gift or something. Sadly enough, he didn't find any gifts to give.

The next day:

Hiccup and the gang(plus Gobber) started docking an island near Berk, but unknown to them, this is the one island that dragons usually kept away from besides Typhoomerang's and a few other species. This was Eel island.

Toothless and co. had to follow their riders, but only Toothless and Hookfang dared to land. The rest of the dragons went to the nearest island and would come when needed.

The visitors had problems catching fish because there was rarely any fish spotted besides eels. They had only got seven fishes besides eels, and it was already evening.

The gang gave the eels they had captured to the wild dragons. Hiccup was curious and left the group to see what kinds of dragons lived here on the now dubbed eel island.

The team wanted to come too so Astrid and Gobber decided to continue fishing, while the team and Hiccup went out to explore the area.

Once far enough, they settled down to talk about Hiccup's little secret while Toothless had spotted them and went to find the other dragons along with Hookfang.

"What are we gonna do about your secret Hiccup? We know that you are the Prince of all dragons, but how long will it take for Astrid, Gobber, Stoick, and the others to figure that out?

Gobber knows you very well, Astrid has all the pieces to the puzzle, and it won't take long for her to put them together and figure that out.

She only needs to see your Night fury to figure out. Stoick will either know it thanks to Gobber or might figure that out himself. Would you ever tell them your secret?" Fishlegs asked. Everyone looked expectedly at Hiccup for an answer.

"Once the first Viking beside us and Astrid finds out, I might tell them the truth myself. We might try and convince the others as well like Gobber or Spitelout first.

But make sure that Stoick doesn't find out anything. That's how well do it. Okay?" Hiccup asked and the teens nodded there heads in understanding.

The dragons soon landed near there riders and Stormfly the deadly Nadder was disappointed to not see Astrid with them. The five dragon species were like there riders actually.

Stormfly the Deadly Nadder was short-tempered, stubborn, nice, fearless, and a girl who, in other Nadder's eyes, was pretty beautiful.

Meatlug the Gronckle was smart, caring, an eater, stubborn, and in the other Gronikler's eyes, the fattest one. Unlike Fishlegs, Meatlug is a girl.

Hookfang the Monstrous Nightmare is stubborn, Hothead, short-tempered when referred as it or beast, High of himself, and, in the other Monstrous nightmare's eyes, the most thick-headed dragon

Barf and Belch the Hideous Zippleback has doubled personality, troublemakers, big mouth's, small brain, and, in other Zippleback's eyes, the most annoying dragons ever met.

Toothless Darkfire was the son of the leader and the next hire of his previous heard, smart, sarcastic, funny, understanding, think before acting, and in all dragons eyes, a hero and the last of his kind.

"Can you guys please leave this island because you will only get eels here. If you're lucky, you might as well get up to seven fish's here. Forestfire, this is Eel island for the sake of Alpha!" Toothless scolded Hiccup while the other dragons gasped and bowed to Hiccup, resulting as a confirmation that Hiccup Is the dragon prince.

"Uh... Why is our dragon's bowing down to you, and what is that dragon saying?" Ruff and tuff asked in union as Hiccup paled after finding out what Islam they were on.

" uh..... Mr. Toothless Darkfire, I think I told ya not to use my real second name! Oh and I've got an idea about that fishing thing, but we'll need your help. Thanks, bro" hiccup said in a serious matter.

Both dragon and rider smirked at the team and there dragons plus Stormfly, while the team and dragons looked at each other's wondering the same thing: What are those two thinking?

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