Training starts, Trader Johnn's shocking discovery, and A/N

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*AN: I have decided to keep the character, but make her the unknown twin sister of Heather instead, because this will otherwise a story about her instead of about berk's evolution, so to speak. Read more at the end of the chapter*

After a while, it was time for training. Hiccup transformed into his dragon self, surprising the gang while scaring Astrid half to death, and both Forestfire and Darkfire got ready for their training. The five Skrill's also joined in on the training as well, but their's was a little different than Forestfire's and Darkfire's training.

Hiccup had yet to perfect his flying, and he still had a lot to discover, something him and the gang realized when the Claudjumper and his trainer arrived, showing the teens a few secrets that belong to the different kinds of dragons at the nest. Like the fact that the spikes on Toothless back can split into two, or the fact that the Hideous Zippleback can turn into a literal ball of fire once the two heads work together. Things like that.

The seven teenagers from Berk had a lot to learn. hopefully, they will pay attention, because they will need it soon


On the other hand, back in Berk, a ship was docking and every Viking went to greet the visitor, with Stoick on the front.

This boat was Trader Johnn's boat. Trader Johnn is an old man around his early 60-70 years. He always comes to visit Berk, along with some other islands, and has always some new items to sell in a trade for something the villagers already have, but doesn't need.

"Ahhh... Dear old friend, it's been a while since we last saw you. How's it been?" Stoick asked in a booming, yet proud and friendly, voice.

Well, I have it good and all, but I am afraid for her..." Trader Johnn stated, moving to the sides to show a young girl, around fifteen years, unconscious near the old man's feet.

"What happened to her?" Asked a now confused Stoick, while the whole village locked at the pitch-black haired girl with red on the tip of her hairs, with three lines of red going down to the blood-red tips. One line on either side of her face, and one on in the middle.

The young girl might be around 5year old but her skin color is lighter than Astrid's is. Her hair was open and reached to her hips. She was wearing a black strapless dress that reached just above her ankles, and boots that reach up to her knees. The girl was apparently asleep and woke up just as TJ(Trader Johnn) moved to the side, to reveal a pair of deep sky blue eyes. The girl seemed to have panicked by seeing Stoick, considering she backed away at once.

TJ came up to her, mumbling soothing words to her to calm her down, which seems to have calmed her down into sitting on the ground with crossed legs under her.

Looking up, she took in the new details as she finds something missing. And that something was a small necklace with a skrill on in black and golden outlining. (Look in media, but imagine a Skrill instead of the night fury)

The Necklace was wrapped around her upper left arm and was strapped to a deep purple choker.

"I found her out in the sea and took her on board. She was freezing cold but thankfully survived. I noticed some strange markings on her, they looked like the dragon on the Beserker's banner. I need someone who could take her in and help her, so I took her here, as this was the closest. I was hoping to have her sent there after she recovers enough for her to survive there with them" Johnn explained as the Chief of Berk looked at the girl with warm eyes.

The girl stood up on her two legs but didn't move from her spot as she saw the Vikings piling around the boat.


1 month later

Everyone was soon ready to depart. The teen's discovered that they have the general dragon shifter gene, but no dragon keyed into it. So they have been learning to harness the fire, strength, enhanced senses, and their new fire until they have enough control to evolve into the next stage, where they would discover what their hidden species is. but that could take years, if not decades, so small steps. It appears that Hiccup was lucky, at the end of the day.

The five Skrill-shifter's had a boat of their own, that they left to retrieve, and with hiccup out learning to swim as a dragon, or with his alpha shift, as he still had problems with that one himself. Ruffnut and Tuffnut were currently sitting amongst a group of baby Scuttlyclaw's, with their dragon watching over them from not so far away, huddled next to four other dragons. A red dragon was sleeping on the dragons right, with the dragons trainer, Snotlout leaning against its sides. Fishlegs was sitting on a stone to the left of the two-headed dragon, sitting between Stormfly and Meatlug, the two girls watching him intensely as he recorded down everything he could.

Astrid was not present, having gone to talk with 'the first dragon rider', as everyone was calling Claudjumper's mysterious rider.

This was their last day in the dragon's nest, and everyone had changed. Somewhat. They had learned so much over the years, on survival as well as everything else. Alas, the time to return had come at last, but no one was ready for the chaos headed their way yet. Someone was coming their way. Who? Well, this mystery person's name is Dagur: Dagur the Deranged. 

A/N: I have decided to use the Teen Wolf version when it comes to the different shift's. That is alpha-beta- and full shift. And do not worry, something might happen when Hiccup discovers the hidden world, where he and the other shifters may have to decide to either go with their dragon's to the Hidden world and disappear forever, or something might happen which will either make them the last generation to ever become a shifter, or something else. I am not sure yet, as there are many possibilities if I were to bring in Teen Wolf into this.

In other word's, this book might have a sequel where we discover what a were-dragon can do amongst the crazy world of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills Califonia, but that is a long way ahead yet, so I just ask that you give me your opinion. Sequel within the Teen Wolf universe or not?

PS: This book will end with The Hidden World, and that WILL be the last time we will see Hiccup and Toothless if there is a sequel in the future... (mind you, I have read stories of Hiccup and Toothless in the modern era... so just vote for this one as well. alive Hiccup or next generation?) But there might be mentioned about him and the other five kid's that are from this era, or their respective dragons.

what do you think of this chapter? What will our hero say? Will Astrid stop being afraid of dragon shifters now that she knows of them? Will the other five shifters come with them back to Berk? Do they know this new girl, or is this but a coincidence? And what about the four teens that will have to choose between Astrid or Hiccup as their leader one day? who will they choose? Find out in the next chapter!

And what about the pic in the media? I drew it by myself, and hope it's understandable. I don't publish my drawings usually but decided to do it this once. I might publish any other drawings when I want to, if I approve of them, and if you want me to. See you in the next chapter!

Ps: the new girl(whose found by Trader Johnn, is my own character,)

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