Chapter Six

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   "Hey, dad. Have you seen mama? I can't find her." Ryder asks walking into the kitchen.

   "No, I haven't seen or heard from her since yesterday." I say as I place his plate in front of him.

   "Oh, we were supposed to go for a run this morning but I couldn't find her. he sighs before digging into the pancakes I just made.

"I'll be right back." I say as someone starts banging on the front door. After I open it Izzy and Simon walk past me. "Yeah come on in." I say as I close the door.

 "What are you guys doing here?" I ask while pouring me a cup of coffee.

 "Alec texted saying to meet him here. That he has something important to tell us." Iz says while dropping down onto a chair, "Angel, my feet and back are killing me."

  "Well you are pregnant." I say, "Any idea on what he has to say?"

  Izzy sticks her tongue out at me and shakes her head "no." Suddenly I hear the front door slams shut.

  "Oh, good your all hear." Alec pants as he slides into the kitchen. "Ryder, can you go to the other room. I need to talk to the adults alone." Ryder nods and heads to his room.

   "What's up?" I ask after Alec catches his breath.

  "Ok, I got a text from Clary last night but didn't get to read until this morning cause Chairmen Meow stole my phone." Alec says after downing the water I just sat in front of him. "Nathan and Magnus are half brothers. And Nathan kidnapped Magnus. Clary know where they are and I think she went after him."

  "What?" Izzy, Simon and I yell at the same time.

  "Well, there is also one more thing." Alec says, "You know that book Magnus put in the Institute that The Clave gave him."

  "Do you meant the Book Of Black?" I ask confused.

  "Yeah, well it's missing." Alec says and all of us just stare at him in shock. "I also think Nathan might have it."

  "We have to find Clary." Simon says worried and I agreed.

  "Come on lets get to the institute." I say before yelling for Ryder to get his coat.

After we get to the institute, Ryder goes off to finish some report he has due in a couple of days.

 "Ok, what's the plan?" Izzy asks.

  "We find a way to find Clary and Magnus. Find them. Kill Nathan. We never worry about him again." I say matter-of-a-fact.

  Three hour later, "I think I found something." Simon yells and I run towards him.

  "What?" I ask as I come to a stop beside him.

   "I was moving some of these out of the way and found this." he says and holds up one of Clary's sketch books.

  "She has those everywhere." I sigh.

   "I know that Jace. But this one was shoved up behind a bunch of books." Simon shoots back, "Why would she hide it? And look at what's inside."

  I sigh but open it and freeze these were dated back four years ago after she disappeared for a week. "What the hell?" I mutter as I flip though it. Big building. Rooms that look like dungeons. Nathan. Bleeding boy. Moon through cell bars. Wait NATHAN.

   "What the hell." I say as I flip back through. "Fuck she lied."

  "Who lied?" I heard Alec ask from behind me. I toss him the book and dropped down in the chair beside me.

  "She said she was doing a show two week before thoughs are dated." I reply defeated, "Why would she lie to me about that."

  "I don't know. But what I do know is that she loves you. And maybe she didn't want you to worry." Alec say putting the book down.

  Suddenly I heard Ryder yell, "DAD!" Taking off I run towards the living room. Running through the door only to be hit by something heavy.

   Shoving it off I realize it was Magnus. Looking up I get really pissed off. Ryder was being held by a shadow hunters while Nathan had a hand around his left arm. I heard him chanting.

   "GET. THE. HELL. AWAY. FROM. MY. SON." I growl out before walking towards them when suddenly Ryder gets thrown at me and I land on my back with Ryder on top of me.

  "I hope you said goodbye to Clarissa. Because she is now mine." Nathan said darkly before walking through the portal with his friend.

  "Ryder are you ok?" I ask him as I sit up and look him over. I grab his arm and see a mark on him. "Shit." I mumble under my breath when I realize what it was. Demon Rune.


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