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   Amatis and Stephen[video of them dancing] Ajax[left] Ryder[middle] Max[right]

*Ryder*  [Ryder is 17, Ajax is 16 and helps Ryder when he goes on hunts.]

------------------------------------SEVEN YEARS LATER-----------------------------

  "Crap crap crap." I grumble, "I really don't have time for this." I look around when I hear howling, I roll to my feet when I hear it running towards me and it crashes into the place I was hiding in. Growling it snaps at me as I back up, suddenly I fly up and land hard on the roof of the building I had been backed into.

  "You are going to get killed one of these days, Ry." Ajax smirks down at me before helping me stand.

  "Shut up," I groan, "Can we finish this and go home. We really don't have time. Besides Mama will kill us if we miss their show again." Ajax pales and portals us back down and we start fighting to kill it.

  "Where have you been?" Aunt Izzy demands when we show up at the mall twenty minutes later, "You should have been here an hour ago."

  "Sorry, we got caught up," I said before sitting beside Mama and three month old Ragnor[Magnus and Alec's youngest son]. "Hey mama, where's dad?"

  "With Magnus, something to do with a wardrobe disaster." she says and leans over to kiss me on the cheek. "So what kind of demon was it this time?"

  "Hybrid," Ajax said, "Can I have my little brother?" Mama hands him his brother before grabbing my arm and pulling the sleeve up. After staring at it for a minute she hides my arm and draws a itatze and smiles up at me.

  "There has been more sightings of hybrids the last couple of weeks than there has ever been." Uncle Alec say from the other side of the table.

  "Ry Ry," I look up and see Will right as he jumps up on my lap.

 "Hey, wolfie." I chuckle, "You've gotten taller and heavier since I last say you." I start tickling him and he shrieks I laugh along with him. I look up when someone sits down beside mama and smile when I see dad.

  "Hey, Ryder." dad says when I put Will down.

  "Hey old man." I smirk at him, "I'm going to get some ice cream." I walk over to the ice cream shop and order two chocolate sundae's, two vanilla m&m blizzards, and a orange cream with chocolate syrup. After heading back to the others I give them they're ice creams. Max and dad vanilla m&m, Ajax chocolate, and mama the orange with chocolate. I have no idea how she can eat it but she likes it right now so nobody says any thing to her, dad learned that the hard way last time mama was pregnant.

  "Ok, they're ready." Uncle Magnus says as he sits down on Uncle Alec's lap. I turn towards the open area of the floor right as the music started.

  "By The Angel," Mama muttered, "I am going to kill you Magnus."

  "What? Why, they look perfect." Uncle Magnus says shocked and I chuckle.

  "You covered her in glitter. She already acts too much like you and Izzy." Mama says.

  "Hey," Aunt Izzy complains looking at mama shocked. Everyone laughs before turning back to Amatis and Stephen as they dance.

___________________THREE HOURS LATER_____________________

   "Bubby," Ama says sleepily as I put her in her bed. "I luv you."

  "Love you more, princess." I whisper and kiss her forehead before heading to the living room. "Hey Mama, what are you doing?"

  Mama smiles up at me before showing me what she was holding, "Got the new Scooby movie, figured we could watch it together since they're asleep and your father is gone for a few hours."

  "Yes, I'll make popcorn." I say excitedly and head to the kitchen. Twenty minutes later the coffee table was piled up with junk food and we were watching the movie halfway through it I passed out.

  I woke up around midnight when I rolled off the couch. I stand up and start gathering all of the trash and dirty dishes and head to the kitchen to clean, coming back into the living room I grab a blanket out of the basket behind the recliner and cover mama up before turning the TV off and going to my room to shower and change into some sweats before face-planting the bed.

  Only to be woke up by my two idiotic friends yelling, "Get up, Ry. We leave in an hour."

  "Ok, I'm up." I groan as I head to the closet to grab some clothes.  An hour and a half later we enter Taki's and find a booth in the back. "So what's plan today?"

  "There's a party tonight at Midnight Howl. We could go there, it been a while since we had fun." Ajax said before downing his milkshake.

  "Cool. Well I need to go. I promised mama I would go baby shopping with her." I say as I toss a five on the table.

  "Mama," I yell as I walk in the door, "Are you ready to go?"

  "Just a sec, tiger," she yells back and I smile. "Ok, let's go."

  "Awesome, baby shopping we go." I joke and mama punches my shoulder before climbing into my car. "Love you, Mama." I look over and see her smiling at me.


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-Angel's Son[The Angel and The Shadow Hunter sequel]Where stories live. Discover now