Falling Apart

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Pulled over on the side of the road,

watching the other cars speed past me.

I count at least three going over the

speed limit, but they don't get pulled over.

My knuckles are white, still

gripping the steering wheel.

I haven't turned my car off yet.

Should I turn my hazard lights on?

There had to be a reason I had to pull over.

I didn't even have the decency to find

a parking lot or bide my time at a drive-thru

and needlessly buy some greasy combo meal.

I can't stay here for long.

With my luck, I'd catch the attention of the police.

I need to get back on the road and find somewhere else.

But I don't let myself leave the shoulder.

Pre-determined by the Fates,

a slight shiver of sadness spills from my eyes.

My right one for some reason.

It leaves a dark mark on my jeans.

Another teardrop escapes from my eyes.

The left eye dropped its guard.

Such a traitor.

I'm cursed with being emotional in private,

stowing it away like a book on an overcrowded shelf.

So many volumes I've collected.

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