A Troubled Hood Chick-Chapter 3

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Like I said, the story would move by a little quick in this story. Hopefully you can catch up.


Chapter 3-

I scratched the back of my neck while reading the letter that stuck to the front door of our apartment. EVICTED! Stood in big black letters. I sighed and snatched the paper off the door, crumpling it up. I threw it on the floor.

It wasn't my problem anymore. Me and Tre'von have been dating for more then six months now and we're going strong and are happy with each other.

Ever since me and Trey have been together, I haven't been fighting allot anymore. I need to be a better role model for Neveah anyway. My mother has been doing worst. She's now a full blown alcoholic, since I stopped working at that strip club, she has no money.

I walked into my mom's house. The same smell of cocaine smoke hit my nose. She sat at her usual spot on the couch. A plate of cocaine beside her and a strong bottle of liquor. She didn't even take the time to greet me.

"We're evicted." I said and walked straight to my room to pack. I pulled out my phone and called Trey. He immediatly answered. "What's up T?" He asked in his deep husky voice I liked.

I bit my lip. "I got evicted from my house baby." I said ccontinuing to shove clothing in my bag along with Neveah's things. "You can stay with me boo." He offered. "But.." I hesitated.

"But what?" He said sounding kind of annoyed. "I..I will." I said. "Yes, I'll be there in ten minutes. I gotta make a few drops." He said. "Alright see you in a little." I said and hung up. Ten minutes rolled around fast, Tre'von texted me telling me he was outside.

Neveah had finally woken up from her long nap and grabbed her bags. "We're going on vacation." I said. "Mama is coming to right?" She asked. I remember how muh Neveah loved my mom, no matter what.

"Not this time." I said. We walked to the front door. My mother shot up from laying down on the couch. She looked at the bags of clothes and then us.

"You ain't taking my baby Quanti!" She yelled. She gripped Neveah's arm. "Mom she can't live with you,  YOUR UNEMPLOYED AND A CRACK HEAD!" I yelled at her. It was a moment of silence until she let go of Neveah and swung her hand back and it came in contact with my face.

I held my face in pain. I wanted to fuck her up right there on the scene but not to my mother. My hands shook. I bit my lip. I grabbed Neveah's hand, opening the door and walked out. I could hear her crying, no no, not my baby.

Oh well.

"Anyway, this is one of the bathroom's, this is the guest room. This is the game room and this is Neveah's room." Tre'von lead us down the hall to Neveah's room and opened the door.

It was big. She smiled and dragged her bag into the room. "I didn't have time to decorate it. But we'll do that this weekend." Tre'von said and smiled. "Thank you." She said and sat on the full sized bed, admiring the room.

Tre'von held my hand and lead me into another room. "And this is our room." He opened the door slowly. I turned around to look at him. "Our room?" I asked.

"Yup." He said. I smiled. Tre'von didn't like to far from the hood, about 30 minutes away. His house was huge. How could someone live in a house like this and not have a family.

"I know you did not style this room yourself." I said and laughed. Everything was a nice creamy color  with a touch of blue and brown.

"You are correct, my moms did it." He said and laughed. I turned around to be looking in this huge, creme mirror. I smiled at myself and pulled a loose strand of hair in place. Tre'von walked up behind me and swung his arms around my waist.

"I wanna take you and Neveah out to eat." He said and kissed my neck. I smiled. "Okay." I said. I slipped on my coat and shoes. I walked out of our bedroom? It felt so weird saying it. I walked down the hall to Neveah's room and knocked on the door.

"Neveah lets go, we're going out to eat." I said. She instantly opened the door. I laughed. "Dang, I ain't know you was that hungry." We walked downstairs to see Tre'von already down there and ready to go.

Ricardo, my ex-boyfriend would be late for everything anything the both of us did. "Ready to go?" He asked handing Neveah her coat from out the closet. "Yup." I said. He opened up the front door for all of us and we got in his benz.

He drove pretty fast so I had to hold onto my seat. It had been a long time since I rode in car. It felt as if my face was pulling back from the way the wind was pushing againist my face.

Music stayed on low, I watched as Trey nodded his head to the beat. So into the music. Neveah sat in the back seat smiling, looking as happy as she could be.

Things seem to be going great.

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