A Troubled Hood Chick- Chapter 9

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Seriously tho, would you guys like if I did 10 urban books in one book? Wouldn't that be cool! Comment if you would read them. Anyway's on to the story. No goal :3 Anyway I really want to write longer chapters for you guys so I was thinking maybe Sunday could be the longest chapters day. Idk



I forced myself to get out of bed. My back ached. But I continued to get out of bed. My feet hit the soft chocolate brown carpet. Asia had convinced me to go back to school. I threw my hair into a messy bun, slipping on some my clothes that were already laid out. Walking out my bedroom door, I walked into the kitchen to see Neveah eating a bowl of cereal. And Tre'von cooking breakfast.

"Why you up so early?" He asked me while scrambling some eggs. "I have school." I said grabbing a cinnamon bagel from out of the fridge. He nodded.

"Neveah go wait in the car." I said. She finished the last of her cereal, grabbing her backpack and walked outside. Once she was out of the way I began to speak,but he cut me off.

"I know...your pregnant." He said smiling. I was happy that he was happy. "Your not upset?" I asked finishing the last of my bagel. He turned away from the stove and grabbed me by my waist.

"Look baby, I got you and the baby that's living in your stomach, aight?" He said pecking me on my lips, then rubbing my stomach. I smiled. "Actions speak louder then words." I said hugging him while taking deep whiffs of his cologne.



I took a deep toke of my blunt and exhaled it. It was nothing better then smoking weed, making money and chilling with my boys. A loud knock banged on the door. I brag my gun close to me along with my workers. One of my toughest workers answered the door. It was only one of my best clients.

"Greg, nice to see you man." I said finishing my blunt and walking over to give him some dap.

"What's up Trey, what you got for me?" He asked pulling out a blunt from his pocket along with a lighter. I glanced over at one of the workers. They handed him a few pounds of weed. He dug deep into his pocket and handed me a wad of cash. A smiled at the sight of the money.

I took it from him and shoved it in my pocket. "Bro, we got a few niggas we need to take down. They owe us 50 g's." Greg said, rubbing his tall fade. I sighed, motioning for a few of the workers to come.

I didn't understand why niggas couldn't follow my orders and sell the stuff I needed them too. We all walked out the safe house and into my cream escalade. I hopped into the driver's seat, Greg sat in the passenger seat and the three workers I had with me sat in the back.

"Where these niggas hang around?" I asked before starting up my truck. "Around the sun coast gas station." Greg said scrolling down his iPhone. I nodded driving at 60 mph, in a 40 mph lane. Money is money. And with a baby on the way I really needed it.

It didn't take me to long to get to the gas station. I parked in an alley only a few blocks away so they'd be surprised to see me. I held the heavy cold metal gun in my hand ready to kill if I had to. Greg and I got out of the car along with my three best workers.

"Y'all ready?" I asked. Everyone nodded. We walked down the few blocks and finally saw the dudes who owed us money. "Hey Damaris, where's the cash?" I asked pressing against the gun that was tucked under my jeans and covered over my polo shirt.

I had finally remembered that I hadn't but on my bullet proof vest. That was very important to have. But I shrugged it off, what's the least that could happen? Damaris scratched his head. "What?" He asked scrunching up his eyebrows. I could tell he was lying, whenever someone was lying their first sentence is what.

I clutched my fist and unclenched them. "I really don't have time to be playing games with you. I gave you 25 pounds of loud!" I said sternly, while getting frustrated. He dug deeply into his pocket and pulled out some folded cash.

He handed it to me. I passed it on to one of my workers so they could count it. " This is only $200 dollars sir." He said. My blood began to boil. I yanked Damaris by his shirt, dragging him into an alley. My gun placed against his temple.

"I'll just have to kill you." I said and smirked. Right before I could pull the trigger, stray bullets came shooting out of guns. I let go of Damaris and rolled behind a trash can with Greg right by my side. Half of Damaris's gang shot at us. I pulled out my gun, pushing down on the trigger with nothing holding me back.

I rolled from out of the trash can, forgetting that I didn't have on my bullet proof vest. My workers laid on the ground dead. Sadly they were one of my best people. Thankfully it wasn't me. I shot Damaris once before he could pull out his gun.

Shooting at more of his gang members with Greg helping me. We had one more. Before I knew it a stinging pain came into my back, along with my chest. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. I feel to the ground. I instantly was out.



"Uhh, what is wrong with this boy?" I said to myself while sitting in my car repeatedly calling Trey'von. Over and over again and still no answer. I tried once more which was damn well going to be the last time I called him. Hey, this ya' boy Trey. Leave me a message.

I rolled my eyes and ended the call. I threw my phone on the passenger seat. My phone finally rang. "Hello!" I said almost yelling into the phone. Someone cleared their throat through the phone. "Hello mam, I am calling from Presbyterian Hospital to notify you that your boyfriend Trey'von Colemon is in the hospital.

My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. "Seriously, what happen?" I asked placing a hand on my forehead. 'It would be best if you came to the hospital." The nurse said. "Ok." I instantly hung up the phone and started up my hummer once again.

I pulled out of my drive way and sped out of the subdivision. Thank god traffic wasn't so bad. It took me a short five minutes to get there since I was speeding down the road. Neveah and I rushed inside the hospital and to the front desk.

The lady at the front desk typed away on he computer and scribbled things down on pieces of paper. She looked up at me through her big lended glasses. "Who are you here to see?" She asked getting ready to type on the computer again.

"Trey'von Gray." I stated. She pushed back her cinnamon colored hair from her face and typed in his name. I waited impatiently for her to find his room number. "Room 493." She said. I sighed, thanking her and rushing to his room.


Quanti pressed her hand against his cold cheek. "Is he gonna be okay?" She asked while sniffling into a tissue. Trey was hooked up to an iv. The nurse was in the room trying to answer all the questions Quanti had. She was also waiting for Ms. Colemon to get there.

"I'm sorry miss, we are trying to do the best we can. He's in a coma right now." The nurse said jotting things down on a clip board. Tears burst out of my eyes. It hurt to say that he wasn't looking so good. The nurse walked out of the room leaving Quanti , Trey and Neveah in the room.

"Is Trey going to be okay?" Neveah asked with hurt filling her eyes. "I hope so." Quanti said. She scooted her chair up towards his bed. She laid her head on his chest. She loved to feel the beat of his heart and the pace of his breathing.

Make him be okay lord. Quanti thought. Finally Ms. Colemon along with Janae walked into Trey's hospital room. Ms. Coleman was a very churchy women. She got on her knees and while laying next to Trey's bed.

Quanti hoped her prayers would work and god would answer them. Taking care of two children wouldn't be easy.

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