I woke up when Luke was shaking me. I rolled over finding Luke stood on the floor.

"What," I mumbled looking at his floppy in styled hair,"I was asleep."

"You have an hour to get ready were going out for lunch," Luke said, "We arrived afew hours ago," I rolled back over and cuddled back under the covers.

"No. up now," Luke smirked at me. Stealing the covers. I growled at him, "What are you eight," he laughed I pouted and shifted towards him and he lifted me down, "Go sort yourself out everyone else is doing e sound check and Livvi is up stage side with the boys I stayed here with you,"

"I'm going to have a shower. But you didn't need to stay," I told Luke whilst digging through my clothes.

"I couldn't leave you I promised mum I'll keep you safe and we're picking her up in Sydney on the first day of the holidays. For summer and we'll take her with us to America then she has to fly back before term starts. But mum will be here," Luke grinned.

"Well she's going to seem like just your mum to everyone else," I sighed finding a pair of black denim shorts and a blue tank top. I headed towards the shower.

"Doesn't mean we can't have fun," Luke replied. I nodded and slipped into the bathroom. I quickly had a shower, dried myself off and went into the main section of the bus Luke was waiting for me, "Get a jacket and a pair of shoes," I pouted at him, "Your lether jacket is by the door and your boots are on you bed,"

"It's like you knew what I would want," I grinned. I put on my boots and jacket. Luke handed me my phone. I pocketed it and climbed out the bus. Everyone was waiting outside for us. Calum came and kissed me gently on the head.

"You okay," he whispered. I nodded. He put his arm around me and walked towards the stadium.

"Where we going," I asked.

"Well we're hungry so were going to get some food then hand it out to fans and some soda," Ashton said.

"Then were going to get some food for us," Michael added. I slowly shook my head at them.

"Luke you lied to me," I grumbled. Calum smirked and looked at me I was still shorter than him in these boots. They had a heel on but they were fat but added three/four inches to my hight. Luke and Michael were running towards the fans I joined in dragging Calum calling with me Livvi and Ashton stayed behing talking to each other. Luke was talking to some girls whilst Michael was walking along and noticed one girl and singled her out. He helped her over the fence and gave her a hug. He was laughing and talking to her. Livvi and Ashton finally caught up.

"Oh my days," Livvi screached and ran to hug the girl. The girl was a similar age to myself.

"Who's that," I asked Calum who shrugged. Luke glanced at me and continued talking.

"Sara come here," Luke called out to me. Calum and I walked falward.

"Hey. Um I think you're really lucky meeting Calum and dating him. I um think you look really cute together," The girl grinned.

"Yeah. I think that it was a big shock seeing he's a bit older than me that he chose me over every other girl her could have," Calum cut me off by kissing my lips.

"How did you two meet," the girl asked.

"Well," I sighed looking at Calum.

"I'm friends with her brother," Calum said looking from me to Luke.

"Is he okay with you guys dating," the girl asked again. Luke opened his mouth I elbowed him.

"I think he's okay with it," I replied. Luke bit down on his lip, "Don't do that," I said out of habit.

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