13. Old friends

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I woke up the next morning with a ghastly headache and in a strange room. 

"You're such a light weight," Lex told me. I frowned at her. 

"Shut the fucking curtains," I growled. She laughed at me and shut the curtains. I was so grateful that she did that. 

"Oh my god my head hurts so much," I whined. 

"Do you want a grill up that always helps me," She asked. I slowly nodded and she left me by myself. Her room had changed a lot since I was last here. The room was baby blue then now it's a royal blue with a wallpaper feature wall - the wallpaper was white with the flowers the same royal blue as the room. She came back a while later with  two plates of food that I was ravenous for. I ate all of mine and I felt a bit better. 

"Are they looking for me," I asked. She nodded. 

"Do you want me to tell them, you're okay," She asked. 

"No. No I don't think I do," I whispered. 

"Okay go shower you smell like alcohol. You can take some of my clothes to wear," She told me. I went to her wardrobe and took some clothes. I looked back at her, her brown hair cascading down her pale shoulders only to stop just above her red tube top. I smiled remembering the fun we had. Maybe I was wrong to change schools all those years ago. To go to a different school than my brother. A different school to all my friends. It got me no where. I quickly had a shower. 



Once I had come back from my shower lex was on her phone to someone. She hung up once she saw me. 

"You feel better now," she asked. 

"Yeah so much better thanks," I smiled. 

"Then let's go," She grinned passing me a pair of shoes that when with the shorts and tank I was wearing. 



We were sat a couple of meters away from the water, staring into the ocean. 

"It's beautiful," I mumbled. 

"Yeah," She replied grinning. I looked at her and she was looking back, "How's your brothers," she asked. 

"Good. Luke's protective as always but you know," I shrugged. 

"So he wasn't mad for you dating Calum," She asked. 

"Yeah he was but he came to terms with it," I replied, "It was hard after everything that happened with James," I said the words tumbled out my mouth before I registered them. 

"No it's okay. I won't tell anyone it was you," she said. 

"What," I said. 

"He's in jail. Well he was. I don't know if he still is but," she stopped talking. 

"You knew," I asked. 

"Of cause I knew. He's my step brother," she said. 

"Wait you're Mom got married," I asked. She nodded, "I have two step brothers neither of them live with us. They're both older than us though. Quite a bit older went to my school," We spent the day catching up doing nothing special. But it felt real. It was real. It was better than contemplating weather everything was worth it. Because I knew this was truly worth the world. 






We came back yesterday because we were worried about Sara. But she wasn't here and she didn't come home last night. She wasn't sat at breakfast. I had never come home to see her not here. Not once. What changed? Why did she leave through her window and why didn't she take her phone? Why did she leave? Everyone left soon after we found out she'd left. We had no clue where she could be. We were as lost as she was. Maybe she had roughed it last night or maybe she was at a friends or she was at a hotel or I didn't even have a clue. She was my sister but I didn;t really know her. I knew old her. Her before my world was turned upside down. Her world was flipped too. I flipped her world by following my dream and she flipped mine just as easily. I sat letting my cereal go soggy in the milk before pouring it down the sink. I wasn't hungry. I sat on the front deck wondering which way she went. She used to love the beach when we were kids. The beach. 

"Mom I'm just going out," I called. I ran all the way to the beach. She wasn't there that was just stupid of me to think she would be. The lifeguard was clearing up a mess not too far from his hut. I went over to him and offered him my help. He was grateful and we started talking about the party that happened here last night. Apparently it was wilder than normal thanks to a girl dressed differently to the rest of the party goers. She was wearing black combat boots and a red dress and a leather jacket. He showed me pictures that the girls had taken of themselves with the camera there. She was at the party last night. That counted for something right? I finished helping him clear the mess and went to Ashton's. I walked right in to find him on the phone. 

"Yeah...... I see..... Okay..... That's good.... I'll tell him," Ashton looked at me. He hung up, "She's with Lex. Lex won't tell me where but that's where she is," I breathed out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

"But she needs to go home," I said. 

"That's the problem. I don't think she wants to. She needs her space Luke," Ashton said. 

"She's had space. Three months of it," I snapped. Ashton looked hurt. 

"Luke but three months for almost four years is really nothing is it? She needs time luke give it to her or we might get explosive consequences,"  Ashton breathed out. 

"So what," I shrugged. 

"Do you remember what my explosive consequences were. They could be worse than that Luke she was so freaking strong after seeing James. She could've been a lot worse but she wasn't she held it together and she still is. She's currently explosive. She's dangerous," Ash told me, 

"That's what I'm worried about. We have three days off. Three days then Mom comes on tour. That leaves her with just Dad," I thought out loud. 

"Luke is she okay," Calum asked bursting in. 

"We haven't talked to her she's with Alexa," I said. Calum sank to the floor. His face paler and he seemed more fragile than he'd been since she left. 

"She will be fine though she's happy," Ash said. 

"Alexa will look after her," I grinned. 

"But what if she doesn't," Calum said. He had a great point. I had no way to answer but with the truth, I couldn't soften the blow. 

"I don't know Cal. I just don't know," I sighed. Calum looked up at me his eyes were sad and his face showed his pain. 

"Does she know what she's doing to us," He asked. He didn't wait for an answer before saying, "I don't think she does because I don't think she cares anymore."

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