Chapter 15

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~Jess' POV~

There was never any 'me time' scheduled, it was all just work, work, work. Even plane journeys consisted of song writing or panicking about turbulence. When the fancy planes have wifi, the 'to-do' list is elongated. The journey home from New York was nearly over and it wouldn't be long before the jet lag kicked in. Who am I kidding? There's no such thing as jet lag in this industry, it's exhaustion.

Soon enough, I was on the way back home. I had half an hour to pack my things and refresh myself before I was back in a car on the way to Heathrow, ready for my flight to Tokyo. Exciting times. Honestly, if I got travel sick, then what would I do?!

I was happy that things with Scarlett had started to be looking up. She had seemed a lot happier and after she had been going quite rapidly off of the rails, she was gradually making her way back onto them and it was a relief to see that happening. I almost fell out of the car with eagerness, fumbling around in my bag for my house keys. As I approached the door, the key was ready and awaiting the lock. Their perfect fit filled me with even more relief as I pushed the door open.

The homely smell that filled my nostrils relaxed my body and made me feel as if everything was ok. I sighed with content as I saw the family photos on the cabinet in the hallway. I missed spending time with my family. I lugged my suitcase upstairs and chucked it onto the bed, unzipping it as quickly as I could.

As Ruby was staying with my family, I initially thought Scarlett would be downstairs relaxing or something.Knowing she was most likely downstairs, I wanted to finish packing as soon as I could, so I could go and find the love of my life. I rummaged through drawers to find some bits and bobs that I could throw together and make some sort of outfit with. It usually worked,however weird I looked.

With my case revamped and ready to go,I made my way downstairs. All I could hear was the sound of my feet making the stairs creak. I figured she was sleeping on the sofa, as the TV wasn't on. Parched; I went into the kitchen in hope of finding Scarlett there whilst getting a drink.

The kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it. Take away boxes spread across the counter, dirty plates dotted over the room, the sink full to the brim of dirty water. The bin was overflowing, it looked as if it was throwing up the rubbish it had been fed. The kitchen; which I treated as my own prized possession,had been wrecked, blankets of mould and dust choking the room. It reeked of something nasty and progressed to get even worse as I made my way closer to the fridge... which had been left open. The stench of milk made me gag. It was obviously gone off. Everything had gone off. The entire kitchen was a mess and I had a feeling the living room would be just as bad too. I was right, pillows too misshaped,wine bottles being collected by the corner of the sofa. The house that I took good care of had just been ruined. My OCD didn't exactly like this.

At first I thought someone had broken in, but the door was fine and food had clearly been eaten. No matter how much I didn't want to put the blame on Scarlett, this was her fault. There was no denying that. My blood boiled, how could she do something like this? When I saw the alcohol bottles, I knew this wasn't good news. Where the hell was she? I was only home for half an hour at the most and she wasn't even around. I thought she was getting better, but then she goes and does something like this. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe her.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and angrily tapped at the screen. I searched my contacts list for her name and put the phone to my ear as it rang, my teeth gritted. For a minute I thought she wasn't going to answer, but then I finally got through. "Hello?" She spoke slowly, trying to sound normal.

"Where the hell are you?" I spat, I couldn't contain my fury.

"I'm out."

"Yes I bloody know you're out. I'm home and you're not. Where are you?"

"I'm at the pub," she slurred.

"Can you hear yourself? You're off of your face."

 "When I said stay hydrated, I didn't mean get fucking pissed, Scarlett."

I didn't get a reply. She was either too out of it to say something or too gutless to have a conversation with me. I'd had enough now. Angry was an understatement and I couldn't stop words flowing from my mouth. They were brutal, yes, but she needed to hear what I had to say. "Look, I think I've been more than patient with you recently. I get that you're not in a good place, but you've crossed the line now. What you've done to our family house is unbelievable and quite frankly I've had enough. You've hit a new low and I don't even recognise you any more. Why did I even think about you getting better and taking care of Ruby when you can't even take care of yourself?"

"I'm sorry," she grumbled.

"No, that's the problem. You're not."

"I am."

"Get your fucking arse back home.Now."


"I don't know, just do it. I'll get a later flight, I need to speak to you."

I hung up on her and started to clear up the mess she had made. The physical mess, that is; the mess she had created in my heart was something that couldn't be fixed.

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