Chapter 13

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~Scarlett's POV~

You should be proud of me. I've tried my hardest and I managed to come out of my room. I can't say that I liked it at first, but I'm getting used to it again and I feel a little bit happier. I can't be a recluse. You have to get better, you have to. My constant bad mood was changing and the knot that kept me tied up was beginning to loosen. You untangle a knot bit by bit, not by pulling it all at once; it only gets tighter that way.

Jess was heading to New York for a while to do some promo and I had decided that it would be best if Ruby didn't stay with me. Well, I don't think that was even an option to be honest. I had tried to avoid Ruby as much as possible. I know that sounds bad, but I couldn't be a good mother to her if I wasn't healthy in the first place. I was sat on the sofa in the living room, covered with a duvet and with a cup of tea, the good kind of course. A random music video was playing in the background from the TV, as I relaxed and played Candy Crush.

Footsteps came from above me and sooner or later Jess was walking down the stairs cautiously, Ruby in her arms. She rushed outside and placed her in the car, before returning to the living room to get her handbag. ''She's sleeping, I'm going to get to mum's before she wakes up. It'll be easier that way, I don't think I can say goodbye if she's awake.''

''You and me both,'' I smirked. I knew Jess wouldn't find it funny.

''Scarlett, really? I know you're being deadly serious because there's no way you'd even go near her to say goodbye, but there was really no need for that.''

''I'm sorry, I just, I don't even know,'' I apologised, there wasn't really an excuse to my stupidity.

''You know, she'd give anything for you to just talk to her and be her mum again. Take her places and be a proper family,'' she explained, I could tell from the passion she had just saying that, that she really wanted it too.

''I'm working on it,'' I stood up and placed my tea on the coffee table. ''I promise, give me just a little while longer and I will be better. A clean slate, a fresh start, a new beginning.''

''You better mean that, Miss Ayers.''

''I've never meant anything more, Miss Cornish.'' Well that was a big lie, I've meant 'I love you' a lot more. It's funny, I never seem to say it much more...

I shuffled my way over to Jess, still remaining in the duvet. I engulfed her into the duvet with me and pecked her on the cheek. ''Don't go,'' she pushed me away from her, not in a mean way. ''We both know you want to stay and come and lay with me.''

''And what, watch Jeremy Kyle?''

''I was talking about something else, but I'm up for that too.''

''I have to go, you know I do. It's for promo, it won't be long before I'm back. We can Skype when I'm free, but if I don't leave I'll miss my flight,' she pouted; like missing her flight would be a bad thing. For me it wouldn't.

''And then you won't be able to go, oh no, what a shame.''

''Seriously, Scarlett. Cez will be here to collect my stuff in about fifteen minutes, but I'll get going now. I'll be back in two weeks. In the mean time: Focus on getting yourself better, leave the house and get fresh air if you can, eat well and stay hydrated,'' she ordered.

''I'll try my best.''

''That's all I can ask for,'' she sighed with relief. ''I love you.''

''I love you, too.'' I did it!

As I sat down on the sofa again, she walked to the door. Before she could leave through it, I called her name. ''Yes?'' She questioned, eyebrows raised.

''Stay beautiful.''

''Only if you do,'' I swear to god I love this woman.

~Jess' POV~

The radio was playing nearly silently, as I refrained from singing. I really didn't want Ruby to wake up, it hurts like hell to leave her whenever I do. It was going to be worse considering she didn't even have Scarlett with her. It was definitely for the best that she was staying with mum. I knew that that way Scarlett would be at her happiest, and so would Ruby. Happiness is good, so really it was a win win situation. You've got to love one of those.

I pulled up in my parents' drive and gracefully carried Ruby into the house. I could see mum through the glass, Jackson hot on her heels. The smile on my mum's face when she saw me with my daughter was the best thing, it made me tingle inside. My mother is so beautiful, if I inherited half of her looks, I'd be sorted. Jackson's tail was wagging as mum held the door open for me. I took Ruby upstairs and laid her on her bed in the spare room.

Jackson was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me as I was stood at the top. His little face looked so happy. I really did wish I could take my entire family on the road with me wherever I go. Doable? Maybe. Practical? Maybe not. My mum had a peppermint tea waiting for me on the kitchen side as I fell into the kitchen, tripping over Jackson as he stood right under my feet. ''Thanks mum, I've been gasping for one of your cups of tea for ages now,'' I said, drinking the tea.

''You better get it down you quickly, it's not long before you should be at the airport.''

''Yeah, Cez should be on his way there from my house now,'' I managed to say in between the sips of tea I had.

We stood there in silence as I finished it, then we crept upstairs so I could say goodbye to Ruby. She looked like a little angel, she was a little angel. Even the way her chest rose and fell as she slept was beautiful. I was appreciating every little thing today, I was clearly very emotional. I perched on the edge of the bed, moving very slowly so I didn't wake her up. My lips were pressed against her forehead as I kissed her goodbye. I couldn't stay any longer, I didn't want to cry. ''Sweet dreams, gorgeous. I'll see you very soon. I love you,'' I whispered, gently stroking her cheek.

I thanked mum and said my goodbyes, eventually travelling to the airport. Two weeks of missing my favourite people on this Earth was about to start. Wish me luck.

A/N: I finally had time to write!

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