Hero (Jessie J)

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Sequel to 'Gold'

~Jess' POV~

''Mummy, where's my goggles?!''

That was Ruby, our daughter. We had adopted her when she was a little baby and she's been ours ever since. As Scarlett and I are both girls, we decided adoption would be the easiest option. The process was fairly straight forward and with a few visits from the centre and some forms later, our new life began.

I took some time off of work to get everything sorted but within 6 months to a year, I was working again. This didn't last long however, something happened which caused Scarlett to completely break down, to hide herself away. She neglected everything and everyone, which meant I had to stop writing music and performing for a while, until I got her back on her feet.

Scarlett was stern when it came to how we treated Ruby. She wasn't going to allow me to shower her with money, clothes and everything she could have wanted. Just because I was Jessie J, that didn't mean she was going to be crazy spoilt. That would cause problems later on in life, when she was older. Scarlett told me 'the last thing she needs is that when she goes to school she gets treated differently and gets called a snob, that won't help her grow as a person'. I couldn't agree more.

However, although Ruby would have to work hard just like other children her age, Scarlett did want her to be treated amazingly and to love the life she lives. We weren't going to give a toddler an iPad or anything. That was out of the question.

I think we went a bit crazy when we first got her. You know, like brand new parents do. They go into shops and love everything they see. They can't decide what to buy and what not to buy, so they 'splash out' and buy whatever comes into contact with them. That happened with us when it came to clothes shopping. Every outfit looked so small and cute, that we had to have it all.

''In your swimming bag by the front door darling, are you ready to leave? Mummy's on a tight schedule today.''

''Yep, all ready!'' Ruby called out from the top of the stairs.

''Brilliant, come down and put your shoes on so we can leave then.''

Ruby's little legs carried her as fast as they possibly could to the bottom of the stairs. She put on her shoes quickly and stood up raring to go.

When it came to swimming, she didn't play around. She was only 5 and swam like a frog. I'm not sure what it was she loved about it exactly, something to do with the water. The way the icy cold water refreshes you, the tingly feeling you get when it comes into contact with your skin. She had a real passion for swimming at such a young age, it was cute to watch.

''I'm ready Mummy, let's go!''

''Ok, two seconds Rubes, I'm just going to say goodbye to Mummy.'' I walked into the kitchen and saw Scarlett sat at the table on her laptop. ''I'm taking Ruby to her swimming class now Scars. I love you.'' I kissed her on the top of the head and was about to say goodbye when she stood up. ''Where are you going?''

''To have a shower.'' I followed her back into the living room.

''Remember you have to pick Ruby up from swimming at 11am, don't forget.''

Hero (Jessie J)Where stories live. Discover now