Chapter 7

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~Jess' POV~

I'm worried about Scarlett. She hasn't come out of our room in a week. I could deal with it at first, I simply thought she just wasn't feeling up to it, but it got worse. She refused to come out, not even for food. I thought she was going to insist on not eating, she wouldn't have eaten if I hadn't have taken food into her. I wish there wasn't an en suite sometimes, that way she would've had to come out.

My job is asking for a lot of my time. Originally, there wasn't going to be so much work, my team and I tried to get a lot of the major stuff out of the way, so everything would be quieter around the release date. But of course not, my management and label had managed to find a million other things for me to do. Of course I was grateful, but right now; I just wanted to help Scarlett.

I just got in from work and helped Ruby start her homework. Amy was downstairs with Ruby, looking after her as Scarlett wasn't exactly up for that this week. Honestly, it is a real blessing having such close family members and friends. If Amy couldn't be here and I was at work, Clair or Holly would be straight around to take care of her at home or take her on a little outing. Her schedule had to fit amongst mine, which was difficult with everything I did. With her only just starting school, they only had to do half days. Good for her I suppose, but stressful and chaotic for just about everyone else.

Scarlett wouldn't make any attempt to speak to me properly through text or phone calls. I'd message her at work whenever I got the chance, or give her a ring during lunch or whilst in the car driving places. The only replies I'd ever receive were ''hmmm'''s or ''ok''. It was torturing me. The only way I could get a good conversation out of her was to force it out, by being face to face and practically shaking it out of her. I hated it. It was back like it was before. She was an outcast from the rest of the family in that room, in the dark and I hated it.

I really didn't want to watch Scarlett disappear in front of my eyes for a second time. The first was painful enough to watch. My family would just dig and dig without knowing what they were doing. Asking lots of 'what if' questions. What if she becomes depressed again? What if she never comes out of that room? What if she ends the relationship? Now clearly, that was too far.

''Here's a cup of tea for you, Scarlett. Be sure to drink it before it gets cold.''

''Mhmm.'' She made a noise to tell me she had acknowledged my presence in the room, even if she was hidden under the covers.

I stood at the end of the bed, quite honestly fed up. ''Is that all I get? A noise. Don't try so hard next time.'' That probably wasn't the wisest thing to say, but she knew this was hurting me too. It wasn't hard to figure out.

''Sorry.'' She sighed, ruffling the duvet so her head popped out of the top. ''I didn't mean to be so rude.''

''You never mean to, it just happens.''

''Yeah...'' She agreed with me, trying to let that specific topic of conversation fizzle out.

''Well I'll be downstairs with Ruby if you need me, not that you will. The times that we actually spoke, and I mean spoke and not just chatted are long gone.

''There's a difference?'' She asked, clearly not caring.

''As a matter of fact, yes. But you know what? Forget about it. Go fuck yourself.'' Drastic or not drastic, she deserved it. I was the one who did everything in this household.

''Jess,'' I went to leave the room. I couldn't take any more of this, not today anyway. This day was dragging. ''I'm sorry.''

''So am I.'' I stated, my face blank, not showing any emotion.

''What for?'' She rolled over.

''Whatever you think I should be sorry for. There's too much running through my head nowadays. I don't even know how I'm feeling.'' The room was in darkness, as she hated me opening the curtains. She couldn't see my face and I couldn't see hers; but we didn't need to, to know how we were looking and feeling.

''I'm sorry, I know I'm being a shit girlfriend.''

''You could say that.'' I was just being blunt now and quite frankly, I didn't care.

''I've been better. It's just, I'm hurting.''

''You're not the only one.'' I rolled my eyes, luckily she still couldn't see.

''This is really hard for me, Jess.''

''I didn't said it wasn't.'' I shifted my weight, feeling slightly uneasy having this conversation.

''Please let me finish.''

''Fine, go ahead.'' I raised my eyebrows, telling her to continue.

''I can't actually explain what I'm feeling right now. My mind is full of jumbled up emotions and thoughts and I'm just trying to unscramble them. I don't know how I feel. It's all a bit shocking at the moment. I want to be happy, but it's proving hard. I'll try my best, but prepare for the worst.'' She explained... everything I already knew. I may not be her, I may not be experiencing the exact same situation as her, but I still knew.

''I'm an expert in doing that.''

''Listen, Jess--'' She began, I didn't let her finish. I wasn't in the mood for 'chatting' any more.

''I'm going to start tea, if you don't fall asleep after I've left, text me if you want something to nibble on.'' I headed to the door, trying to make my exit smooth, and soon.

''Jessica.'' She used my full name, trying to sound serious.

''If you'll excuse me, I'm going to check on Ruby. Since I'm the only one who will.'' Any excuse to leave really, but it was true. She wasn't exactly going to do it, was she now?

She didn't reply to that. What else was there to say? Oh wait, she did say one thing.

''I love you,'' she said, as I had my back towards her. Facing the door, avoiding eye contact. ''Don't forget that. I may not show it, but I do.''

''Yeah...'' I agreed with her, this time.

A/N: God knows if this makes any sense. I was too busy to check through it but I wanted to update for you guys! Sorry if there's any mistakes o.O

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