Chapter 3

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~Scarlett's POV~

My eyes began to stir as I could feel small hands tapping my shoulder. I turned my head to find Ruby sat on my legs, shaking my arm more vigorously now. ''Mummy, mummy wake up.''

Although we had fallen asleep on the sofa last night, we somehow managed to find our bed. Don't ask me how, I was so tired I'm surprised I could even stand up to find the stairs. Let alone Jess, she had such a busy day yesterday that I was shocked she didn't sleep on the sofa for a day or two! We were in our bed, my front pressed against Jess' back. My arm was draped over her stomach, as she held it with her hand, not letting me go. Her breathing was slow and tranquil, telling me she was still happily sleeping.

''What is it Ruby?'' I whispered, not wanting to wake Jess.

''I... I had a bad dream, mummy.'' Her face screwed up and she was about to cry.

''Don't cry honey, how about you come and lay with me and mummy? Would you like that?'' She nodded and ran around the end of the bed, before hopping up and laying in front of Jess.

Jess' hand immediately fell from my arm and she let her arm wrap tightly over Ruby, in her sleep. So much for not letting go, Jessica. She was doing this subconsciously, not even knowing she was doing it. I found that cute, it was like she was protecting Ruby. Everything was silent for a minute or two, I thought perhaps Ruby was drifting back to sleep again. I couldn't go back to sleep, that was a problem for me, once I had awoken, sleep was off of the cards until it was dark again!

It was a pain when I was ill. I don't like talking about it often but sometimes I suppose I have to. After that day happened, everything just collapsed. My body shut down and I couldn't do anything without feeling bad. I remember staying in my room for days on end, the curtains shut and just laying there. My brain felt like it was trapped, unable to escape the torture. Not being able to sleep just made my brain scream, my own thoughts nearly killing me.

This was until Jess said enough was enough. She said she wasn't going to allow me to waste my days up here. I remember her bursting into the room and just raging. Not in an angry way, but a desperate way. She made this massive speech about how I couldn't give up. I felt as if I was done, as if I could just go, no-one would care and that I didn't matter. But she convinced me. She told me that even though giving up felt like the easiest option, I was better than that. She showed me that even though I thought none of it would ever get better, that it could, and it would.

I remember her saying: 'You can't give up, Scarlett. I've been there. I know you feel as if everything is over. You think that your life is the shittiest it could ever be and that what's the point in even being here. But you need to believe me when I say it gets better. It may take time, a lot of reassurance and being strong as much as you can- but it does get better. I promise you. I love you. Love can help us get through this. I've never meant anything more.'

Honestly, that's what pulled me through. She told me how much it was hurting her, seeing her like that. That's what made me want to get better. I couldn't do it to her. I didn't want to hurt her. So here I am. A year or so down the line, and I'm happy. I may not be as happy as I was before, but I'm happy. I finally got back to a stable point.

Half an hour or so later, Jess' body moved as she stretched as well as she could, without knocking Ruby and I off of the bed! She took her arm off of Ruby and untangled her body from mine, before turning around so our fronts of our bodies were facing. I put my finger to my lips giggling, telling her to be as quiet as possible, so she wouldn't wake Ruby. ''Is she ok?'' She asked me, burying her face into my chest.

''She had a bad dream, so I let her sleep with us for a bit. She's been here for just over half an hour, I can't imagine her sleeping for much longer with the amount of sleep we all had last night!'' I explained, my arms wrapped around Jess' waist as I kissed the top of her head.

''Oh ok, what are you doing today babe?''

''I have no plans, it's Sunday so I'll probably go shopping for food so I can cook a roast for us later, what about you?''

''I don't work now until next weekend, I booked some time off so I could spend it with my family.'' Her breath tickled my neck, it sent shivers up and down my spine, but it was a good shiver. A nice shiver.

''How are they? I haven't seen them in a while.''

''I meant my family as in you two, you ninny!''

''Oh, I didn't realise.'' I giggled, my voice still croaky, as voices always are in the early hours of the morning.

''Anyway, they're well. They wanted to see you too.''

''Why don't you bring them around later? I can cook more food for us all. What do you say?'' Jess moved her head from my neck to look at me.

''I think they'd like that.'' She smiled sweetly.

''I would too,'' I kissed her lightly on the lips. ''Oh, and good morning, Cornish.''

''Good morning beautiful.''

I was up and out of the house not long after Ruby had woken up. It was my turn to go food shopping, like it was every other time. Jess took credit for making the amazing food and I just bought the ingredients. I can cook quite well, but if you compare me to Jess, I'm shit. Compare anyone to Jess and she'll be the better cook. She goes in on the cooking.

I was having trouble finding the correct tin of carrots. There were these ones that Ruby loved so we always made sure it was those which we bought. They weren't in the usual space, which got me very flustered indeed - I wasn't prepared for this! I stood there for about ten minutes walking up the tin isle several times. I got some weird looks from a few other shoppers, but I shook it off.

I ended up asking a member of staff. Everyone hates doing that, don't they? Mostly because you ask them where the product is and they take you to it and you suddenly realise it was right in front of your eyes. They give you fake smiles and say 'you're welcome', but they're probably thinking you're blind. Anyway, I got the carrots eventually and went to the tills to pay. The self checkout tills, obviously.

I swiftly walked out of the store and made my way to the car. I walked past a few guys, one of which I swear I recognised. No matter how much I didn't want to recognise that person, I could have sworn I knew them. This freaked me out, majorly. I kept my head down and walked directly to the car, silently praying they hadn't seen me.

I needed to get back to Jess and tell her. She'd know what to do. Wouldn't she? She's Jess, she always does. I tried not to get too worked up, I wouldn't let them do this to me, not again. I attempted to clear my mind and to keep all of my thoughts happy. How did I do this? I thought of Jessica and Ruby. They made everything better.

A/N: I didn't check this so sorry if none of this makes sense. You may find some digs at @isthatjessica about DLG, also.

A part of this chapter is dedicated to someone. You know who you are. I love you. Read carefully.

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