Mom why?

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So here's the story I am not good with discipline. I have been kicked out of 3 different prep schools in the past 2 years. My twin brother billy goes to an all boys prep school called Regis but billy and his friends call it the reject school cuz half of the kids going there have be expelled before. My mom found out that the school board at Regis is finally allowing girls into the school. So the first thing she does is sign me up to join the student body.
Now don't get me wrong I would love to go to a school with billy I love that kid but I won't know anyone and I for surely don't want to become the kid who only hangs out with her twin brother.
"Mom I don't see why I have to go I mean I won't know anyone and you know I will probably end up getting kicked out again"
"Now come on Katie billy will be there isn't that good you will get to be with your brother"
"So with me and billy together that will just become more of a problem you know us mom we have fun with prancing and always get caught "
" now Katie you won't get into trouble this time because if I hear about you getting in trouble I will send you and billy to military scho......"
"Yes Katie it will happen I am serious about it and I have already talked to billy about it his is upset too so I suggest not getting kicked out"
" mom why do you do this to me all I do is have fun"
"Well Katie the fun is over no more getting expelled for the both of you but on the bright side billy is Soo excited to have his baby sister around"
" really mom I am like 2 minutes younger I am not his baby sister"
" well you no what you are my baby so that makes you the baby sister deal with it"
" ugh whatever are we almost there"
"Yes about 15 more minutes trust me katelyn this will be good for you I know it"
" mom don't call me that why do you call me katelyn"
" because it's the name I gave you now stop being a sour puss"
" why not I won't have friends there at it will be awful"
" now Katie you can make friends and you will have Billy's friends"
" mom I don't know Billy's friends"
" yes you do you know that lovely young man Joey I have heard he is a real look..."
"Eww mom stop that's Billy's best friend"I said with a red face
I'm only blushing because I do think Joey is cute he always has been but I do not like him I haven't seen Joey in like a year lots can happen in that time frame for all I know Joey could be gay for billy I mean it is a possibility me and billy look alike and I am pretty darn good looking so that means billy is also good looking.
" we are here" my mom snapped me outta my thoughts of Joey being gay for my twin brother
" mom do I really have to do this I mean it's so big here and I may get lost"
" don't worry Katie you will have billy to guide you around"
" yea I guess you're right and speaking of billy were is he I thought he would show me around"
" oh dear he is at soccer practice so I will just take you to your dorm and he will get you when it's time for dinner which I think is soon"
" great I'm going to be bored outta my mind"
"Sorry dear now follow me"
I walked with my mother into the building which I would say is fucking huge. We walked up to this lady at the front desk who just threw some papers at us that had my dorm number and class schedule. Great this lady seems like a bitch hopefully the rest of the staff aren't like her.
" ok sweetie well I have to meet up with your father and I can't stay I minute longer bye bye" my mother said her farewell and kissed my cheek
Great I have to find my way around this giant school by myself now...
Finally after an hour of searching I found my room the lady at the desk said that since it was an all boys school that girls and boys share the same dorm halls so great I'm probably stuck next to a bunch of horny teenage guys. I walked into my dorm and found it to be a mess my new roommate was throwing clothes everywhere trying to find something
" we're in the hell could it be dam it"
Her voice sounded Soo familiar I couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible
"Brooke?" I questioned
"What do you want" my roommate stood up form the volcanic eruption of clothes to look at me
After seeing her it was true my new roommate was my best friend Brooke I don't how she got here but she was here
"Brooke !!!!!" I jumped into her arms and we fell into the clothes
" hey girl I didn't know you were coming"
" yes my mom thought it was best that since Regis accepts girls now it would be good for me and billy to go to the same school why didn't you tell me you were going here?"
"Cause I just got here today I totally forgot that your fine ass brother went here this is amazing"
Yea by the way Brooke likes billy if you couldn't tell she has since like forever but billy is a jerk with girls and she knows but I guess she likes the bad boy type.
" I'm so happy you are my roommate"
" I know it's awesome I thought I would be all alone here but my bestie is here and I feel on top of the world"
" hey I was thinking my brother has soccer practice why don't we go and see him"
" oh you now my answer to that your brother in shorts.. Hell yes" she said with a huge smirk on her face
" eww Brooke can we keep the crush level to a minimum please"
" right sorry I forget it's probably gross to here me talk about your brother being hot lets just go find him"
Brooke began to walk out the dorm well my best friend is my roommate this school might not be too bad!
Brooke seems to know this place better than me we were down and out on the quad with in minutes.
I saw some Mexican kid running from what looked like a Guard. The kid was were a soccer jersey he must be on the team but he was throwing around the guard stick trying to distract him. He gave the stick back and I walk up to him
" hey my name is Katie do you know billy tepper"
" oh yea I do sweetie nice name mines Ricardo" he said while he was eyeing me I felt extremely uncomfortable
" hey Rick leave her alone you creeper. " a familiar voice shouted
As I turn to the voice I get tackled by my brother billy
"OH MY LOVELY SISTER how I have missed you sooo dearly!!!" Billy yells while hugging the life Out of me
" billy... You.. Are Cushing my.... rib cage" I said in between breaths
" oh yea sorry I just really missed you baby sis" billy let me go and I feel to the ground
Someone picked me up by my waist and I looked to see it was Joey man my mom was right he is getting cute.. Oh Katie shut up his is your brothers best friend
"Wow Katie didn't recognize you see you ditched the glasses" Joey said his voice was so hot and sexy
" yea and see no more braces either" I said with a big smile. Joey just laughed and smirked at me
" hey dean wants to see you three now" the guard said to billy Joey and a blonde kid that I didn't know
" well we gotta go I'll find you at dinner ok" billy left kissing my cheek
" yeah see you around" Joey winked as he ran backwards he was being hot till he hit a tree and almost feel I started to crack up as I waved good bye and left with Brooke.
I really think Regis won't be to bad after all thanks mom!

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