Oh shit! Terrorist

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So the picture is Katie's and Brooke's outfits for the day Katie's is the left Brooke's is the right

Katie pov
I woke up so tired and feeling like shit I knew that I should have not stayed out with those boys. But Joey really wanted me to go and how could you say no to such I cutie like Joey... Oh God Katie stop that Joey probably doesn't like you like that. Oh great now I'm talking to myself dam it Joey is making me crazy why God did you have to put such cute boys on this earth.
" hey wake up" I said chucking a pillow at Brooke hopefully this time I didn't hit the moneymaker
" 5 more minutes mom" brooke mumbled into her pillow
" no now and last time I checked you didn't come out of me so I'm not your mom honey"
Brooke lifted her head form her pillow. Her hair was a mess.
" oh sorry Katie that was just instinct"
" yea I get it now get up you bum breakfast is in 2 hours"
" WHAT why didn't  you wake me sooner I'm a mess 2 hours isn't enough time to beautify this" Brooke did I little hand wiggle also with her hips
" sorry I mean 2 hours is I long ass time jeez and you're such a freak but I love you" I say smiling at her
" well you're an asshole but I love you too" she said plopping the P 😜
Brooke went to shower and since I already did shower I picked out my clothes and she wanted me to pick hers out too
After Brooke got out of the shower we did our makeup , hair  and we got dressed Brooke was wearing a black high waisted skirt with a cute black crop top that had flowers on it( that were her favorite flowers) a friendship necklace that we have together and some really cute brown sandals. She did simple makeup that were cat eyes, some blush, and pink lipstick and her hair was braided to the side
I wore some blue washed out skinny jeans with rips in the knees ,a muscle tee that said " school sucks start a band"and black converse. My makeup was some mascara and eyeliner with some blush and my hair was softly curled
" you look hot" Brooke said
" oh come on it's just a simple look"
" ok but a hot simple look Joey will love it" she winked at me
" will you stop it with the Joey thing come on it's time to go
Brooke and I were on our way to breakfast when we noticed that like every kid was walking towards the front of the school and  outside
" what's this about" I was very curious
" lets go find out" Brooke was too excited and stared running out
" wait up I'm going to lose you" I yell running after her trying not to lose her in the crowd
We got outside and saw a bunch of furniture siting on the lawn
Billy I knew this is my brothers Doing
My thoughts were confronted  by yogurt it was billy who did it of course but I guess the furniture was the headmasters and it was all in the exact same place as the headmaster left it that's pretty funny I had to laugh. I made eye contact with Joey and he smiled he probably saw me looking like a dork laughing my ass off
I went up to  billy and Joey in the front of the circle around the so called prank.
The dean and headmaster were talking and the dean looked pissed
" you" the dean pointed at billy
" and you two " he said to Joey and snuffy
"You and you" he pointed to Rick than hank
" you boys have the privilege of putting all this stuff back"
Billy threw his banana peel in the trash can and earned himself a glare form dean Parker
"Pick up that banana" Parker said threw his teeth
I was dieing from laughter Brooke had to hold me so I wouldn't fall from so much laughing
" any objections" the dean asked
" no sir" Joey said with a cute little smile on his face
After the whole prank thing me and Brooke eat breakfast and hung in our dorm till lunch
We saw the boys in line getting food so we went to stand with them 
" hey billy" I hugged my twin
"Hi" billy is pissed and I can tell
" what crawled up your butt and died"
" sorry Katie it's just the dean is a fuck he isn't going to expel me just put me on pots and pans for the rest of my life"
" sorry billy maybe stop making the dean so pissed at you"
" thanks Katie I'll try that" the sarcasm was dripping off of billy
" hey nice outfit you look cute" Joey said to me I jumped I forgot he was there
" God Joey!! You scared me"
" haha sorry" he chuckled
" it's fine haha thanks"
" yea I like the shirt it's very accurate school is a drag"
We were about to get our food when there was I hug bang in the other room and some white old guy came in with a gun... Yea a fucking gun shit is going down
The guy shot the gun in the ceiling Joey grabbed me under the table and held me tight around my waist I was surprised of how he was so protective of me but I was more surprised that I like him holding me so much.
The men began to look around the room with a picture it was Donoghue Billy's friend Phil
" why do they want Phil" I whisper
" I don't know " Joey answered holding me tighter I grabbed Joeys hand and he intertwined our fingers
I was scared shitless what if we die.
" jeoy im scared"
" it's ok I won't let anything happen to you Joey claimed me down and held my hand
The leader which I found was named Luis had us get up and stand in the center of the cafeteria
" bradberry, Jonathan" Luis said
Snuffy stood up I front of Luis so scared like he was starring at death .
"Your father is Stephen Bradberry?
Chairman of the first
empire bank of New York?"Luis asked
"Yes " snuffy was sent back into the crowd
"Giles, Henry the Third"
" yes" hank came from the crowd
"Come here, Giles
Your father is representative
Henry Giles Jr.?"
"Chairman of the Armed
Services Committee."
"Yes, sir."hank walked away
" Trotta, Joseph." Joey clenched and let go of me
"Your father is Albert
Trotta of New York City."
"Yes." Joeys jaw was so clenched I though it would snap
"The Albert Trotta,What's the matter?
Not proud of your father."
"No." Joey came back over to me
"Montoya, Ricardo."
-"Yes, sir."
"Your father is senior partner at Johnson, Montoya and Epps?"
"Yes, sir."
"And past president of the California bar association."
"Yes, sir."
"So tell me, Ricardo.Are you a Mexican?"
"Mexican-American." Rick was sweating bullets
"Do you speak Spanish?"
"No, not really."
Luis said something in Spanish and Rick looked ver nervous
"No, wait!" Rick yelled like his life depended on it
"You don't speak Spanish." Luis said with an evil grin
" I do a little" Rick said in defeat
Luis grabbed a gun and use the butt to smash ricks knee in
I Walked up pissed
" hey no one hits my friends asshole"
Luis hit me a crossed the face with The gun  and it hurt like hell Joey ran up to be and held me tight
"Hey, don't! Hey, don't do that! Billy said holding on to Rick and me
"Is he a friend of yours?" Luis questioned
" yeah"
And what about her" Luis pointed to me
" she is my sister" I can see billy is so pissed and upset right now
"What's your name?"
"William Tepper."
Luis walked over to the older guy and grabbed two files"

Oh and this is katelyn tepper aka can't keep her mouth shut"
Joey looked like he was going to kill Luis but I held him tighter
"What does your father do, William?"
"He's a contractor." Billy you smarts as
"According to this, he owns the third
largest construction company in the world."
"Yeah, he's a contractor."
"You're not afraid?"
"Yes" billy threw as much attitude as possible
" Don't fuck with me." Luis got up in Billy's face
These terrorist then put us in room not caring about gender so I got put in a room with the guys and Brooke
Joey was still holding me tight I was think we may die and I should tell him my feelings before anything happens I need to tell Joey I love him

Joeys pov
This is fucked up I know for a fact I won't let any of those fuckers touch Katie again when Luis hit her I wanted to tear his head off and shit down his neck( a/n teddy Duchamp quote)
I love her and I don't care who knows I love Katelyn Elizabeth Tepper and she needs to know that. She is my light and I am in a very dark place

Third chapter!!! Tell me what you think I would love comments. And sorry if it is kinda sucky I felt bad of not posting yesterday but you know life happened but yea comment please and keep reading 😊 JOEY IS BAE! ✌🏻️

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