The plan

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Is anyone still reading this. My story is🚮 I know but bare with me its my first time( that's what she said sorry for my sick mind) writing and if you are still reading then you da best and ilysm ❤️❤️. Also I really need my Wil's sweater. No correction I need all of Wil's fashion tbh especially Wesley crusher's fashion!!

Joey pov
I woke up in the middle of the night. It wasn't to comfortable sleeping on a window sill but it's what I got and I have to make do.
I was still holding on to Katie. She really is beautiful even when she is sleeping. She hates not wearing makeup she believes she is ugly with out it but I know she is not she is always beautiful. I don't think I have seen anyone more beautiful in my life.
Katie started to move around and wake up
" why are you up" she groggily said she is so cute when she is sleepy
" can't sleep" I told her looking out at this huge light shining in our room that thing is so annoying i don't think anyone could sleep with that shining in the room every 5 seconds
" yea it's not so easy to sleep knowing we can die" she said
" wow way to look on the bright side Katie"
" sorry"
" it's ok it's the truth I know that" I kissed her
" hey guys can't sleep either" billy said
He must have gotten out of bed I didn't noticed him tell he opened his mouth
" no we can't sleep" Katie said to him
" yea we can't either especially with you three yapping"snuffy turned and threw a pillow at Katie but I caught it
" does anyone know morse code with that light we could get to the police or something" billy said
" no billy no one knows morse code" snuffy yelled stealing hanks pillow and hitting billy in the head
" what the heck snuff that's my pillow!!" Hank yelled whacking snuffy on the arm
" sorry hank you can get it back clam down"

Katie pov
These guys really need sleep they are crazy right now. I know I need sleep I feel like shit I probably look like shit I'm not wearing makeup my hair is in a messy bun and I had to wear joeys shirt (those assholes didn't give me and Brooke enough time to grab enough clothes so I got no pajamas)and I had black circles under my eyes
" guys we need to do something" Joey said
" like what" snuffy said lighting a cancer sick
" we can't smoke in the dorms" Rick said pulling the cigarette outta snuffy's mouth
"What are they gonna do kick me out" snuffy was right they aren't gonna care if he smoked
" snuffy gave me one" I said
Everyone looked at me with a look saying wtf Katie
" so you smoke now" billy asked
" no I don't I'm fucking stressed ok I need to clam down" I said
" I think Joey could help you with that Katie" Rick said with a wink
" Rick do you ever think before you open your mouth" Joey asked
" sorry man I thought it was funny"
I flipped Rick off I'm tired and pissed off and he is making it worse
" guys I need to do something I don't wanna just sit back and let these bastards fuck with our lives" Joey said getting up and opening the door
Joey looked around finding a guard outside
The guard yelled something in Spanish and Rick freaked
" Joey shut the door!!" Rick yelled
Joey shut the door
" he has a machine gun" Joey said
" so" billy said
"We could make some noise and get him in here and jump him and get his gun"
" then what Joey" billy asked
" BILLY, with a fucking machine gun we can shred these fuckers" Joey yelled he is fucking crazy
" wow this machine gun stuff must run in mafia families"snuffy said
Oh shit he didn't say that. Snuffy that's fucked up
" you asshole" Joey yelled tackling snuffy and stated hitting him hard too
Billy pulled Joey away
" the hell man it was a joke I'm your best friend I can called you a whop if I want to" snuffy yelled at Joey
" make up you two" Brooke said
They did this bro hug and made up
" sorry man don't call me a whop" Joey said
" can I call you an asshole" snuffy said
" yea asshole dickhead whatever" Joey said
I hugged Joey claiming him down
" no machine gun stuff ok I don't need you getting hurt" I said kissing him
" yeah yeah I got it i won't do anything" Joey said kissing me back
" we should do something though" billy said
" like what" hank said
" we should find out everything about these guys what their names are, what they look like, what kind of guns they are using,and how many they have. Then give it to the cops" billy said
" that's risky man" yogurt said
" risky but it could work it would give the cops an advantage and that's good " I piped in
" ok we should do it but let's figure that out in the morning I'm too tired to do anything" snuffy said
" ok let's sleep and plan in the morning" billy said
We shut the light off and I crashed in joeys arms

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