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Katie's pov
It's been five wonderful years with Joey. I graduated and became a therapist at a center for abused children. Joey sells his art work and works at an auto repair shop.
We have three beautiful children that are just precious. We have two twin boys and one girl.
Our first boys name is Daniel wade( the twin on the left in picture above).His Godparents are billy and Brooke  of course.
Our second boy is Elijah James (twin of the right in the picture above) he is about 2 minutes younger than Daniel, just like billy and I. Elijah's godparents are snuffy and his wife crystal.
Then there is my baby girl Darcy Lynn(the girl in the picture above).She is the youngest and my little baby. Her god parents are yogurt and grace.

The gang is still close and we all live in close neighborhoods. The boys have grown a lot to.

Billy became a physical therapist and makes some serious bank. His and Brooke's wedding was beautiful and they have a beautiful baby boy named Phoenix with no middle name.thats how Brooke wanted it her mom doesn't have a middle name. Joey and I got to be the godparents. It's also very awesome to have my bestie as my sis.

Hank got married to a girl form Yale. Her name is Sarah and she is awesome. It's nice to have lady friends now even though I do love the boys. Sarah is pregnant, her and hank will be having a baby boy in about 3 months.

Rick found a girl from Sweden. She fell in love with his passion for soccer. They are engaged and will be husband and wife in a year or so.

Snuffy is married to crystal. She is a girl he meet at a convention for Star Wars. She is like the girl version of snuffy it's the best. They have two kids a boy named Alex and I girl named Katie (after me!!), they are lovely and about the same age as my kids.

Ted is at Harvard becoming a lawyer of course, he is smart enough for it. He and yogurt were valid Victorians together and they did amazing. Ted is riding solo at the moment he is to busy in school.

Then there is yogurt my sweet young yogurt. He married grace out of high school.surprising one I know! He is also is studying at Yale to be a doctor. I know he well be great and will save lots of lives!

We are grown up now moving on with our lives. I have the most wonderful life with a wonderful husband, wonderful kids, and wonderful friends. And to think it was because of a bunch of terrorist.

OMG I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! My story is done and I'm sad it's over😢
But it was so fun making it and I hope you all enjoyed ILYSM!!!!!!!
Also sorry the last chapter is short it's kinda a epilogue.
Also do you guys want me to write another book and if so what about and who on?
Anyways I LOVE YOU GUYS❤️❤️❤️❤️✌🏻️✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻

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