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Katie pov
After head count and dinner we all headed for our dorm to start an other plan.
We all kinda sat on a bed and talked amongst yourselves  while billy talked to yogurt about his plane
Yogurt is really in to planes and technical stuff so billy thought he would help a lot it the next plan billy wanted to switch chips or something like that I didn't really know I was kinda lost in my own thoughts
" you ok" Joey asked me
" oh yea I'm fine" I smiled weakly
" no you're not you know you're not good at lying Katie" Joey chuckled
" ok so what if I can't lie does it really matter"
" yea I don't want you to be worried and upset about this" Joey pulled me in for a hug
" Katie I promise that nothing bad will happen I won't let them hurt you" Joey lifted my chin and kissed me
" ok you love birds here's the plan" billy said directing mine  and joeys attention toward him
So long story short the plan will start with billy checking some vents later tonight. Once the vents are cleared to use him and yogurt will crawl through one that stared a in the boys bathroom and goes to the main office tomorrow  so they can get to  yogurts plane and the bomb. Snuffy will set the fire alarm off right before lunch so that yogurt,Ted, and billy can get to the bathrooms. Ted will kept look out in the boys bathroom by the cafeteria so that yogurt and billy don't get caught. When we are in the cafeteria snuffy will fake an asthma attack to distract all the guards and Luis. Once in the office billy will switch some chips so that the bracelet around Luis' wrist won't set off the bomb but will set off the plane instead. And me, Joey, and the others will lead kids into the basement so they are safe of the bomb does go off.
" ok guys the plan starts at lunch" billy said as we parted ways

Joeys pov
We talked about the plan and parted me Katie billy and Brooke were outside on the quad just chilling.
The head master walked up to us
" mr trotta they would like to see you In The office" he said to me
I looked at billy then Katie. I held on to her hand
" can she come" I asked the head master
" not necessary I don't think they mean you any harm I will go with you"
" it's ok I will be fine" I said to Katie giving her a kiss and letting her hand go
" I will see you soon"

I walked with the headmaster to the office to see what they want form me. i walked in to find some guards and Luis sitting at the desk
"congratulations Mr. Trotta you're free to go" is all Luis said
" what" I confusedly asked
He is just going to let me go like that
" you may go" Luis said becoming irritated
"Why" I asked
" because we respect your father"
"Fuck my father, and fuck you! I ain't going nowhere without my friends!" I yelled at him
I was grabbed my some men and they were pulling me out the door I was fighting but they were to strong
"WAIT" I yelled and the guards stop right at the door
" yes mr trotta would you like to apologize"
" not really I want to ask something"
" and what is that"
" can I take someone with me"
" who"
" katelyn tepper" I was praying to God that he would let her go with me she is the one person I know I can't leave
Luis chuckled to himself
" oh young love so innocent, I know I am sucker for love and I'm feeling generous so why not get the girl and bring her here"
Thank you lord he is letting her go
Some  guards brought Katie in and she looked like a deer in front of headlights very very scared
" what is this" she asked looking at me
" you have a boy who is in love with you miss tepper and you two get to leave and you better do it now before I change my mind" Luis said annoyed
Katie and I were being escorted outside the school
I couldn't take being pushed and I had an idea on how to get us all out im going to shoot these bastards
We were walking with a guard pointing a gun at us as I tried and grabbed the gun smashing his head in and running for the door
" JOEY WHAT THE FUCK " Katie yelled running for me
I made it outside and spotted a guard and made my shot I pulled the trigger and missed of course
" fuck I missed" I said to myself as I shot again he began to fire and I felt the bullet hit me right in the chest and I was down fuck this stings

Katie pov
We were walking outside. Joey and I kept out cool even though I'm pretty sure we were both terrified of fuck I know I sure was. All of a sudden Joey flipped and grabbed the guards gun and bashed his head with it. Like what the fuck Joey you idiot. Joey ran for the doors with that gun in his hand I hope he can shot
"JOEY WHAT THE FUCK " I yelled running after him but he was to fast and I lost him as he ran outside. All I heard was two shots and I ran out the door to see Joey and my feet bleeding. I panicked and riped his shirt off applying pressure to his wound
" Katie what happened" billy ran up to us holding joeys hand
" Joey was an idiot" I said shaking
" I...I.. Thou.. Thought.. I could.. Save us" Joey said he was weak
" someone call a fucking doctor" I yelled
Luis walked out and I jumped on him
" fuck you this is your fault you asshole why?why did you come here and fuck with our lives we didn't do shot to you" I screamed in his face
" Katie come here Joey wants you" billy said I'm pure terror
" call 911 you fuck" I told Luis as he failed the number
" Katie" Joey asked serving for me
" I'm right here Joey" I grabbed his hand and held it
" I'm sorry"
" Joey don't be"
" I promised nothing bad would happen and it did"Joey held me as held on for his life " I love you Katelyn tepper you are the girl of my dreams and I have loved you since the day I first saw you. You're beautiful and my light" Joey smiled at me " kiss me"
I leaned down to kiss Joey and when I got back up his eyes weren't open and his breathing was faint
The ambulance came and took Joey
" I'm going with him" I said to the guys and Brooke
" make sure he doesn't die ok" Brooke said
" take this" billy handed me a walkie-talkie and gave me a hug
I hugged everyone and got into the ambulance
On the ride to the hospital I could only think on thing and that was
I might lose the love of my life

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