Truth or dare

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Katie pov
The boys kept asking yogurt for stuff like blankets and food
The room we got stuck in was his and Teds but the boys seem to be taking over Joey and snuffy found a dirty magazine under yogurts bed (which made him very embarrassed because me and Brooke where in the room )I gave him a reassuring smile telling that it was ok and normal to own a magazine like that at his age.
I was going crazy because the boys won't shut up and I can't handle it.
" SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled not meaning to sound rude but we are being held hostage by men that can kill us and these boys yelling is not helping
The boys turned and looked at me shocked I usually don't yell like that it is must be shocking to them
" I'm sorry I just can't take the constant yelling from all of you"
They looked at me with sorrow and upset eyes
I was confused why are they looking at me so upset what's up with these guys I just yelled it's not like them to get all Butt hurt
Joey came up to me and held my face looking at it
" your face is bruised Katie, badly" Joey said holding me gently
Oh yeah I forgot Luis hit me with the gun. my face has been hurting a lot I guess I just choose to ignore it. I got up form the window sill and grabbed a mirror to look at my face
Oh my god no wonder they were shocked I look absolutely awful
" hey let's do something this is getting depressing" Brooke said coming over to hug me
" yea we should it could get our minds of of this bullshit" I said hugging my best friend
" how about truth or dare" snuffy piped up
" sure why not" billy said
" of course you want to your an evil child" I said to my brother billy just gave me an evil grin
" you know me to well sister"
"ok if we are going to play this dreadful game then let's do it and not waste time "hank said
We all sat in a circle on the floor I sat by Joey and my brother Joey grabbed my hand. I have noticed that ever since this terrorist thing he has been real close to me and I like it he is so warm and protective I feel right when I'm around him
"Ok I'm starting" snuffy said
" who died and made you queen " I asked snuffy with sass
" well someone needs to take action" snuffy defended
I laughed snuffy taking action is so funny to me I don't know why
"yogurt truth or dare" snuffy asked
Yogurt looked nervous I don't think he likes this game much
" umm truth" yogurt whispered
" baby umm do you have a crush"
Yogurt looked around I knew he did I have seen him looking at this girl around school ever since I got here
" yea her name is grace "
The boys stared to wink and whistle
Billy started to howl my brother is a freak
" she is cute yogurt" I said giving him a smile I really like yogurt he is sweet and innocent he reminds me of a little brother that I wish I had but no I got stuck with billy which I mean is fine but I would also love yogurt as I brother
" Rick truth or dare"
"Dare I never choose truth"
" umm lick hanks foot"
"That's Disgusting" I said
They are so gross sometimes. I can't handle these boys form time to time. well Rick did it so gross at least it was hank I mean I feel like he washes his feet so they probably aren't as gross as the others especially billy I am definitely the clean twin
" billy truth or d..."
" dare make it bad I like bad" billy winked at Brooke
I am ok with billy and Brooke now they are cute plus i am in love with Billy's best fiend so I can't get mad at him for liking my best friend but if he hurts her I will beat him up
" 7 minutes in heaven with Brooke" Rick did a little eyebrow wiggle

Brooke pov
OH SHIT I'm blushing I can't do this billy doesn't know I like him and 7 minutes in heaven isn't ok what if he doesn't like me and says no but what if he does like me that could be worse I can't date my best friends brother I know I say that he is hot but I couldn't date him I want to that's for sure but I can't
" come on let's go" billy was waving his hand in my face I must have blanked out. Billy held his hand out for me and lead me to the closet. It was really dark and I couldn't see shit
" I can't see anything"
.... ... " hello billy" is he even in here
I felt someone crash their lips against mine and it felt so good all I wanted was more
billy kept going and I kissed back the kiss became more intense. We fully made out for what seemed like hours. I really felt in love with billy, but he is my best friend's brother.
" guys times up get out" I heard Katie pounding on the door
" Brooke" billy was panting hard
" yes"
" will you be mine" billy said with our foreheads put together
" of course billy" I can't stop smiling
We got dressed and headed out of the closet Before we left I whispered to him " I'll be sure to return the favor"
We walked out holding hands
" so what happened in there it took you two long enough to get out" Rick winked at billy
" oh nothing important" I said smiling

Katie pov
I have never seen Brooke so happy I wonder what happen I will definitely get the details later
" Joey truth or dare" billy asked
" umm truth"
" interesting I wasn't expecting that" billy paused to think a little
"how do you feel about my sister Joey "
I instantly got nervous and my eyes grew wide. I knew Joey liked me but I don't know if it was anything more than friends I mean I'm his best friends sister why would he like me
Joey turned to me and grabbed both of my hands
" I love her" Joey said looking into my eyes

SMUT I did it I don't know if it is good I tired. I will do I smut for Joey and Katie later and I may do more for billy and Brooke too!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WIL 🎉🎉🎉🎉I love that babe

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