Plan 2

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Katie pov
I'm sitting in a hospital  waiting as doctors operate on my boyfriend.
How could Joey do this. He should have played it safe and walked out of the school with me. We could have made a plan together to save everyone else.but no he goes off and gets himself shot.
I couldn't stop my mind. I had a million things running in my head. I couldn't  stop crying and I know if I see Joey again I will cry more  i mean I will cry too if I don't see Joey again.
I loved Joey I did I believe that we could have been something real.
I tried to get my mind to stop thinking and it just ended up with me become even more of a mess. My pocket was making a weird ass noise. OH GREAT!!! I'm going crazy I'm hearing voices.
But That voice sounds just like billy??
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a  walkie-talkie. Oh shit I forgot billy handed this to me when i left with Joey in the ambulance.
Billy is planning something and He must need me.
" Katie Katie!!!!" Billy yelled into the walkie
" Katie it's urgent!!! Pick up you asshole" snuffy yelled
Of course he would call me an asshole in my time of need.
" snuf that was rude Joey could be Dead you know" Brooke yelled
I think she hit him cuz I heard a crash and snuffy yell and start to "cry"
" guys the hell is going on one of you answer me I don't need a million voices screaming at me" I said looking around to find a bathroom
I spotted one and ran for it. I got into the bathroom and checked for anyone in the stalls. Luckily no one was in there so I locked the door.
" ok talk billy" I said into the walkie
" Katie we are going  through with the plan tomorrow and we want you to know that if anything happens we love you"
I have never heard my brother so serious in his whole life.
" billy no!" I dot want them to go through with this
I might have just lost the love of my life I can't afford to lose my brother and seven of my best friends.
" Katie we need to do something"
" then let me help"
" Katie how your not here and there isn't I way for you to get in" snuffy yelled
" I can sneak in the same way billy snuck out. I can help a lot"
" and how so" Rick said
" my grandpa was an FBI agent before he died he has a bunch of guns and even taught me how to shoot, remember grandpa George Billy?"
It is true I can shoot I'm good too my grandpa always said I was a good eye.
" yea I do but that's too dangerous Katie. you got out of this hell I don't want you to come back in. You could  get hurt you need to stay with Joey"
" no billy don't baby me! Joey will be fine for fuck sake he might be dead damn it"
I was crying I can't fucking handle Joey dieing and I don't know what I would do if I lost my brother too
" I'm coming billy I can't lose you too.i will see you in the morning"

I woke up in my grandparents bed. My grandmother had gone off to California for a vacation. Since she was gone I broke in to get my grandpas guns.
I grabbed a backpack to put some ammo in and a few extra guns. I used my grandpas belt to put two pistols in. Once I was loaded up I grabbed the walkie
" morning sunshine it's a beautiful day to be alive" I yelled hoping to wake up the gang
" Katie let me sleep" Brooke groggily said
" whatever I'll be at the school a quarter till noon got it"
And with that I headed out it was already 11:16 so I had  about 30 minutes to get to the school.

---30 minutes later-----

I ran up to the side of the school guns and all luckily I didn't get spotted.
I heard the fire alarm which means they are going through with the plan.
I went through the chem lab to get to the quad all the kids were out there doing head count and the regular stuff
I spotted  Brooke shit  she looked nervous
I saw Luis and  that old guy whispered in Luis' ear
" ok save to go in get lunch and eat you for one hour!!" Luis yelled to the students
All the students were in the building same as the guards i took this as I time to move.
As I was moving out onto the quad I spotted a guard.
It was the guard that shot Joey. That fucking bastard his gonna get it.
i snuck up behind the guard and whacked his head hard. The guard fell to the ground. Giving me time to grab his gun. The guard was waking up.
" sucks huh? Maybe you shouldn't have shot my boyfriend" I said as I shot his head in
" You fucked with the wrong girl you bastard" I said as I walked into the school.
I was walking through the halls and I saw two guards right outside the cafeteria I aimed and made my shots nailing the suckers both in the head.
I walking in the cafeteria shooting two more guards. I saw Rick taking kids to the basement.
" were is Luis" I yelled to him
" Katie the fuck!!" He yelled back
" I asked a fucking question" I got closer to him
" he ran to the office I'm trying to get. Everyone save" Rick answered
" ok" I said running away " wait take these" I threw Rick a couple of guns with some ammo I hope he can shoot.
I ran my ass down the halls trying to get to the office in quick time. I busted the office doors to find Billy being strangled by Luis.
Luis held a gun to Billy's head and pushed his button on his bracelet and the plane went flying.
I smiled billy and yogurt switched  the chips
I love those boys.
Luis still had the gun on my brother and he cocked it about to shoot.
I took aim and got Luis' arm and he let go of the gun and billy. I shot Luis in the head. It was over now all over we were safe.
Billy ran to me and hugged me
"Don't you do that again" he yelled
" billy it's over" is all I could say
For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of Luis' dead body.
The police came running in taking the bomb.
My brother and I ran to the quad to find the others and we joined in a group hug. None of us were died and these bastards are gone. I felt so good like nothing could go wrong till I got a tap on my shoulder it was the dean
" Katie a Albert  is on the phone for you"
Albert was joeys dad I told him to call with news when Joey was out of surgery
" hello" I answered
"Katie?" Albert was quiet
" yes"
" Joey is out of surgery. It went well"
" really!!!! That's great I'm on my way!!!
I was Ecstatic Joey was ok this is the best news I've heard in weeks
" wait Katie there is something you should know about Joey"
" what is it??"
" his in a coma"
I couldn't speak I just fell to the ground Joey isn't ok he could still die!!! I couldn't do anything but just lie on the ground.
I couldn't even blink.

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