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Katie pov
It's been a year since Luis was at Regis and everything kinda went back to normal. The school has much better sercrity it's like top notch and the best in the whole country, So suck on that terrorist!!
We are ending our senior year at Regis and I have to say it's fucking crazy.
Joey and I are still together and we have been for about seven months( I don't count the five months of him being in a coma so it's seven) and it has been wonderful.
After graduation the boys said they want to stay close especially over the summer.
Billy got excepted to Harvard. My fucking twin delinquent brother got into Harvard like what the fuck?
Snuffy and hank are going to yale together of course they are going to the same school.
Rick got a scholarship and is going to play pro soccer all around the world.
Yogurt and Ted are still at Regis and I promised that I would visit like every holiday.
Brooke is going to a community college for hair and it's close to Harvard of course. Did I mention that billy and Brooke are still together. They are and it's incredible. those two are the one night stand kind of people and it's weird to see them in such a serious relationship but they are cute i will say that.
Joey is going to Juilliard for his art. He almost turned it down because he would be to far from me. So I decided to go with and apply at a sociology college. I wanted to become a therapist I believe I have a lot to offer. Also the school is close to joeys so it's perfect.
We were parting ways and it did make me sad I'm going to miss my best friend and my six idiots. But we have the summer and we will never become disconnected we have phones and shit.

"Hey you ready?"Joey asked me handing me my cap.
" I guess so." I was so nervous I was sweating bullets ,I know hot right?
Joey grabbed hold of my hand and my gown lifted a little and showed my scar.
I pulled my gown down fast and looked away.
I told Joey the whole thing with him and me. I told him I was depressed and that I tried to kill myself.

Joey had woken up from his coma about a week ago and I didn't leave his side since.
I was still is the suicidal ward and was on my anti-depressants. I hadn't told Joey about me being depressed or about my little accident. I didn't want to make Joey feel like it was his fault because it wasn't.
"Knock knock, time for lunch. Also mr trotta you have visitors." A nurse said waking in to give Joey a tray of food.
" thanks" Joey said and the nurse left.
" great some more puke" Joey said eyeing his food.
" it's like Regis' food."I said with a laugh.
" I missed that, your laugh" Joey smile at me.
I kissed him and was intrupted.
" ewwwwwww!!get a room!" Snuffy yelled.
" we have one!" Joey defended.
The boys stayed for about an hour talking about random stuff and how Joey is feeling.
When the boys left I talked with Joey.
" Joey I never told you this but I think it's important." I said grabbing hold of his hand.
Joey sat up and looked at me
" when you were in your coma I kinda became depressed, I didn't think you would make it."I said getting teary eyed .
Joey's eyes were red and teary.
" I tried to kill myself. If it wasn't for billy I wouldn't be here." A tear rolled down my cheek and Joey brushed it away with his thumb.
"Katie.. I'm so sorry." Joey weakly said.
" it's fine, I'm fine. I'm getting better and your here." I said with a smile.
Joey kissed me on the cheek.
I crawled into his bed and we cuddled till i fell asleep.

---------end of flash back----------

I know it still brothers Joey and he hates that I was so unhappy.
But I'm not now I'm happy and ready to take on the world. The only thing form my dark past is the memory and those stupid ugly-ass scars.
" Katie?" Joey said to me grabbing my chin.
" I'm fine just memories that's all." I said smiling small.
Joey kissed my lips.
" it's over and we are ok!i love you!" Joey said holding my hand.
Joey and I walked to the cafeteria were all the seniors gathered.
We saw the boys and went toward them.
" GRADUATION BITHES!!!" Brooke yelled at me and Joey.
" Jesus Brooke! Do you have to brush my ear drum" Joey asked.
"Baby sis we did it!!" Billy said grabbing me and lifting me over his shoulder.
" billy let me down!! I'm not a sack of potatoes!" I yelled at him.
Billy set me down softly which was a surprise to me.
" sorry I'm exited" billy said with a wide smile.
"Attention students we are ready for you. Get in alphabetical order and begin to take your sits out on the quad." Dean Parker yelled.
Luckily there are few T last names so me, Joey and billy got to sit together!
Everyone else was close to us so that's good too.
Once we were seated the headmaster made and speech.

" good morning senior class and parents. I am glad to say that we have yet another class graduating and moving forth in their lives. This senior class is very special to me. It is filled with a few very honored students who saved Regis prep school over a year ago. I would like to thank these students now. William Tepper, katelyn Tepper, Henry Giles, Ricardo Montoya, Brooklyn Olson, and Jonathan bradberry. You students stand and we applaud you on your great service. I would also like to thank our valid victorian and the only student that was injured in the attack. Joesph trotta please stand. Congratulations class of 1992 and good luck on your further journeys.

The head master finished up his speech. While Dean Parker started to read out students names and hand out diplomas.
There were 127 seniors at Regis and let me tell you the process of handing out diplomas took forever.
" Katelyn tepper" the dean called my name it took a second for me to realize and I had to run across the stage.
The dean handed me my diploma and said good job.
The students all got their diplomas and it was now time for the valid Victorian to say his speech. Joey got up and made his way throw the crowd to the stage.

Joeys speech:
Hello class of 92! How are ya!!
I have been trying to write a speech for a week and I honestly couldn't think of what to say. I guess really all I wanted to say was thank you. Thank you for being you guys because you all were my classmates for four long years and you made them the best four years of my life.i want to thank my friends for always being by my side. I want to thank my roommate and best friend billy tepper for being my sidekick and partner in crime. I would also like to thank my girl Katie and I would like her to come up here please.

I was suprised Joey asked me to come up on the stage. I was wondering what he was planing. I made my way up to the stage and stood in front of Joey.
Joey grabbed my hands.

" Katie?" Joey asked
" yes." I asked cocking my eyebrow
" I love you so much!!" Joey said kneeling on one knee and taking something out of his pocket.
" will you Katie do me the honor of being my wife!" Joey said smiling and showing me this gorgeous ring.

I was shocked. Joey was crazy, we are too young. I mean I guess we don't have to get married right away . I do love Joey I can't picture my life without him.
" yes!" I said to him
Joey jumped in the air and hugged me spinning me around.
The whole senior class cheered. I forgot they were there.
Joey and I walked off the stage and the dean yelled "congratulations class of 92 ,you did it!"
The class all threw their hats in the air.

We did it! We are done with high school and on to adult lives. I'm going to college and I will be a wife to the love of my life. Wow time moves fast!

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