He's alive?

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Guys I'm so close to finishing ahhhh!!! Please till me if you like it and give me some feedback I would love it!!
Also can someone tell me why Wil is just so damn cute all the time!

Billy pov
Today marks the end of the fifth month that Joey has been in a coma. In the beginning of this doctors  said  that they would give Joey five months.
Five months to either wake up or show improvement. Unfortunately Joey hasn't shown either and they are pulling the plug.
It is bullshit that they would even thank to do this, but his parents already decided and there's nothing I can do about it.
Joeys parents believe that he should be let free not hooked up to machines forever.
Katie is taking this very hard she knew that they may have to pull the plug but she never believed it would really happen.
I was at the hospital in joeys room chatting  with his folks.
" where is Katie at darling?" Joeys mom ,Linda, asked me.
" I'm not sure she might be in her room I will get her."
Katie is still in the suicidal ward. I know she is better and so do the doctors, but they are afraid that if they pull the plug on Joey that she will get worse.
I walked down to the ward and checked in.
"I'm  here to see Katelyn tepper." I said to the nurse.
" sign here. You know we're her room is" she said handing me the sheet.
I signed in and walked down the hall.
I hated being here. This ward is depressing seeing millions of kids hurting and wanted to die.
I walked down to the last door on the left and knocked on the door.
I heard I faint voice say, " come in."
I entered the room and saw Katie in her bed starring out the window. Katie had a beautiful view of the city from her room. You could see everything even Regis.
" hey do you wanna come down to joeys'a room with me?" I said gentlely.
" why? So I can watch them kill him." Katie said bitterly.
" No!! So you can say goodbye doesn't that matter to you?" I asked
I was sick and tired of Katie being this way all she ever acted like was sad or angry.
" no Joey is dead now I just wanna stay here!!" She said turning to face me.
" what the hell is wrong with you!!" I screamed in her face.
She instantly lost the hope in her eyes and it was filled with emptiness. I can't believe I just yelled at her.
" I'm sorry Katie I didn't mean it that way. It's just you used to be so happy and funny" I said holding her.
" well I'm not now is deal!" She said turning back to face the window.
" NONE OF IS WANT YOU LILE THIS ESPECIALLY JOEY!" I yelled coming around the bed to face her again.
" Joey wouldn't want this Katie. Joey would want you to be happy. He would want you to laugh like you use to. You know  that was his favorite thing about your laugh. He would want you to be the Katie he fell in love with and let me tell you this girl is not that Katie" I said looking at her.
I was serious Joey would want her to be happy. That's all Joey ever wanted was for her to be happy.
" come on I think you should go Joey would want you to" I said holding my hand out for her to take.
She grabbed hold of my hand.
" ok let's go. It may take a bit I can't eat for shit" Katie said.
" come on get on my back" I said turning from her.
Katie jumped on my back and I gave her a piggy back ride to joeys room.

Katie pov
When billy yelled at me it fucking hurt.
Does he think I want to be this way because I don't I want to be happy but I can't my mind and my thoughts won't let me. But when billy told me to be the Katie that Joey fell in love with it hit me. I realized that he was right Joey would want me to be happy with or without him so that's what I will be. Happy
Billy gave me a piggy back ride down to joeys room. I can't really walk because I haven't eaten anything in three days and haven't got one hour of sleep in four days.
We got to joeys room and entered. I saw that all the boys were there with Brooke and his parents were too.
" hey guys an Brooke" I said waving at them.
I got a few heys and some nods. The boys haven't ever seen me so down before it must be shocking. Plus I haven't looked in the mirror in a few days so I probably look like shit.
Billy sat me on a chit by joeys bed while he sat on the next to me grabbing hold of joeys hand.
I got close to joey's face examining it. I looked younger when he sleep.
" hey Joey. Umm I really don't know what to say. Umm I guess I'll keep it short and say I love you soo so much." I whispered into joeys ear and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"GUYS" billy screamed like a mad man.
"What is it billy?" I asked him
"JOEY ITS JOEY!!HE FUCKIG SQUEEZED MY HAND HE'S ALVIE" billy shouted and no one could believe it.
"Ask him something" Rick said.
" umm ok Joey if you can hear me then squeeze once for yes and twice for no." Billy said to Joey.
" oh are you a women." Snuffy asked.
What an idiot. Joey squeezed twice for no.
" is your favorite sport soccer?" Yogurt asked.
Joey squeezed once for yes.
"Are you in love with Katie" Brooke asked being all girly. I just rolled my eyes at her.
" he squeezed once Katie" billy said doing his eyebrow wiggle.
All the boys cheered and Brooke awed.
" take his hand Katie" billy said giving me joeys hand.
I took his hand in mine and joeys eyes shot open.
I looked at him with awe and his turned to me and smiled. This is a miracle joeys back!
I hugged him and kissed him.
" You're ok oh my god! You're alive Joey you're here!" I was so happy he was here I can't even but it into words of how I feel right now.
" don't you ever fucking do that again!" I yelled hitting him.
" ah Katie jeez I woke up not even admire and you're already beating me up" Joey chuckled. Oh how I missed his voice.
" OH YEAH JOEYS BACK BITCHES" snuffy screamed also earring  glare form his parents.
" sorry" he said to joeys mom and dad.
The doctor walked in.
" ok have you all got the chance to say goodbye" the doctor said looking at us.
" I don't think so doc" Joey said.
The doctor looked at Joey and his eyes went wide.
" it's a miracle! You choose the right day to wake up kid." The doctor left the room.
" hey beautiful. How you doing" Joey smiled at me.
" beautiful my ass I probably look like shit" I laughed
" you are always beautiful to me. I love you!" Joey kissed my lips.
" I love you too. I'm so glad you're back." I smiled at him.
My boyfriend is back and I'm so excited I sure am happy now!!

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