Billy hurry!

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Katie's pov
The plan was for billy to get all the stuff we had found out about these terrorists to the cops that are based just outside the school borders but he only has less then an hour to do it.
" ok try and be back at 10:45" snuffy said giving billy an extra 15 minutes
" yea yea Snuffy I got it" billy was nervous but tried playing it off one cool thing about having a twin I know more about them then they know themselves.
" don't be late billy" I said sternly
" ok"
" yea promise" billy linked our pinkys and we hugged
" see you soon baby sister"
" I'm 2 minutes younger I'm not a baby"
" you keep telling yourself that Katie" Joey winked at me
I pushed Joey playfully and he stared to tickle me he knows I'm like super duper ticklish and he always uses it against me the only problem now is he is my boyfriend and I can't punch him anymore will Actually I can punch Him I would just feel bad about it now
" Joey stop.... I.. Can't... Breath" I said in between laughs 
" haha I win" Joey said hugging me around the waist
" you two done" snuffy asked
" f u snuf" I said sticking my tongue at him 😝
Billy got into position after kissing Brooke bye
The plan is to have billy break into a class that takes him to the outskirts of the school while he breaks the window to the class Ricardo will break a window with a soccer ball to distract the guards out on the quad. when billy gets to the other side of the school he  will wait for the guards on the roof to look away ( because yogurt will fly his plane in the air to distract them ) so that he  can run into the forest and not be seen. Billy will then find the cops give them the stuff and run back in time for head count. Sounds simple enough
" wait for my count" Joey whispered to billy
Joey counted to five and so did Rick on five both Rick and billy broke their window and the plan officially started

Billy's pov
I broke the window and went threw the old Chem lab to get on the other side of the school. I  Squeezed myself threw the window and waited to hear yogurts plane once I did I ran to a car and ducked behind it checking that the guards weren't looking my way. When they weren't I ran to the forest to find the cops. I had to go threw a tunnel in the creek we used to always go through this  when we wanted to go off campus. I got through the tunnel and was grabbed by two guys camouflaged in the bushes
I knew the were apart of the army so I gave them our info
" here is everything you need to know about those terrorist" I tried to run but the held on to me tighter
" come on guys I gotta go"
" no you stay with us"
" I'm on a tight schedule let me go"
The guys dragged me to their base and I saw none other than dean Parker
" tepper I'm not surprised"
"Sir, tell them to let me go I have to get back"
" son we can't do that we won't put you back into a dangerous situation" some military guy said I think he is the leader  or something
" you don't get it I have to go back they well kill five people if I'm gone"
I ran for it trying to get back to the school I hope I'm not to late

Katie pov
We're is billy he is late and he promised me he wouldn't be late!!! I was freaking out there was only 10 minutes till head count and I'm not sure if billy is gonna make it back in time.
" Joey his not here I'm getting worried"
" I know but he will be here you know billy wouldn't let us down" Joey said rubbing circles on my back to clam me down
The bell rang for head count and billy was still nowhere to be found.
We were being counted and the old guy told Luis we only had 91
Luis grabbed the headmaster first and brought him to the wall.
" You, you and you" he pointed to some kids and brought them to the wall
oh shut he is going to kill someone!
" ms. Tepper come here" Luis said
Oh fuck I'm died I'm  died I'm died please billy hurry I'm gong to get fucking shot
" no not her don't shoot her" Joey spoke next to me holding me back
" though boy I see" Luis said
" ok have it  your way" Luis held the gun to joeys head about to pull the trigger

Billy pov
I ran through the tunnel and slipped on my ass. I was soaked in creek water. When I got in the Chem lab I tore my clothes off and pretended that I was in the shower and didn't hear head count
I ran to the cafeteria
I saw that Luis was talking to my sister and he held a gun up to joeys head
"WAIT!!!!!" I yelled bursting through the doors
"What is this" Luis questioned
" I'm sorry I was in the shower and didn't hear the bell ...I'm sorry" I said
" he is wet " the old guy told Luis while feeling my hair
" so he is" Luis said grabbing my neck
" everyone outside NOW!!!!!" Luis called
It didn't take long for everyone to leave fast
" come with me William"

I followed  Luis to the office. Fuck I think he may kill me damn those cops
" when I was younger my father sent me to a school like this one"
Why is he telling me this I don't care
" discipline they had lots of discipline that's what my father wanted was for me to be Disciplined"
Luis grabbed me and hunched me over his desk.
" you need some Saplin"  Luis said as he whipped me with a pointer
"Fuck" I yelled in pain
Luis whipped me 4 more times after that
" you may leave Mr. tepper!!"Luis yelled the owning me clothes
I walked out to the quad to find my sister and Joey and the guys. I saw  Brooke. Oh god I missed her.
" BILLY" Katie screamed running after me
" hey" I whinced 
" you ok" she questioned searching my eyes one thing about my sister is that I can't hide shit from her she knows me to well.
" no he fucking whipped me" I said pulling my shirt up to the show them
" oh my god billy" Katie said " you promised you wouldn't be late"
" well sorry the cops wouldn't let me go"
" well we are all ok none of us are died" Brooke said as she examined my back
" can you get a rag hank" Joey asked hank
Hank came back with a wet rag and gave it to Brooke to clean my cuts
" guys I think we need another plan to get these guys. the cops are slow and aren't doing shit" I said in pain form my cuts " Joey you up for it"
" you know me man I'm always up for it" Joey said
" I'm in too " Katie said
" ok we will plan tonight for now let's focus and not getting killed" I said

OH MY GOD!! Joey almost got shot!!😱😱
Sorry for not updating I have been really busy with moving and my dad has been having health issues so sorry about that. Also in like at 200 reads that's not a lot but wow I never thought I would have so many. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!❤️✌🏻️✌🏻

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