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Me and Brooke went back to our dorm and cleaned up Brooke's clothing mess and I began to put me stuff away.
"So it looks like Joey likes you" Brooke looked at me and did a weird eyebrow wiggle
" and what makes you say that"
" oh come on Katie it is so obvious he even winked at you!!"
" so I winked at a lot of people I  even wink at you. so does that mean I like you" I questioned her
" well no but I do mean if you went lesbian you would totally date me"
" not true you would date me!!! "
" no you would date me I am hot any girl would go lesbian for me"
" well you like billy and think he is hot and we are twins who look alike so there you would date me"
" dam you got me there but still Joey likes you no question about it"
" yea sure" I chucked a pillow at her
" what the heck that was my face don't touch the money maker"
" oh money maker yea sure but hey it's 6 and time for dinner so if you are ready miss money maker I would like to go" I said as I leaned on the door frame
We walked to the cafeteria for dinner and waited in line
" I hope this place has better food than my last school it was like border line horse meat"
" eww Katie that's gross"
" what I'm just being honest!!"
We were waiting to get food when someone wrapped their arms around my waist and whispered in my ear " hey baby"
I turn to see a Joey standing there.
" well someone is a little friendly aren't we"
" maybe I just like hugging pretty girls" Joey winked
Did he just call me PRETTY and what is with the winking it's weird Joey has never been like this to me I mean I always remember him wanting to talk to me all the time and sitting with me but never winking
" well thank you for the compliment, hey we're is billy" I look around and turned to Brooke and found billy all close and talking with her
" hey brother what's up"
I didn't care what was up I just wanted him away form Brooke I don't want him to wreck our friendship and trying to get with my best friend
We got our food and sat at the table of course the only spot left for me was in-between Joey and billy. I sat and began to eat. I felt like I was being stared at so I decided to look up and there was 6 boys looking at me
" can I help you guys" I say with food stuffed in my mouth I know hot right
" oh sorry Katie this is hank" billy said pointing to a black guy
" snuffy" he said pointing to a blonde kid inhaling an inhaler
" yogurt and Ted" he said pointing to the two younger kids
" you meet Rick today" the Mexican guy wave and winked
" and you know Joey" Joey just smiled at me
" guys this is my sister Katie and that's Brooke" billy said
" wow billy your sister is hot" snuffy said
" umm thanks" I said these guys really know how to make a girl feel uncomfortable
We all just sat and talked about stupid pranks that billy did in the past.
" sorry the guys don't talk or see many girls they don't mean you any harm" billy whispered in my ear
" thanks billy I figured they're teenage boys I'm not surprised"
Billy and I laughed Really hard. I really did miss him
" hey billy are we still on for tonight" hank asked leaning over the table
" yea we can be if you are up for it" billy said
" Katie you should come" Joey said nudging  me a little
" umm yea sure I'll come if I'm welcome"
"YES!!!! YOU ARE!! " all the boys yelled at one time
" ok Umm can Brooke come"
" of course she can" billy said putting his arm around her shoulder she is probably dead  inside
" this is the life" Joey said now putting his arm around my shoulder and smiling at me
After dinner billy told me and Brooke to go to our dorm and wait
I found out that billy and joeys dorm was right by ours
It was about 3 hours later and billy knocked on the door asking if we were ready to go
We followed billy and Joey all the way down to the kitchen
" hey take it easy man you're going to break the window" Joey sternly whispered to billy
" am not" billy defensely said
The window then shattered
" saw that one coming" I whispered to myself
Joey chuckled behind me I guess he heard that and thought it was funny
Once we got into the kitchen the boys moved some shelfs and there was a secret door on the floor
Snuffy sneezed and Rick yelled at him to be quite
" oh blow me" snuffy said
" no thanks but hey Katie do you wanna blow me" Rick winked at me
That is Soo gross I think I might puke
" hey Rick stop that's disgusting man she doesn't like you like that so leave her alone" Joey piped up I was surprised that he defended me so quickly maybe Brooke is right he might like me
" nice hole anyone gotta sister" Rick said
Billy looked back and glared at him
" oh sorry billy that was stupid of me" Rick said holding up his hands in surrender
I went through the hole with billy in front of me and joey behind as we were going through Joey totally touch my butt I really don't think he meant to so I just ignored it we were now in a basement thing
" hello ladies and gentlemen the bar is now open" billy said with an announcer voice
" mr trotta will you tend to the bar" billy asked
Joey has some plastic cups and filled them with some kind of liquid
"Umm mouthwash billy" I asked
"Oh yea mouthwash but maybe not my baby sister"
" really billy are you trying to tell me my breath stinks" hank asked
" no hank don't take everything so dam personally "
We all examined our drinks
"Here's to donoghue" billy toasted to someone
" yea to Phil may he get laid while on the outside" Joey said winking at me there he goes again winking
We drank our little shots and it tasted so gross I almost spit it out
"Yea you asshole this is mouthwash" hank yelled
" no it is not mouthwash" billy defended
" it sure taste like mouthwash what is is " Rick asked
" 4 parts 100% proof vodka one part peppermint schnapps for that mouthwash flavor and one part crme de menthe to make it green" billy explained
" you're sick I hope you know that" Rick stated
" no boys that's the beauty of this concept it looks smells and taste just like mouthwash we can keep liquor in plain sight and the best part I sold 8 bottles of this stuff for 35 bucks a piece!"
"You my friend are a genius" hank exclaimed
" trotta fix me another while I work on the entertainment" billy said
"What's the entertainment" I questioned I know my brother and this could be bad
" don't worry about it" billy tried to clam me
" this stuff is great it's opening my lungs and making me breath easier" snuffy said
" evidently it's making you fart easier"Rick said in disgust
" I didn't fart!!" Snuffy defended
" first rule of prep school etiquette when in a room with no windows than don't fart"
" no first rule is to pretend your asleep when your roommate is beating off"
" no it's to wait till your roommate falls asleep before you beat off" hank said
" was that a personal remark ROOMMATE" said snuffy
" no choke your chicken it's yours"
" well you slap your monkey all the time I can't sle...."
"Boys the first rule of prep school etiquette is to not talk about beating off in front of a girl" I said interrupting snuffy
" whelp speaking of beating off gentlemen I will do the talking" billy said after he hooked some wires to a pole it guess he made his on cell phone thing
" hey my name is Jennifer what's your name " a lady of the phone said trying to be seductive
I had to hold my hand over my mouth to not laugh so hard I can't believe my brother would call a sex line haha this is unbelievable I bet this Jennifer is some old fat lady.
" umm Steve" my brother said all nervous
" ohhhh I like that name Steve what do you look like"
Billy looked around the room and at me I gave him the look like don't you dare
" I got long blonde hair " I gave him a death glare "I'm 5'9" and 190 pounds" Rick snapped and winked at billy
" I got an earring in my left ear" Joey then winked at me
" and I'm black" hank and billy did a weird hand shake thing
" ohh blonde hair on a black guy sooo hot and sexy I have long blonde hair I'm not black but very very tan"
Gosh who is this chick
I blocked out the conversation cause Jennifer stared to talk about her tits and I was grossed out so me and Brooke went over and talked about how hot Rob Lowe and C Thomas Howell are
" hey we gotta hide" Joey whispered in my ear and took my wrist next thing I knew is that I'm crouching behind a Cabinet sitting on Joeys lap I am sitting on the JOEY TROTTA'S LAP. I think I'm getting feelings for him but I won't ever tell anyone
" oh look here we have mr tepper I'm not surprised" dean Parker caught us shit
" we're is your roommate tepper"
" up in his room sleeping I guess"
Then snuffy sneezed
" mr Bradbury come out you too mr trotta" the dean called
" shit" billy cursed here his breath
" watch your mouth" the dean glared
" mr Montoya and mr Giles come on out"
Ha he didn't catch me suck on that boys
" what a second miss tepper is that you and miss Olson"
" yea yea I'm coming" I say as I get up and walk over to my brother
" you two girls go to bed" the dean looked at me and Brooke so weird probably because he caught us talking to a hooker
" you boys see me in my office at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning" the boys all walked
" tepper come here I want to talk with you

Joeys pov
I was siting in bed reading I couldn't get Katie outta my head she is so beautiful I mean I have talked to billy telling him I had a crush on her but that was in the 7th grade. It's different now she is older and hotter. I think I may love her but I am not going to let anyone know that
Billy walked into our dorm pissed
" fuck him man he made me look like a douchebag" billy yelled
" billy you were born looking like a douchebag" I said with a smile trying to lightin up the mood
" very funny but no man I want to get him back tonight" billy said tossing me my shirt
" I don't want to man I want to sleep and dream about Katie"
Billy looked at me with weird eyes
" ugh.... I mean....Jennifer did I say Katie I must be really tired" I said katie shit I can't believe I said that billy is gonna find out and tell Katie
" whatever we are getting back at Parker tonight lets go" billy said as he walked out leaving the door wide the fuck open

Yay guys I'm so happy I'm writing this sorry if it sucks it's my first one and I'm new at this please comment what you think and vote of you like it the more support I get the better I will feel on writing it. ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻😜😜

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