The wedding

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One more chapter!!!!!!wow I can't believe I'm almost finished with my first fanfic!!also the picture is Katie's dress for the wedding super cute right!!
Well I'm gonna go ily!!

Katie's pov
It's been over two years since graduation and life is moving fast. I am working on my masters for sociology and Joey has been working on his art.
I got a job working at a Denny's as a waitress ,glamorous I know. Joey sells his paintings and gets Quite a big hunk of cash for them.
After high school we kinda parted ways. It was sad but I stay connected through Facebook.
I found out that billy left Harvard because it was to proper for him. Our dad was pissed about it but supports Billy's dream in becoming a physical therapist.
Brooke is a hair dresser at a salon that she owns and is engaged to billy. Their wedding is going to be soon after joeys and i's wedding.
The other boys are still in college and being them.
Also yogurt, I found out got himself a lady. Her name is grace and yes he has had a crush on her since freshman year.
Time is flying by I'm getting married in less then 2 hours. My best friend is marring my brother. And my little baby yogurt has a girl and is graduating!

Joeys pov
I'm getting fucking married today. The best part of it is the girl I'm getting married to. I'm getting married to Katie the most gorgeous and smartest girl I've ever met. I can't wait to see her walk down that ale and I hope I don't blow chunks first.
Billy is my best man and Brooke is Katie's maid of honor. (Here's the whole bridal party in order: )
Billy and Brooke
Snuffy and  RebeccaBarber3
Rick and WilWheathins 
Hank and yeswheaton
Yogurt and grace
Ted and Sarah

I am getting ready with the guys. It's not to hard for us we just have a black suits and the guys have matching ties with the bridesmaids. My tie is white Katie thought it would be cute for the groomsmen to match the bridesmaids while I match my bride. I loved the idea.
"Ok bud it's time!!" billy said to me wrapping his arm over my shoulders.
" man I'm nervous.." I told billy honestly I'm really nervous what if I mess something  up.
" don't worry man Katie loves you to much. And if I had to pick a guy to marry my sister it would be you." Billy smiled at me.
" thanks man or maybe a should say brother." I said returning  the smile.
" we were always brothers."Billy said hugging me.
" guys we gotta go the ceremony starts in 5" snuffy yelled still trying to tie his tie.
what a goof.
I walked over and tied his tie for him.
" I'll see you guys on the other side." I said to them and made my way to the alter.

I was waiting for about five minutes but it felt like five years. Then the music started. The groomsmen and bridesmaids walked down to some slow song not sure what it was. Katie did the music and I didn't mind she has great taste. Ted and Sarah walked down the ale they were the last before Katie. The bride's music played and everyone stood. Katie walked through the doors and I was stunned. She was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it she was an angel. She walked down and joined me at the alter.
" your beautiful!" I said smiling
" thank you!" She said smiling.
Her dad give her to me and we faced the pastor.
My cheeks started to hurt form so much smiling , but I didn't care I was just so happy. Katie and I exchange rings and said the normal vows plus our own little ones.

Joey's vow:
Katie you are the most wonderful girl I've ever met. You are my light and my happiness. I could never live my life without you. You are my everything. I have lived 3 years of my life luckily to say that you are mine and I hope to add many many more years.  I love you Katelyn tepper and you will always be my number one gal.

Katie's vow:
Joesph trotta my love. I would never have thought to have you as mine. When I am with you it feels like a dream and when I'm without you its like a nightmare. I am glad to say that I am in love with my brothers best friend. I'm excited to live my life with you Joey. You are my rock and the only man I need in my life. Joey I'm so honored to call you mine.

Joeys pov
The pastor then asked the questions
" joesph trotta do you take Katelyn tepper to be your wife?"
" I do!" I said.
" and Katelyn tepper do you take joesph trotta to be your husband?"
" I do!" Katie smiled.
" I pronounce you husband and wife! you may kiss the bride."
I kissed Katie and we walked down the ale hand in hand as husband and wife.

During cocktail hour we did some pictures which were a pain. I'm not good at pictures and billy kept messing around.
" I hope you don't act like this at our wedding." Brooke looked at billy.
Billy stop messing around and took the pictures after that.
It was now time for the reception!
Yeah party time!!!

Katie's pov
I am now officially a wife!!!! And I couldn't be more ecstatic!
During the reception Joey and I danced our hearts away. Our first dance was to fix you by Coldplay.
Grace caught the Bouquet during the bouquet toss. All the boys gave yogurt a hard time the rest of the night about it.
Snuffy caught the garter during the garter toss.
The rest of the night was filled with fun and dancing.
When the night was over Joey finally told me our honeymoon location. We were going to London.
I was so happy. I have wanted to go to London since I was like 12!!
I am a wife now!!! Whoop whoop

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