Crossover- HTTYD2 Chapter 1

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For those who don't know HTTYD2 is How To Train Your Dragon 2 and it's on Netflix. Now the other thing on the chapter is just the results but after this Crossover we will have a new voting sessions and you can vote for more than 1 but right now just read...

Percy's P.O.V

I really wish Tony would quit playing with stuff that he doesn't know more about and let me tell you why, you see he somehow created a portal that pulled me into it. Now that would have been fine and everything but other than the fact that I woke up in a new place, the place smelled weird, I had claws instead of feet and Oh yeah. I was a freaking Dragon!

Now I had to think hard and my brain supplied that I was by an island called Berk where Norse citizens warship the gods that include Loki and Thor. Now if I could find a shrine or something that may help Thor locate me.

Now for some reason I was a baby Night Fury but old enough that I know how to fly and catch fish. Speaking of fish I was hungry and the area I was on was right by a cliff so the irrational part of my brain just scrambled off the edge and instantly made my wings flap out and my tail to steady my flight.

I somehow made my teeth pop out from where they were and started to look at the fast blue that was in front of me and I found a nice fishing spot and dove in for the catch, what I didn't think would happen was a net coming out of no where and capturing my wings.

I tried to scramble out of it and cry out for help but a man's boot when on my snout and kept it quiet, other men on the ship I landed on came and hooked me up in this wooden chained area in the cell below.

It felt like a couple hours and I tried to get out but each time the men would force me to be quiet and I got fed some but not much.

When the man that captured me came I tried to snarl and growl at him but because of the wood that was keeping my mouth shut I couldn't snarl but I could growl.

A accent caught me but I couldn't tell what it was but he had fur as armor and had a knife strapped to his side.

"Now now don't be like that but you will be sold to the dragon master." the guy laughed as I tried to snarl and try to bite him, what can I say I feel threatened and he was definitely not good.

He left when I heard dragons above, the others dragons were cheering and rattling to get out of their confined spaces and I tried the same thing. A voice in my head asked if I needed help and I felt that he knew how the dragons were right now.

Ice sprouted from the bottom of cage floor we were and shot up, it felt as if the dragon Alpha was here and I wanted to get away, only the other dragons didn't help me when one got out they all flew off to their master and here I was more secured than them in wood and chains when they had were rope.

When I knew they were gone I sank to the floor, I didn't even feel the Alpha near anymore and I felt alone.

It felt like a couple hours but I felt something, something really similar and my mind told me it was another one of my kind.

Something thudded on the deck above and I heard shots of the men and machines going off, the feeling intensified and I called out. I kept calling out and when I felt as if my kind answered I silent and tried to listen.

I could tell it was a woman and male by their scent and they were both in early 20's. The dragon was male and was about the age of the man.

The woman asked, "What are you doing?" When I thought I heard fire spring out of something that sounded metal like.

The men who captured me oohed. The male that original captured me said, "Back again? Soil my britches. That is a Night Fury. Thought we had the only one." the two newcomers seemed frozen for a second but the man continued while I heard the larger Night Fury growl, "Look like our luck's had a turn for the better lads. Don't think Drago has a larger one yet, in his dragon army."

That's when the Night Fury hopped above the others and went down the steps by me. He snorted in frustration when he saw that I was in some wooden locks and chains. He ripped the chains and wood off me easily and I crawled on his back, now my dragon brain just decided to purr on his and get closer to hide myself.

Now the conversation became clearer but I felt safer on this dragons back and I faintly heard a, "My name is Toothless."

I think I replied with my name but I wasn't certain, I was knew to the whole telepathy thing, but I stayed on his back and watched how Toothless went by his riders side and continued to growl threatening at the men who took me.

When Eret pointed the knife at the man who pretty much saved me even I started to growl threatening. When Toothless also 'yelled' at the man I also did and the man pointed to Toothless and said, "And this is Toothless. he says we're going. Now."

Eret laughed and said, "They all say that. Rush em lads." With that the men rushed but Toothless fired a plasma blast at the ice above that cracked and fell down distracting them enough for the man to cut the dragon tangled in rope and hope back on Toothless. I moved aside as he jumped onto Toothless.

Eret yelled after us but I didn't pay attention as I was sniffing the man. He started to move to pet my head but I moved back and he started to move his hand closer. I took a second then rested my nose against his palm and let him pet me.

"My name is Hiccup and the lady over there is Astrid. This is Toothless and the other dragon is Stormfly.

"What's you name bud?" Hiccup asked.

I highly doubt he knows the name Percy or even Perseus so I thought about letting him name me and I looked down at the water where Toothless was gliding over and set my paw in it. I watched how it went in then I pulled my paw out and splashed the water getting it a bit on Hiccup and Toothless.

"Alright so the name Swirl because you like the water, you like that bud?" he asked while moving to my neck area where I leaned into and slapped his hand away while moving to the edge of Toothless.

It seemed Hiccup didn't know I could fly because he tried to stop me but he was hooked to the machine and he couldn't stop me when I jumped off and was a bit opened mouthed when he saw that I was flying right next to Toothless.

Toothless in return gave me a goofy smile because his teeth weren't shown and I returned it. We seemed to be heading to an island where my brain supplied that is was called Berk.

Now I don't know how much you like this but it isn't going to be as many chapters as the Adventure because it's a movie for one thing but I hope you don't mind me doing HTTYD2...

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