Chapter 8

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Hey guys sorry it once again took so long for me to upload i hate doing this but I have all the other books I have to upload on and it gets a little hectic so yeah like I said last time I WILL try to upload more I need a sticky note anyways love you all please remember to comment, vote, and fan.

-Amanda J


Right when the girls let go of Jazzi and Nastasia they ran into our arms Jazzy, mine and Nastasia, Alex's we hugged deeply before puting them in there car seats in the back.( We put Jazz's in before heading here.)

" So Jazzy how was your first day of school?" I asked.

"AWWWESOME I's gots to meet Taz!"

" Oh thats awesome is this Taz?" i turned to Alex's sister.

" Yes thats her nickname her real name hard to pro pro Jazzy whats that word again?"

" Pronounce?"

" Yea thats it."

I turn to Taz " Hi l'm Jade Knight it's nice to meet you." I said giving a bright smile.

She returned the smile but she had half the teeth. Oh My Gosh she is so cute she's just like Jazzy."It nice to meet you I'm Taz I can't say my real name." She said with a sad look.

" Aw don't worry you'll get it eventually Jazzy can't say her real name either I have a simple name but it must be very hard with names like yours! Isn't that right Alex"

" Hey I.." I cut him off with an elbow to the side.

"Isn't that right ALEX?"

"Yea thats right." He said rubbing hiss side my elbow connected to.

"see it want take long at all and if you want you can come over to our house and I can teach you how to say your name it won't be no trouble on me." I said turning back to Taz.

" Yay can Alits pwease then I can pway with Jazzy pwease?" she said giving him puppy dog through the back mirrors. OMG she's to cute.between her and Jazzy I can already tell my kids going to be spoiled if they're cute at all.

" I don't see why not."

" Yay." she turned to me before saying. " I like you I can already tell you're alot more fun then my big brother my sissy ok though." She said giving me another bright smile which i returned fool heartedly.

Just then we turned into the school drive way to get my car I jumped out but Jazzy wanted to stay with Taz so l rode home alone following Alex. We entered my drive way before stopping in front of my house. I turned off the car and jumped out  running to pick up Taz and Jazz each in one arm. They screached before they realized it was me. I twirled around with them in my arms us all laughing. I stopped before I could get to dizzy and sat against my truck. I looked up to see Alex watching me in aww.

"What?" I said with a big smile.

" Nothing your just really good with kids."

I shrugged. " Nah I'm just used to them with my mom always gone and no dad so you kind of have to be good with kids if you pretty much have one."

" No I think it's just one of your special qualities that your good at." He said smiling. At that second my heart started to beet a little faster. I quickly turned away from him before he could see the blush on my cheeks and started heading for the door. The girls still in my hands. Alex raced ahead and got the key from the hidden place on top of the door before unlocking it and holding the door opened for me.

" Don't your arms hurt."

" Nah I'm used to it I always carry Jazz around like this isn't that right Jazz."

" Yea Jadey may Taz and me go play in the game room?"

 "Of course you can." Ilet them down and they ran up the stairs. That was when I relized I didn't even no that we had a gmae room or any thing else.

"Hey you want to come wih me I just moved in so I havn't really actually seen any other room than mine and Jazzys."

" Sure l don't have any thing else to do" We started up the stairs to the second floor starting with the first hallway I started to open doors. The first door on the right was a bathroom. second was the guest room, on left 1st was another guest room, 3rd another, last was Jazzys room.

The 2nd hall was a little different  there was only one door when I opened it, it led to the game room. On the third floor all there was was a door that led to a humugous library. It even had a bathroom in it. In the myth aisle there was a window seat. Ok I just found my knew hide out I'm so decking this out and I'm closing it off, any way ilooked around a little more and found that there was a tiny stair case I foolowed it to a what iwas guessing was a secret tunnel it ended up leading to my room. Alex just walked silently behind me. After he saw where it led too he started to talk.

" Can we go ahead and stay here I'm tired from walking all those stairs why does your room have to be on he top floor."

" Oh stop whining plus I'm hungry so lets go to the kitchen."

" FIne but then I'm sitting on the couch and never getting  back up."



" Your acting like a girl."

"Am not!"

"Fine then your acting like a two year old."

" Thats cause I am at heart."

" Whatever. What do you want to eat?"

" Hmm, pizza." He said with an excited face.

" Fine do you want to make it or order it?"

" Cook." He said his excited face turning to a mischievious grin.

I got everything out that we needed to cook the pizza. Consisting of flour, measuring cup, tomato paste, cheese, and other toppings we both might want on the pizza.

" Ok you want to help me start on the crust how much pizza will you want?"

" I have a big appetite and judging from what I saw at luch we might want to make three one for each of us and 1 for the girls to share. I'll start by getting the milk in the measuring cup for the flour."

" Ok will you get the eggs them forgot it and the milk."

"Sure" With that we started making the pizza in silence when all of a sudden there was a cloud of dust around myself and i realized he threw flour on me I silently grabbed ineeg in my head and started to fake cough really loud. I am in awesome actress.

" Oh Jade are you ok." I bend over silently laughing but still have the coughing fit. He goes to help me up and crash the egg on the top of his head before letting out my held in laughter.

"Yep all better." After he got over the momentary shock he started to laaugh with me.

" Oh you play dirty I didn't know what kind of opponent I was up against."

" Now you do. Just remember one thing about me expect the unexpected."(AN Sorry always wanted to say that)

We finished the pizzas only throwing acouple more things at each other. We had three oven so they all finished at around the same time. I got Alex to go upstairs and get the girls while i cut the pizzas in to slices putting two peices on each plate it was pretty easy to know whos was whos. The girls peperonni, Alex meat lovers, mine Roma(tomato, feta, spinach.) We ate and by that time it was 9 and Alex and Taz had to leave. After putting up the left over pizza I put Jazz to bed before following her example and started to get ready for bed. I fell into a silent sleep.


Hope you guys like it fan, vote, comment

-Amanda J

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