Chapter 9

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Hey guys sorry it has been so long I'll try uploading more often I'm kind of excited I've already uploaded two stories today. Anyway I don't know how long this chapter will be. I guess will have to see. By the way this is in Alex's POV. I know someone had asked for it.



Alex's POV

I left Jades house. She really was something else I couldn't even describe how amazing she was.

I heard Taz's voice from the back seat. " Alex can we come over every day. I like playing with Jazz and Jade is really nice I really like her. Maybe tomorrow Nisha will come with us I know she'll like Jade."

"I know she will. They're friends at school."

" Really. All three of you are friends?"

" Yea..."

" Well normally you don't like the people Nisha hangs out with." Dang for a little girl she is too smart.

" That's not true they're just different from the people I hang out with."

" OK." And from then on all that came from her mouth was how much she liked Jade and Jazz. For the rest of the ride I just ignored her.

My whole train of thought was centered around Jade. There was something about her that makes meattrcted to her. Not just her looks but that helps too nor her personality but again thats a plus. I just cant figure it out.

I got home and had to carry Taz in. Waiting in the living room was my parents. When I first looked at them after setting Taz down I saw they were both looking at me aww.

" What?" I asked.

They turned to eachother.

"He found her."My mom said to my dad.

" He sure did." He responded.

" Weill you please tell me what you guys are talking about?"

" You've found your mate."

" What?"

" You found your mate."

" Who?" I asked though I had a pretty good idea.

" Im guessing it is who ever you've been with all day. Her smell is all over." My dad said. Nisha was already on her way down.

" Wait your mated with Jade?" she asked.

" I don't know. I guess." I said more quiet than usual.

" Aww man why did you have to mate with one of my friends?"

" Do you think I had a choice. I didn't even know she was a werewolf."

" Well she might not be quite yet." My dad said.

" What?" Nisha and I asked simultaneously.

" Well people don't turn into their wolf form until something triggers a certain amount of anger. There is a possibility that she has yet to trigger that anger. From her smell she doesn't seem to be a full werewolf yet." He finished.

" How is that possible she's like 17." Nisha asked. " Shouldn't something have triggered her t get angry?"

" I dont think it has." I said.

" WHy?" My mom asked.

" Well I mean she just has one of those really calm laid back personalities. She's one of those people that right when you talk to her you can't help but want to b a friend with her. I can tell Nisha knows because she was kind of compelled by it too. You could tell. I bet she could get a bear to stop attacking her if she smiled at it."

" Awww someones in love." My mom cooed.

" MOM!"

" What I'm just saying."

" I'm just saying that the way she takes care of her little sister and has to cook and clean and still gets perfect grades its amazing. With all that she still can make you laugh and she smiles the whole time. I have no doubt in my mind that she hasn't gotten angry enough to be changed. However Ican sense a feirceness about her. A feirceness that if you were to harm her loved one's in anyway she will come after you. And do some major harm." I said finishing.

" Now that you mention I kind of felt the same way. I mean even when she was yelling at the queen of bitches she was never relly mad, it just seemed she was having a good time. Not offended by one thing that witch said. Right after their chat she went right to talking to Kat about anime. That was the most I heard talk sinse I met her. Your right Alex it's like everyone is compelled by her.Other than the Mayor of witchville" Nisha commented.

" See and its not even her looks She is gorgeous. Actually she is absolutely breath taking but I don't think she'd have to be so beautiful to make everyone like her." I said not really thinking just saying the first thing it thought. I was currently looking at the floor but when I felt two stares on me I looked up.

Both my mom and Nisha were staring at me in aww. Again. My dad was currently taking Taz to her room.

" What now?"

" I think you really are in love. It hapened so quick though. Usually it takes a couple  of weeks for a guy to trully fall in love with his mate but it's like you'v known this girl forever." My mom said. " I've decided I want to meet this girl. Nisha ask her to come over for dinner tomorrow. Do what ever you have to do to get her over here."

" But she has dinner with her mom and little sister tomorrow night. Well than invite the whole family, and if you still can't get her I'll stop by her house after school."

" Mom. You sound like a staler." Nisha stated bluntly.

" Well I can't help it I've  never seen my little Alex like this."

And with those as the last words from her mouth. I went upstairs trying to prepare for the disaster I knew was going to be tomorrow.


I hope you liked it. Like I said I'll try uploading more from now on, but it would help if i said motivation. You know like vote,comment, like, maybe even fan. :D

Amanda love you guys XD

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