Chapter 5

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Hey guys I know l just uploaded yesterday but l thought l might as well go ahead and upload another today. I'm gonna add another winner either in this chap or the next shes MysticMagic37(katie/kat) so keep a look out for her.

Love ya Amanda


( the pic is of Nisha)

Recap and the students with the highest average are..........

On with the story

"Jade Knight and..."the principle says drawing out and.

" Oh come on just tell us!" some kidyells from the back.

" Wel we actually had a tie and becuse of that we decided for you guys just to have three teachers. They're Nisha and Andy Night.--" he didn't getto finish what he was going to say because Nisha and Andy started yelling.

"I have to work with him?" "I have to work with her?" They had yelled this simultaneously. The Principle smirked.

" I thought that how you would react. Yes you have to work with eachother but when we put your desks in here Jade will be sitting between the two of you."

They both turn to me pleading with their eyes. " Hey I don't have a problem with this it would be a good way for someone to start suckingup."l tell them. After l say this there pleading vanished replaced with mischeivioud smirks.

" We accept!" We all three said at the same time."

" Very good and you'll be paid for your services. You can follow me you three. The rest of you Mr, Sanches will lead you to the gym where when I'm finished these three will tell you the rules of their classroom." He said as a guy teacher comes in.

We walk behindthe Principlesilently. When we got to his office he sat down in his chair and motionedfor us tosit. When we were sitting he started to talk. "ok all you have to do is teach them but you willhave to schedul 2 days of te week to get together after school to make up your plans. You'll get paid of course. You guys can go to the gym now and tell the class your individualrules."

" So wait you brought us all the way down heere to tell us a couple of sentenses such a waist" I said. We just walked out and l followed them to wherel guessed the gym was. We hadn't talked and when we got there we peepedour head in the door. There was a bunch of quiet mumbles coming from everyone and I heard my name a couple of times before opening the door loudly and making a very dramatic entrence with Nishaand Alex following suite.

" Ok so l guess l'll start with my rules. You can cuss in front of me as long as it's not direacted at me l reallydon't care you'll probablyhere me yell one every once in a while. The only thing l don't approve of is when try stepping on me or talk whilel'm teaching trust me if l see one of you trying to do so tyou will deffinately regret it. Any questions?" I ask.

" I have one. Will you let us use our phones?" asked some girl from the back.

" I will let you ue your phons to an extent if it's getting out ll will band them and if l see you using one l will take it with no mursey!" I must admit l loved being in control but l'm just trying to scare the week ones see if any has enough balls to defy me that way l can watch out for them but so far they were all just being quiet and listening. " Is there any more questions" I ask?

" No." They all said.

" Okkie dokkie Nisha, Alex do you guys have any other rules to add." I said in a perkyvoice.

Nisha and Alex laughed a little before saying. " Nope thats it."

After this we decided for the rest of theday to be a free day as long asthey stayed in the gym they could do anything. We decided to plan some things out there was still half in hour before class was over so we had enough time to talk without rush.

" So what dayz are you free for us toget together" l asked?

" Any day's fine with me" replied Nisha.

" How about Saturdays for the up comingweek and Wednesday to look over how every ones doing or changes we need to make as well as frading papers." replied Alex. It was pretty good idea so l just nodded. Finally the bell rang and l grabbed my bag and ran side by side to Nisha out the door. We were the firstout and l could feelthe stares from behind.

" Finally lunch" l yellmaking everyone in the halls go quietand look at me. l had my hands in the air with my head raised. l just laughed andheaded to the cafeteria Nisha following in my steps when stepped the talking stopped everyone looking at me andthen the talking coming back in double the volume and speed. I heard my name being thrown around everyonce in a while but l ignored it and just walked to the line l was one of the only people in lne and for that lwas greatful. l grabbed two trays and started piling stuff on the both of them in this order. A salad, cheeseburger, slice of pizze, a apple, a bag of chips, a sub some fries and finally two doctor peppers before walking to where you paid. Without askng l gave her a 100 and walked away. Nisha was right behindme holding half the things l got but still more than average for a girl. l smiled knowing shewasn't one of the girls who worried about carbs. As l walked everyone had apparently thought that l was sharing the food with someone wow were they in for a urprise.Nisha had passed me by now nd led me to a table that set four people. She sat down on one side and motioned for me to sitacrossfrom her.

l sat then a guy on Nishas side of the table asked me " whos all the food for got a boyfriend aready or something."

" Nope no boyfriend this stuff is all mine." I said then started to stuff my face in the hamburger. Then woked my way down to where there was nothing left on my tray but empty plates, wrappers, and cups. Everyone was staring at me with there mouth opened and when l say everyone l mean everyone in the cafeteria. Before l yelled at them to take a picture it will last longer l felt someone behind me I turnedaround and standing there is...


Hey guys if you noticed l like leaving clif hangers. So who do you thinkit it ~.~? Like always comment, vote, fan. and Katie will be in the nextone.

Love ya Amanda

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