Chapter 6

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Ok guys I'm sorry for the long wait I kept writing it but then I would have to go and before I could save it, it ended up getting deleted. This whole thing hopefully will be good though I will try staying on top of it so I should start uploading a whole bunch faster no waits for this long any more I promise. I don't know if this chapter is gonna be that long it's really late here or technical terms realy early since it's now A.M not to mention christmas but we'll see vote,comment, or fan.



Standing behind me was a bleach blond girl with big boobs(totally fake), big baby blue eyes, and tan skin that you could only get if you went to the tanning bed once a week. Wowwww someone should really tell her she was going to get cancer if she keeps tanning like she does. I was already trying to find was trying to find ways to get rid of this girl she just reaked of slutty bitch.

" What can I do you for." I asked her.

" Ewww why would I want you to do me?" she asked in a too high nasely voice.

" Really? It's an expression meaning WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

" Oh! I just came over to give you a warning."

" Oh, and what would that be?"

" Stay away from my man."

" Who in the world would that be?"

" You know damn good in well who!"

" Oh, do I now? Then will you care to elaborate on what I'm supposed to know?"

" Alex, duhh"

" Oh for a second there I thought you were talking about the janitor." she stood there dumb founded then came up and whispered to me in a whisper so quiet but dripped with embarassment.

" How in the hell did you know?" I had a shocked expression on my face. I had no idea I was only being sarcastic. I quickly covered my shock with a poker face.(A.N I'm so tempted to break out in the song Poker Face by Lady Gaga.)

" I've got my ways, and unless you leave me the hell alone will be told to the whole intire school."

" Is that a threat?"

" Oh no trust me thats a promise!!" She sneers at me before walking away.

" Whoa what was that about?" Nisha asked.

" O what are you talking about that was a sweet little talk between a dear friend and I" I said she looked at me then laughed a little. I looked around the table and saw a girl I hadn't seen before she was asian and you could tell easily. She was looking at a manga book and I noticed the title was Vampire Knight. Ihad actually read this series and thought it was pretty awesome that someone else was reading it.

" Hey I'm Jade Knight who are you?" I ask her nicely.

" I'm Katie but call me Kat everyone else does."

" Cool I've read that Manga your reading I loved it."

" Really I'm on the last one who's your favorite Zero or Kaname?"

" Zero he's had it so much harder in life not to mention oh wait you havn't gotten there I'll just let you finish it and then I'll finish what I was going to say."

" Thank you I hate it when people give up the last part."

" Haha me too but alot of the times it's hard not to come clean to someone that keeps asking you alot of the time I'm pretty goo at not giving in but then there's sometimes where your dying to tell them it"

" Exactly."

" I think we're gonna be great friends, or mortal enemies. However I like the great friends one better."

" Hah yea me too."

" Ahh so my little Jade has met Kitty huh." Nisha interupted our convo.

" Don't call me that you know I hate that nickname!" she said glaring at her, but then smiled at her and the three of us started laughing.

" I was kind of afraid to let you guys meet eachother one of you is difficult. I mean sure I've only known Jade for a day but I can already tell your alot like my little kitty here." Nisha kept on going and when she said Kitty, Kat glared at her again. " I wonder what it's going to be like with both of you around one of you's hard enough wonder what it'll be like to have the both of you here."

" Hey, I'm not that bad." We said at the same time, and kept going in this pattern. " Jinx poke owe me a coke.", " Jinx times two owe me knew shoes.", " Jinx..." our little twin telepathy moment was interupted by Nisha.

" Sorry to break your twin moment but honestly I couldn't sand watchicng it any longer I just hoped I don't get ditched or become the third wheel." She said pretending to sniffel.

" Never." Once again with the telepathy, and we gave her a big hug.

" Oh so Jade Kat's the creative one of the table she writes and make movies. What about you." Nisha asks.

" Yea I write I was one of the best writers at my old school but I don't do movies I'd rather be behind the camera then infront of it. However I do draw a great drawer well on my opinion but I'd never have enough wits to really join art class or a program or maybe even show someone any of them." I reply.

" Guys we should start heading back to class." Kat said from behind Nisha. We both nodded and the three of us stood up with our trash and started walking to the trash can.

After throwing away our trash we started walking tiwards our next class which we luckily all shared. When we were rounding acorner I wasn't paying attention very much and I ran straight into something very hard. I fell down and hit my head on the hard floors. Before everything went black two thoughts ran through my head. 1)Not again,and 2) I would deffinately not be shocked if it was Alex.


Ok guys yea I know it's short but I really need to be going to bed I love all of you just for reading my book, but please,please,please,please will you vote, comment, and/or fan. ;^)<3Amanda

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