Chapter 10

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Hey guys I hope you like this next chapter and this is dedicated to SammyBatts because she took tie to actually post on my profille to upload and also as far as commenting goes I dont expect everybody too that is just rediculous but commenting does make me upload faster probably 10timesfaster. So if you do like the story which I hope you do and you want me to upload really fast then comment I mighteven upload again in the same day if I get enough comments. But anyways thanks to all of you readers who have been reading it sinse I first started this book as well as any new readers Ilove you all..... VOTE COMMENT LIKE OR EVENNNNNN FAN

Now I'll shut up and let you read.


Alex's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock balring rght in my ear. UGHHHi hate that stupid thing. Then Jades face popped into my mind and I jumped out of bed ready to see my mate. I pulled on some clothes that I were guessing were cleen on the floor I cheacked the smell first and when it smelled fine I pulled it on ( AN how many people do this in the morning? I really want to know) I ran into the bathroom and used it before looking at myself in the mirror. I  looked goodif I must say so myself. My hir had a shagginess to it that looked some what like bed hair but in a sexy way. I ran down stairs grabbing my bookbag and a peice of toast from my dad I ran out og the house with only a bye ilove you. I got into my car and sped to school not slowing down for anything.

When I got there I saw Jades huge truck already parked in the parking lot. I felt a smile taakeover my face and I jumped out of my car right when i put it in park and had mystuff in my hands.

I ran into see every one crowded a long the wall of the music room that was almost right at the entrance. Everyone was being quiet but I could hear an amazing voice coming from the music room I pushed passed people to get a glimpse of the person. I ended up in the music room to see a girl with blck hair palying the piano beautifully and singing along with it.

All I could see was her back.

" Wow." I said and her head immeditely turned to look at me. It was Jade I didn't know shecould sing. She saw me and then looked at everyone else standing behind me before blushing and running through a door I never noticed before I took off after her almost immediately.

" Wait Jade stop!!" I yelled running as fast as I couldwhich is really fast sinse I'm a werewolf. Yet somehow she was faster than me. I mean how could someone who is not a full werewolf still run faster than a werewolf.

" NO!" She yelled backher pace not slowing.

" JADEPLEASE STOP" Finally she slowed down and turned towards me.

" What?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

" Whyare you crying?" I asked.

" Because now every one knows how bad I am at singing they are going to make fun of me."

" What you think your singing is bad. It was the most beautiful thing I ever heard."

" You're lying." she stated tears starting to fall. Irubbed her tears awaywithmy finger.

" No I'm not. I'm serious you have the most amazing voice I've ever heard."

" Really?"

" Yep and I bet that everyone in the school would agree with me."

Moving across the country to find I'm not human, and I have a mate!Where stories live. Discover now