Chapter 4

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Dudes and dudettes! :( I'm sooooo sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time! I've just been very busy with 8th grade senior stuff and regents practice classes with I have to take -__- Life's not fair. And yes I'm 13 and taking regents in middle school cuz I'm smart like that ;P XD. And if you don't live in NY which is the only state with regents I think, consider yourselves lucky! And tomorrow's Awards Night, I hope i get a good award :D .....

Okay enough prattling about my life............

Here's chapter 4, ENJOY!!


Chapter 4

=Julissa's POV=

It's been like an hour since Teresa ditched Victoria and I for Brian. Not that we mind; we think they would make the cutest damn couple ever.

'Oh hells yeah, they do! Brian better knock her up in Hot Topic so I can get some wolf pups to devilize!' Victoria thinks.

'Word, Vicky! I want a little niece and nephew pronto.'

"I wonder what they're doing right now," I tell Victoria.

"Well, I feel no shaking, so it's not what I'm thinking," she winks. Ha, wow, Vicky was such a pervert at times, but you gotta love her.


I pulled out my phone and read the text I got. "Well, seems like I got the answer to my question," I smirk.

"Ooooo what does it say?" Vicky asks looking over my phone.

Teresa: @ Brian's, and shut the hell up if your thinking like the little pervs you are. yes the plural includes vic too -.- :p be back later <3

"Well, I'm offended by that false accusation," Vicky says sarcastically laughing.

I join her, shaking my head and texting back Teresa:

Julissa: well, we are hurt :p but one word: P R O T E C T I O N!! ahahahahahaha i will 'run away' now b4 you kick my ass lmfao

I close my phone and shove it into my back pocket and then GGRRGGGRGRG! I look down at my belly that just grumbled. "Why don't you just shut the fuck up? " I ask it. GRRGGGGRG! "Stop it, fatass, all you wanna do is stuff yourself with food," I scold it while slapping my belly.

"Julissa, why the hell are you talking to your stomach?" Victoria chuckled.

"Because it's my only friend. I was deciding to get lamb and rice just now with you, but then I decided screw it, my stomach would enjoy it more than you." I raise my hand to her face and start to playfully walk away towards the mall food court.

"C'mon, Mendez, don't bitch at me like that!"

I walk faster.

"Okay, okay! We'll get lamb and rice then, but Subway after," she surrenders. Yeah, we wolf girls can eat a lot and keep fit. Ch'yeah!

Even though Vicky finally agreed, I still walk faster, which turns into a jog just to piss her off, which is so fun. Hey, I may be 16, but everyone has a fun, little kid inside of them. Okay, not everyone. I was at the animal shelter yesterday and all the cute little kitten did to me from in its cage was raise its paw trying to claw me. These creatures nowadays, gosh!

I swerve slightly and see Victoria almost catching up with me. Shit, I turn my jog into a run and---


Wait, want that in capslock and italics for more emphasis? Fine.


The furthest that run gets me is smack face first into a hard wall, no, body. Ouch, gosh, this person really needed some softener before I got a bruise.

The person grabs my hips steadying me before I fall on flat on my ass and I'm  forever thankful to this person for preventing that embarrassment.

"Whoa, careful there," says a soft, deep voice. It's like ice-cream melting through my fingers. Or does the analogy involve chocolate? Ya know what, never mind.

Since the mysterious man doesn't let go of my hips, I rest my hands, since we were so close, against his well-built chest that I could feel through his shirt.

I look up to his face to say something, but I suddenly lose my words as I reach my destination. As soon as my eyes locked with his, everything around me disappears, somewhat like the way they did when I was prepared to take my nap during math class, but not quite exactly. Blackness was like taking over every spot except for his.

And then blackness took over everywhere.


Muahahaha cliffhanger! >: D

So whatcha think is gonna happen next? Who's this guy? Whatcha think Teresa and Brian are up to? What's up with Vicky and lamb and rice? Who's your fave POV so far out of the three girls?

Leave comments, vote, and fan, por favor!!!!!

<3 ;D

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