Chapter 17: Parte Uno

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I was walking a few blocks down the house until I saw a playground. It was vacant at this time of night. I went over and sat on a swing. I felt so lonely. I wanted to shift to my wolf form and run away into the forest.

As I considered doing the idea right then and there, I suddenly heard my name from behind, "Victoria?"

I twisted my head to see Steven approaching me. I was awestruck and my heart beated like a gazillion times faster. He sat on the swing beside me and whispered, "Hey. You know Drake didn't mean any of that."

"Sure he didn't," I murmured, mesmerized my Steven's presence.

"I know Drake and he didn't mean it," he told me sincerely.

"Whatever," my voice broke a bit even though it was barely above a whisper.

"Hey," Steven grabbed my hand. "Are you okay?" He tried to see my face, but I kept my head down. He put a finger under my chin and tried to pry it up, but I didn't budge. "Ya know, I didn't come after you to only tell you that."

I ignored him and lifted up my head. "Why did you come after me?" I whispered, my voice denting the silence of the night.

He smiled at me. "Well, if I didn't, you would have left, no?"

"Okay, maybe," I admitted guiltily. "But why do you care if I leave? We only met yesterday."

"I have my reasons," he said quietly. "So while we're both here, how about that walk and talk?"

I grinned a bit. "Sure, I'd love to."


Chapter 17: Part 1


Steven offered me a hand. "Shall we?"

I took it and he pulled me off. "We shall." We began to walk the perimeter of the huge park.

"So where were we before your milk brutally kept squirting into my face?" Steven joked.

I bit my lip and replied quietly. "That's what she said."

A smile broke across his face. "Shut up!"

"You started it," I defended myself.

"You have a dirty mind," he told me.

"You have a dirty mind for getting the joke," I pointed out.

"I'll give you th--- hey, don't get off subject!" he realized.

I looked at him innocently. "Subject? We're not in school."

He narrowed his eyes at me playfully. "If we were, you'd be a naughty little school girl."

"Ooooh, I'm so scared."

Steven sighed. "Anyways, now let's talk for real. Why are you here?"

"Because Drake..." I trailed off.

"No, I meant why are you here in Waukegan when you live in Chicago?" he clarified.

I looked down at my feet as walked. "Well, I kind of ran away," I admitted slowly.

I felt Steven's eyes boring into my side. "Why? What did your parents do?"

"I don't live with my parents."

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